As some of you may know, Rush Rally 3 was originally a console-quality phone game that was ported onto the Switch at the end of last year. It's a rally racing game with nice (not brilliant) graphics (especially in handheld), brilliant gameplay (the cars feel great) and very customisable in basically all ways (if you want a serious challenge or casual play, you are catered for). The career mode is also very fun, and it's a constant 60FPS and has tons of courses, locations and weather options (and day and nighttime too). Apparently more courses and cars are planned too.

EDIT: I played WRC10 a lot more and i'm taking a step back and say that RR3 is the superior game, WRC10 has more problems than just the graphics. If you want a rally game get RR3, if you want a racing game get Wreckfest

Download Rush Rally 3 Full Version


Being a rally fanatic like I am, I decided after watching some WRC action to grab a rally game for the Switch, knowing a priori that the system lacks anything outstanding but still, and having nowhere else to play on, went for it. And TL:DR there's Rush Rally 3 and WRC 10 (8 and 9 are just the same game with some "improvements") the rest are extremely arcade games.

Car list, nothing official obviously, but the models are based on real cars and after a car name change (you can change the car names, cleaver dev) its basically the real car. There's even some cars never shown in other games, like the Citroen Saxo Cup (this one was in V-rally for the ps2 and CM 2004 and 2005, but yeah) and his older brother the Peugeot 106 GTI, and even a Skyline R34 GTR rally version for example. Pretty good list

5 game modes: Championship mode (career mode), Single Rally, Single stage, Rally Cross and Skill Games (which is a series of challenges like for example, go from point A to B with traffic, cool stuff) The career mode is very simple, there's a event with a car class restriction some variable and is just rallying on different stages.

Car customization is good, i mean really good, there's a upgrade system like the ones from Forza or Gran Turismo series, even car classes. You can tune pretty much anything you would want in a rally game, and even a livery editor! Disappointingly even with all upgrades the cars never reach Group B levels of performance, not even in the Group B inspired cars...weird...maybe the game engine can't handle the speed, who knows. Also using the livery editor with a controller is impossible, the only way is to go handheld and use touch - in fact all UI is a mess in this game -

There's a lot of locations / stages and rally cross tracks, and here's the first problem with RR3, the stages are very very bland, all feel the same with different colors, some locations change the props at the side of the road, but other than that is just color swaps. In regards to the actually stage layouts RR3 goes for a more Colin Mcrae 2.0 kinda of stage, very wide roads with no technical parts what so ever, I'm yet to find a 90 turn, the pace note says Square left/right, but is still a 90 curve, not a T section, if you know what i mean. The stages are short (apart from the Pikes Pike one) at first I was disappointed by the length, but after realizing all stages are the same but with the turns in different order i kinda like them being so short (like 2m/3m stages at most).

The game have damage from crashing, mechanical damage and tire wear, oh god the tire wear... The crashing damage usually will brake your wheels, making the car almost undrivable, mechanical damage, is weird, its damage over time or over % stage done, in other words, you'll have mechanical damage even if you drive like a grandma. It's not good, i mean, whats the point of driving conservatively if I'm gonna get the car damaged anyway? you could argue that yes cars get damaged over the course of a stage, and that's true, but if you drive a rally car over a stage at 15km/h you probably wont damage anything else than your sanity. And tire wear... there's no tire selection, but there's tire wear, whats the point? the tires get damaged way more that the rest of the car, which usually means you'll spend much of your repair time on the tires...and neglect the rest, because you can't spend more than the time allowed. IRL you can spend all the time you need after the "allowed" time, it will add to your overall rally time thought. At first is a amazing thing to see "wow the game has mechanical damage and tire wear too?!! impressive" to then became "yeah, its more of those quantity over quality situations". i hope in RR4 the dev reworks this system.

The game modes are what to expect from the WRC series a very deep career mode, its basically Rally Manager and its AMAZING! if you're into that that is, there's no other racing game with this type of managing sim, i love it, but i can see is not for everyone. Starting in the Junior class and working your way up the ladder until you get to WRC is pretty cool. You can be a driver to a existing team or even create your own. There's then the usually single rally / stage and anniversary challenges, which is basically a normal stage with some variables to change things up.

Visually, I'm going straight to the point, looks bad really really bad. The port was very rushed, they could've used a lot of techniques to help the extremely outdated Switch hardware, but they went for the "lower everything until stable 30fps" and yeah, looks like those shitty minecraft clones in lower settings. Still huge background areas but completely desolated... if you stop to look at it, you'll regret your life decisions that lead to that moment. Fortunately this is a type of game where you don't stop much to look around, and in actually gameplay, when on the flow, it doesn't look that bad to be honest.

Stages, WRC wins, by a solar system. Every stage is a blast to drive, some are fast, others demands a perfect harmony with the car. Is way more technical driving and requires a lot of mastery over both the car and the terrain. WRC 10 has the best rally stages to date. The only competitor it has in this department is RBR and that is thanks to the absolute quantity of quality stages the community has modded in the game. They are a master piece

Conclusion: If you want a more pick up and play for short bursts of playtime, then RR3 can be your game, for a game developed only by one dev and the price it asks, it's a amazing addition to your Switch library, it has problems sure and some features are there to have more features, but is still a competent rally experience. On the other hand if you want something more "hardcore", more serious and can digest the graphics, WRC 10 is the game to pick, but be warned that it requires some setup, the controls are dog shit of the bat and you need to make peace with the performance (and burn your retinas also helps).

Get ready to experience the full spectrum of rally racing, from genre roots to its modern evolution! Rush Rally Collection bundles acclaimed indie racer Rush Rally 3 with the updated and definitive version of Rush Rally Origins. This special 2-in-1 release brings with it more than 15 years of racing game development experience, all focused on making Rush Rally Collection a victory lap for fans of the genre and newcomers alike!

In Rush Rally 3, dynamic 3D racing takes center stage with modern chase cams and cockpit views, combining the realism of a sim with the approachable mechanics and intuitive interface of an arcade racer. With a wealth of single-player content including its robust career mode, single race options and even metal-to-metal rally cross, Rush Rally 3 offers a wide range of events to satisfy even the hungriest drivers. Push your skills to the limit against real-time vehicle damage that impacts handling. Enjoy 60 FPS racing at night or day in the rain or snow, and explore more than 72 unique stages, each with different surface types.

Get ready to experience the full spectrum of rally racing, from genre roots to its modern evolution! Rush Rally Collection bundles acclaimed indie racer Rush Rally 3 with the updated and definitive version of Rush Rally Origins.

It is, however, a much-simplified gameplay experience compared to its stablemate. There are three modes: Time Trial (complete with ghosts), Championship where you complete several series of rallies across various countries, and Race, which sees close contact racing action where six cars play out on the same rally stages.

Rush Rally Origins offers three separate game modes, Time Trial, Championship, and Race. The Race mode is perfect for a quick match against the AI, Championship requires you to complete multiple races in a row against the AI, and Time Trial is precisely that, a timed solo racing mode. The more you race, the more you can upgrade your vehicles. You'll also unlock new cars and tracks the more you race, so racing is indeed the key to success. The thing is, this is a proper rally game, and by that, I mean it's challenging. You will have to race repeatedly just to earn the upgrades needed to advance, but since this is a premium game, the grind is evenly paced.

All in all, Rush Rally Origins is a surprisingly polished racer that should please any rally racing fan. It's a rare day when we see quality premium games released on the Play Store, especially content designed to appeal to the hardcore. Mark my words, Rush Rally Origins will take plenty of practice to master, so if you've been looking for an enjoyable racing game that won't break the bank while providing hours of fun that demands skill to advance, then look no further than Rush Rally Origins.

Oops, I was meant to be giving directions. Welcome to Rush Rally 3! A rally driving game on Switch made by a single person Indie team called Brownmonster Limited. This is not the official rally game but who needs that, when you can race against Sebastien Lube and Marcus Groanholm instead? 2351a5e196

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