Local authorities and multi-academy trusts will be able to view and download test results in the same formats available to schools. They can choose to download results for all their schools and academies as either a combined file or by selecting the individual school or academy from a pre-populated list.

The later date for return of results means we can extend the deadline for schools to upload KS2 teacher assessment data on the Primary Assessment Gateway to Friday 30 June, giving schools and local authorities more time to check and submit this data. Note the deadline for submission of key stage 1 teacher assessment data has not changed and will remain Tuesday 27 June.

Download Sats Results

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Schools should note this change will also impact on the processes which follow return of results in 2023. The window for schools to submit marking reviews will move back by one week to Friday 21 July, and the date the Department launches the checking exercise for school performance data will also move back to Monday 11 September.

We have done everything possible to limit the extent of this delay and appreciate a later date for return of results has a significant impact on schools. We understand this impact may be greater where summer holidays commence earlier in July, or where schools have events booked in the week results will now be returned. We regret the inconvenience this change will cause schools. We expect to return to the usual timings in 2024.

This year, the threshold was set at a lower raw score than in 2022, meaning the 2023 paper was more difficult than the previous year. However, this is not the lowest the threshold has been since 2016. This process makes sure that results reflect standards consistently, even though the difficulty of the tests varies each year.

In addition to the KS2 SATs results, your child will also get teacher assessment results for reading, writing, mathematics and science. You may see some codes that you are unfamiliar with on this report, but the main ones you can expect to see are:

Hello. I am new on this site, I have been a browser for quite a while but never needed an account until now.

I am very frustrated with my DD school. I rang the school a few days after the SATs results came out to ask my DD results, they said something about collating the results and not giving them out until the following Monday. 

My daughter returned home from school without the results and stated that the teacher had spoken to her about her results, but she did not state whether or not she passed, DD left very confused and anxious. 

I called the school again and they refused to tell me DD results over the phone, the person claiming 'they did not have the information personally' but the results would be sent out in the post that week (last week). 

Today i STILL do not have the results. This mornings post came with Mondays dates, nothing from the school. I rang the school once again and once again they are refusing to give me the results stating that they dont give results over the phone only post.

Absolute farce, the other parents are in the same position I am but parents with children in other schools have had their results almost two weeks.

Ia this even legal? If anyone can make a suggestion it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

We got SATS results on the report at the end of term.

They aren't really for the child but a result for the school.

Why are you so bothered?

I don't think I've ever heard a parent bothered or so eager to find out results. This might be the parents I've known though and our area.

@Estherbr both my DD and I were keen to see the results, our school 'teased' them a little it felt. They had the results in school on 5th July and suggested the children would get the results on the 7th, then the 9th with school reports but eventually sent them out on 10th (so we have had them over a week). I don't know many local schools here that haven't released them yet. 

Everyone in our area was keen to find out, the children and teachers worked hard for them and spent a week being examined so I think it is understandable. 

I don't see any reason why they would withhold them - do you have a report before Friday? I think it would be a weak leadership team that sent them out on the last day of term knowing they would not be in school to answer questions.

Maybe time to ask in writing to the head teacher whether the SATs results will be released to parents before the end of term. At least they will have to respond to that. 

There is no logical reason not to send the information out unless they are putting the results together with other information they are sending out to parents of year 6. Failing that you do have to wonder whether there is a reason why they are not giving them out till the last minute.

Our school gives them out in the last couple of days of term. This gives parents a chance to talk to parents if really necessary and a chance for staff to collate data before giving them out. The results are more for the school than anything else they really aren't important and there is no rush for what they say as unlike GCSEs or A Levels they don't determine whether or not you can move to the next step in education!!

I know DS1's school queried some of the SATs marking, but even with that they released the results last Thursday. It may be they are sending them as part of the end of year report, but they should just have told you that in the first place. I'd do as admission has advised and see what happens.

There isn't any data to collate that would delay a school giving out the results. Even transferring them to a reporting sheet would take an hour per class - tops. 

It is a statutory requirement to report them before the end of term.

I expect we will get ours tomorrow with the school reports. Is there a particular reason/worry you need your results early? I do not think there is any law/legal ruling to say when schools must give them out.

A school I go to had their results witheld due to allegations of cheating. They had been cheating and a TA had reported it. The year sixes were never given their results and the head and the deputy were suspended and eventually fired.

None of the local primary schools to me give out SATs results. Theyre not intended to be for parents theyre for evaluation of the teaching at the school although most other schools do give out results in some form or other it seems. 

I've never received any for my children. Is there a specific reason you feel that you need them? Do you feel that they would highlight an issue you've not been informed about? Are you concerned about your childs progress?

If your school is a state school, they have no choice - reporting the test results is a statutory requirement.

None of the local primary schools to me give out SATs results.

Simply not true, I'm afraid, unless they're all private schools.

Reinette, just to be clear - you have had multiple children go through Y6 and have never received SATs results?

Or are you referring to other school years? Other years may do what used to be called 'Optional SATs' [no longer valid or appropriate due to the changes in the curriculum], or other end of year tests, and such results didn't have to be, and IME weren't, given out to parents. 

However Y6 is different, as PP have said.

Our local school (an academy) doesn't give out individual results to all pupils, we had results for year six as a whole but only parents whos children achieved exceptional results were given their individual marks.

IME schools that give out Sat results on the last day of term do so because they don't want the parents to have a chance to bring it up with school. 

I think that's what's happening here. Some of the results are bad so they're delaying the results so you can't speak to school about it.

I've been asking our school for the overall ks2 says results but so far have not been given answer... our child is not in yr6 but I am interested because last year overall it was before half of national average so I am seeking reassurance they have improved. We have other concerns about the school too.. So far I have been told the overall result is not yet available. This must be total BS.

I don't think - I am willing to be corrected - that there is a statutory requirement to report whole school results to parents, although most schools do as a matter of routine.

If multiple papers are being queried, which could affect the whole school result significantly (in smaller schools, each pupil can be a substantial %), then I can see that the school might choose not to release overall school levels until the remarks have been completed. 

I don't know if there is a final date by which all results are published - must be some point the following year, as that is when league tables etc are released.

Parents do not get their child's KS2 SATs results on a particular day that's 'set in stone' by the government. Instead, parents get their children's SATs results soon after their school is made aware of them in early July 2024.

Your child's school will want to first check their entire Year 6 SATs results to ensure that there are no marking or administrative errors. They may also want to appeal some exam results if they feel a particular child hasn't performed as expected or if there any other potential anomalies.

It's most likely that your child will receive an 'end of year report' (or similar) around the week commencing 17th July 2024 and within it will be a page detailing their 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs results. There may also be a brief explanation of what they mean, helping parents interpret them.

Arguably the most important reason for KS2 SATs is that the results can be grouped anonymously across an entire school, city or region to allow local authorities and the government to make comparisons. e24fc04721

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