Named for the visual resemblance of a scholar rock to protein structures, Scholar Rock is advancing innovative treatments where protein growth factors are fundamental. Over the past decade, we have created a pipeline with the potential to advance the standard of care for neuromuscular disease and other conditions where growth factor-targeted drugs can play a transformational role.

The internship between the first and second years of the award provides the scholars with hands-on, practical experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management, and education activities. Awards also include travel funds to attend a mandatory NOAA Scholarship Program orientation and the annual Science & Education Symposium, scientific conferences where students present their research, and a housing subsidy for scholars who do not reside at home during the summer internship.

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The GMS Program is more than just a scholarship. GMS offers Gates Millennium Scholars with Academic Empowerment (ACE) services to encourage academic excellence; mentoring services for academic and personal development; and an online resource center that provides internship, fellowship and scholarship information.

For over 100 years, IIE has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to providing threatened and displaced scholars with career- and life-saving support. As IIE marked its scholar rescue centennial in 2020, we recognize that the need to support academics facing threats to their lives and careers is greater than ever.

The Martin Luther King Scholar Program facilitates the students' pursuit of academic and personal success within a challenging developmental experience by fostering scholarly excellence, social justice service, and leadership development.

The Cottrell Scholar program honors and helps to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their potential for academic leadership.

The Cottrell Scholar (CS) program champions the very best early career teacher-scholars in chemistry, physics, and astronomy by providing significant discretionary awards for research. Nurturing an interdisciplinary community of outstanding scientific/educational/academic leaders, the CS program fosters synergy among faculty at major U.S. and Canadian research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions. Outstanding candidates are admitted to the ranks of Cottrell Scholars through a stringent peer-review process based on their innovative research proposals and educational programs. Cottrell Scholars engage in an annual networking event, providing them an opportunity to share insights and expertise through the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative.

The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented early career faculty in the chemical sciences. The Award, which requires an institutional nomination, is based on an independent body of scholarship attained in the early years of their appointment (see below), and a demonstrated commitment to education, signaling the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching. The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award provides an unrestricted research grant of $100,000.

The Foundation seeks Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars who, as independent faculty members, demonstrate leadership in original scholarly research of outstanding quality, as well as innovation in and dedication to education.

USIP's Peace Scholar Fellowship program awards non-residential fellowships to PhD candidates enrolled at U.S. universities who are writing doctoral dissertations on topics related to conflict management, peacebuilding and security studies. Since 1988, the program has supported the dissertations of 408 scholars, many of whom have gone on to distinguished careers in research, higher education, and policy making.

Work Plan. Provide a timetable indicating the schedule of completion for your dissertation. Indicate which portions of your work (research, data collection, analysis, writing, etc.) are already finished, and which tasks remain to be completed. Please be as realistic as possible, considering the work that can be completed during the course of the fellowship. The Institute expects scholars to complete work described in the timetable or as agreed in subsequent consultation with the program staff. (2,500 characters)

Some states offer favorable tax treatment to their residents only if they invest in the home state's own plan. Investors should consider before investing whether their or their designated beneficiary's home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program, such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors, and should consult their tax advisor.

Before investing in the Plan, investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses associated with the Plan's municipal fund securities. The Plan Description and Participation Agreement contains this and other information about the Plan, and may be obtained by asking your financial professional, by visiting or calling 866-529-SAVE (866-529-7283). Investors should read these documents carefully before investing.

Recipients of the Eisenhower Scholarship are awarded $44,000 per year (totaling $176,000 for four years of full-time study at Gettysburg College). Eisenhower Scholars must maintain a 3.0 GPA while at Gettysburg in order to keep the scholarship.

Awards in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program are viewed as among the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Candidates should be senior scholars and have a significant publication and teaching record.

The Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) Program brings together a network of junior scholars, professionals and mid-career applied researchers from the United States and other Western Hemisphere nations for a series of three seminar meetings and a Fulbright exchange experience. The Fulbright NEXUS Program is not accepting applications at this time.

Fulbright Flex Awards engages U.S. scholars currently unable to spend extended periods of time abroad. The Fulbright Program welcomes applications from scholars who propose multiple stays of one to three months in the host country over a period of two to three years.

The Fulbright Teaching English as a Foreign Language opportunities for scholars specializing in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and associated fields are also now presented in a worldwide context, enabling potential applicants to examine more than 50 different programs simultaneously, basing their choice of country programs in comparison to any others for which they qualify.

Fulbright Postdoctoral and Early Career Awards are designed for postdoctoral and early career academics, will offer opportunities in a range of countries and fields. These awards present an excellent opportunity for recently minted scholars to deepen their expertise, to acquire new skills, to work with additional resources and to make connections with others in their fields.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program provides grants to approximately 850 foreign scholars from over 100 countries to conduct post-doctoral research at U.S. institutions from an academic semester to a full academic year. Travel grants to accept guest lecturing invitations from other U.S. institutions may also be available to Fulbright Visiting Scholars already in the U.S. through the Occasional Lecturer Fund.

Fulbright NEXUS Program

The Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) Program brings together a network of junior scholars, professionals and mid-career applied researchers from the United States and other Western Hemisphere nations for a series of three seminar meetings and a Fulbright exchange experience.

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program

The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) Program enables U.S. colleges and universities to host foreign academics to lecture on a wide range of subject fields for a semester or academic year. Preference is given to institutions developing an international agenda and/or serving a minority audience, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges, small liberal arts colleges, and community colleges. Approximately 50 grants are awarded annually.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for Iraq

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for Iraq brings Iraqi scholars in selected fields to U.S. institutions for approximately three months of faculty development, research, and other guided study activities designed to equip them with knowledge and tools to build the capacity of universities in Iraq, and to advance the education of future generations of Iraqis.

Fulbright Vietnam Economics Teaching Program

The Fulbright Vietnam Economics Teaching Program provides funding for Vietnamese government and business officials to attend two years of study at the Fulbright School in Vietnam and acquire a Master of Arts in Public Policy or participate in a one-year program in Applied Economics.

Applying for the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in each country. If you are interested in applying, please contact the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your country of citizenship. See program details by countries for availability and contact information by country.

An investor's or a designated beneficiary's home state may offer state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state's qualified tuition program. Please consider this before investing. 006ab0faaa

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