To save your parking location so you can remember where your car is, open the Google Maps mobile app, tap the blue dot that indicates your location, and then tap Set as parking location (iPhone). In the Android version, you'll tap Save parking.

To share your real-time location with others in Google Maps, add the person's Gmail address to your Google Contacts, open the Google Maps app, tap your profile icon, and then select Location Sharing > New Share. Select how long you want to share your location, tap the person with whom you want to share, and then tap Share.

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I am using NitroPDF version It always wants to save a new PDF in the Documents folder where my earlier version of Nitro saved to the last used location. If I'm doing several prints, it gets very tedious to have to navigate back to the correct place.

My issue is kind of the opposite. I have Nitro Pro

Preferences/General has the "Default Location" checked. I follow the above to print to pdf and My Documents shows. Our department has a PDF folder we save everything to. I browse to that folder and set it. The first document will save to the PDF folder, however, any additional documents printed to pdf with revert to My Document and I have to manually browse to the PDF folder.

Also, I uncheck the "Open using default application after creation" and that will also be checked when printing each document.

We are normally printing Excel files to PDF.

The BAK file is actually the DWG file you opened. When you saved your DWG, the old BAK file is deleted. Then, the older DWG was renamed to be a BAK file. Finally the version you are saving will be saved as a new DWG file with the old name. If you want to use a BAK file, all you need to do is change the .BAK extension to be .DWG.

As an aside, if you have set BricsCAD to do autosaves, it will save the file as a .SV$ in what ever directory it is set to do this. (set by SAVEFILEPATH) Whenever you close a drawing, or exit BricsCAD gracefully (i.e. no crash) it will delete any SV$ files it created for the drawing. Like a BAK file, you just need to find the SV$ file, and rename the extension to DWG to use it.

My PC shut down while playing JTTSP, and when I returned, my save had been corrupted and to continue, I had to create a new save. I noticed that the first slot I used was now unable to be used, and now the third as well.

I do very basic/simple video editing and I have a specific folder in my Documents folder to where I'd like to save my projects and exported videos. But, every time I go to save a project it defaults to the user root location and I have to manually go to my desired folder. Is there a way to change the default location for saved projects and exported files? I looked for a Settings or Preferences function, but I can't seem to find anything where I can do this.

I often use Save-As to generate numbered versions of files (as backups, and so that when I discuss them with a client, we can refer to which version we are talking about). In the Save As dialog, it appears that AD defaults to the folder where I last saved anything. This is very tricky when working on files that lie in different folders. To me, the current behaviour is somehow unexpected, and I often accidentially store files in the wrong project's folder.

and because the behavior with this 'save as' problem i save many files in the wrong location. After that i begin to search the project files, because the path is not shown under recent files and i can't get the path with the 'save as' option.

It would be nice to be able just unpack package full of image files, open to Affinity Photo and save file and get it saved to "Affinity" directory after pointing in first save time. Then get export as well saved to "Export" directory after pointing the first time there.

I very often need to use the "expose in Finder" menu just to get my working folder so that I can drag it into the file-save dialog. (BTW, most Mac apps show the current folder when you right-click on the icon in the title bar - this would also be a useful thing that Affinity apps are currently lacking).

Oh!, please Affinity developers is a great mistake that save file be in last save o another file open. We need work in the same location, I was use Affinity since 1 years and lost and time many files find it because doesn't save in a same location. PLEASE RESOLVE IT!

we use projects folders and once a file has been saved to a folder the program needs to remember where that is for that file and of course for any save 'this file as' operation. Goes without saying really. Why do I have to find the correct location? The current way means I can have a single one click save to location? Come on...

is that so hard to put into the meta of a file? lastOpenedFromLocation = defaultSaveToLocation and not lastKnownSaveToLocation from any other file ...

We all have different workflows, I am a photographer mainly using AP and I prefer the way that the the save as & export works at the moment. I have a folder that contains my original raw images, I then create one for edited versions, I want all of my edited versions to be saved in this folder, currently Photo remembers that folder location. This is a good solution for when I am working in AP.

I appreciate the frustration for many users that need the original file location as the save location for their file, particularly when working in Designer or Publisher. Maybe a setting in the preferences panel for each app would be the best answer to keep everybody happy. This could be a choice under save location, as:

On Mac, this is actually a system function. Open/Save dialogs are provided by the OS. The OS also keeps track of last places and writes the location into the respective application's preferences file (*.plist).

The standard XML key to look for is "NSNavLastRootDirectory", that's the one provided by the MacOS.

For some reason though, Affinity apps also store their own last directories keys, named "com.seriflabs.opensave.panel.startupdir", "com.seriflabs.export.panel.startupdir" and possibly more as needed. I don't which preference key has more priority, but I'd assume "com.seriflabs.opensave.panel.startupdir" overrides "NSNavLastRootDirectory".

Ever since installing 2.2.0 when I exported g-code it defaulted to the SD card. Then one time I wanted to save it to the folder where the source file was located. Now every time I want to export g-code it defaults the the latter location. How do i set the default back to the SD card?

Thanks, Tim. What you say is what I expected, but it doesn't work. I've saved a dozen g-code files to the SD, but the default is still the old project file on the hard drive. That's why I put up this post.

Thanks, Tim! I tried that but no joy. I exported a file to the SD card and then left via File>Quit (No 'Exit' ), and the next time it went again to the wrong place. Actually I had never noticed the File>Quit route to leave, so I certainly didn't save the file that way to get the default set the wrong way. I have no memory of ever doing anything different when the default got reset. Export G-code>Save, and leave via the red X in the top right corner is the only way I have ever worked.

Seriously - that was all I did to make the app point to a new save location. But, trying it again and it isn't doing that now. So - I'm sort of back into your ball park now. No clue what I did. Quite sure I wasn't using the icon to save to SD. But now I'll need to go back and play to figure this out.

Okay - it seems linked to where you last saved a .3MF - or project. Save a project to the SD and the next save will point at the SD, including saving gcode. At least this is repeatable right now, this moment, today. Based on my experience, that might change this afternoon.

You might be able to do it with GPO on the windows side. The "Save to my device" folder just goes to a temp folder in the AppData for the user, so if you test and find that the location is always the same for every user, you could use that path instead of the straight up "Save to my device" shortcut.

Hello, I use Adobe Reader XI very frequently at my job. I save a lot of PDFs that are sent via email (Outlook desktop client). However, Adobe Reader XI's default save location is in my temporary files. Every single time I save a PDF - and I can get up to 100 a day - I have to go search for the folder I want to save them in. Is there any way at all to change the default save location so it's not in my temporary files? It's incredibly annoying and wastes a lot of my time.

Yeah, so this pretty much sucks then. I have the same issue and I spend a considerable amount of time changing the default save location to a drive that is backed-up, never mind a particular folder. Adobe needs to spend a few pennies to give us this feature.

I do have an Adobe PDF printer listed with my other printers. I was able to change the default save location to my document folder. I tested by closing the devices and printers folder then downloaded an adobe (.pdf) file from the web. I and then proceeded to save the doc. The default folder to save to, is my document folder, which is where I wanted the default to be. For me, this was the solution that worked for me. Thank you nelsb68561879, for posting this solution. e24fc04721

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