Crystal Runtimes are components that are necessary for any software which uses or distributes Crystal Reports to function properly. There are various versions of Crystal runtimes, and each version of Crystal Reports has a different associated runtime. Our software, Crystal Reports Distributor (or CRD for short), is one such product which requires that runtimes be installed on the machine where the software resides.

In trying to fix the external reporting application I removed Crystal Reports Runtime v11 and the LEM Reporting tool. Now I've tried the original installer from the All-In-One bundle and even downloaded the 6.4.0 so called ReportsandCrystal.exe installer. No matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall this the crystal reports runtime never shows up installed at all now. Does anyone understand why the crystal reports runtime won't install now? The installer even says it's task is to install crystal reports runtime but it never installs... I look in programs and features and it's just NOT THERE!

Download Runtime Crystal Reports

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Learn how to download & install Crystal Report Runtime in this Tutorial. The SAP Crystal Report is the reporting tool that is used to design reports both in web and desktop environments. The Sap Crystal report has gone through name changes quite a few times, and the current version is named SAP Crystal Reports, a developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. The last known name for the product was SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010. You can go to Crystal Report Runtime download link and skip the introduction.

Choose the appropriate version of the report that i.e. 64bit or 32bit depending on your application. Download the runtime from the above link and save it to a folder on your hard disk. Unzip the content.


 I have a question. I am trying to install crystal reports run time .msi file. How ever it installs by default in c drive

 I have already installed crystal reports designer and server in d drive .

 Is it possible to install the crystal report runtime in the location in d drive rather than installing it by default in c drive programa files SAPBUSINESSOBJECTS folder ?

helped I have installed the last version of crystal report when I want to create a report viewer in the form issue tells me that crystaldecisions.shared version=

 I have the latest framework installed

 and crystal runtime the same version of crystal report

 I have tried all thing but nothing solved


I have Crystal Report V-12.0.2000.0 installed on my Windows-10 development machine, which were working good along with my VS-2010 till I have updated my Windows-10 to its latest version (20H2).

 It is not throwing any error however reports are not showing.

 Could you please help me out here? Thanks in advance.

This question says we can install multiple Crystal Reports runtimes without issues, but it's too old and I'm wondering if things have changed since then. Especially since my existing application targerts .NET framework 2.0 and the new one will target .NET Framework 4.7.1

As I understand, the .NET CLR 2.0 is no longer supported by Crystal Reports (see this document, page 9). My existing application uses that runtime and I can not update it right now, thus I need to make sure that installing the new Crystal Reports runtime (the one on SP22) will not break that application.

Our web application used the old Crystal Reports XI Rel 2 activeX to render the reports called from classic ASP. We would like now to have it run alongside the new Crystal Reports 13 run time to render reports called from ASP.NET.

We installed the exe found in -7824 (support pack 3). On our dev machines (windows XP) everything went alright, and we were able to design and render reports in both technologies. We tried to deploy it today to a client's server (Windows Server 2008 64 bit) and it obviously didn't work.

I have the same error - reboot didnt help.Installed SAP Crystal Reports runtime on Win7 but got several errors registering components during installation - think that is the cause of the problem.

I tried to clean up a bit the other day and uninstalled Crystal Reports runtime from Programs and Features, since that legacy report functionality was finally removed in CWA 2020. I also enabled the new Report Center plugin. Within 10 minutes everyone crashed out of Automate and the web site showed error "Access denied for user 'wcc_LabTech_1'@'localhost' (using password: YES)". Ended up just restoring from backup.

Support wrote that night that Crystal is no longer required but then emailed an hour later saying, "I need to double-check on Crystal Reports. It isn't listed as a requirement but I'm having problems on my Test Server after uninstalling it." The tech didn't specify the problems. They later updated "I'm almost certain the issue was caused by uninstalling Crystal Report runtime."

then I try to install Crystal Report For Visual Studio 13 SP28 (already have visual studio 2015 installed), it can running normally, but at the end of the page, it prompt me to install 64-bit crystal report runtime (it's a check box), I checked, and click "finish" button, still no any response, it just show busy!

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 web/app server with 'Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (32-bit)' which is used for running reports and printing. Every so often users can't run reports or print and an IIS restart resolves it temporarily. I'd like the narrow this down to CR as the culprit by restarting only CR when the issues exist but I see no way to do so. There's no CR service, process, anything I can find to try restarting.

The run time is just that. It only is doing anything when requested, there is no service, or anything else, it only becomes active when called from something else. We use both the 32 bit and the 64 bit run time ( every day for hundreds of reports with no issues that are traceable to the run time, except when some strange parameters get passed to the report, then the run time might error, but otherwise no issues. You might want to attempt a regression to the version we are using, and see if that solves your problems. If not, I would look at your IIS applications that are starting the run time, as there might be an issue there where improperly formed requests are occasionally issued to the Crystal Run Time.

Thank you. I also discovered that the runtime engine has a limit of 75 jobs by default and you can edit the registry (PrintJobLimit) to increase it. I'm wondering though, is this a limit on how many jobs can run at once, or is it a limit on how many jobs can run overall? I'm guessing it's for how many can run at once, because 75 would be exhausted pretty quickly and I see no mention of the count ever starting over.

I'm sure it's for the maximum instances of reports that can be run at the same time. For us this is would rarely be an issue as our reports are not run from a single instance of the run-time. Each user has their own copy of the run-time, and they use that, by definition they can only use a single report (but it may have subreports) at a time. The worst case of this for us anyway, is a report with 12 subreports, so 13 instances open at once, well within the 75. If all your reports are being started via one IIS server, you might want to up that number to 200 or better, or install a second IIS server and have the requests 'load balance' between the two.

#4. Deployment package for a ClickOnce Deploy package configured in Visual Studio, See VS help for more info. There is a link in the xml file included where to get the runtime MSI packages from, our download page or if you want to host your own file from your download page.

Crystal Reports is a popular reporting tool that enables developers to create visually appealing, interactive reports for various applications. To run Crystal Reports within an application, the Crystal Report Runtime must be installed, as it contains the necessary libraries and components for report generation. This article provides a step-by-step guide to downloading and installing Crystal Report Runtime, ensuring seamless integration with your applications.

On a side note, 3D printing and Crystal Report Runtime may seem unrelated at first, but they can actually be connected through their role in data visualization and reporting. Crystal Report Runtime, a reporting tool, allows users to generate and present data in a structured and visually appealing format. This data can come from various sources, such as databases or spreadsheets. Now, imagine leveraging the power of Crystal Report Runtime to present data related to 3D printing processes and results. By integrating Crystal Report Runtime with large 3D printing systems, users can generate comprehensive reports that capture important metrics, such as print times, material usage, and quality measurements. These reports can offer valuable insights for quality control, process optimization, and decision-making in the field of 3D printing. Thus, the combination of 3D printing and Crystal Report Runtime enables a holistic approach to data visualization and analysis, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of 3D printing operations.


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 RE: how to change datasource at runtime if the crystal report is in ADO SpiderRick (Programmer)11 Oct 03 20:20I'm in the same boat here. But let me say it like this. I'm using an ADO OLEDB connection to an Access200 database. Now can't the report always look for the database in the same directory that the application is in. For Example in VB6 I connect to the database using "app.path" and no matter where they install it, the application finds the Database file. But how can I do that with my embedded Crystal Report? RE: how to change datasource at runtime if the crystal report is in ADO FVTrainer (Instructor)11 Oct 03 22:16First, please clarify a few things:

1) Are you in control of the vb code?

2) What version of Crystal are you using?

3) When you say embedded CRs, do you mean that you are using CRAXDDRT.DLL (i.e., the Designer and Runtime Library, as opposed to CRAXDRT, the Runtime library)? Or do you simply mean that the report is a part of your application, and the rpt files reside in your App directory?

If you are using an OLEDB connection and an external rpt file, you should be able to go into Crystal Reports and choose Database | Set Location, select the table and remove the reference to the file path, just leaving the mdb file name as the setting. Once you save the report it should look for the mdb database in the same directory as the report. If it can't find it at runtime, the logon will fail and you will get an error message (in CR, it will ask for logon info, but in VB it just fails).

But is that really what you want to do? RE: how to change datasource at runtime if the crystal report is in ADO SpiderRick (Programmer)11 Oct 03 22:52Ok, let me clarify,

I'm in control of the VB6 code.

The VB6 Application has an ADO connection string for the VB forms.

That string always uses the app.path to find the database.

This is an application installed from a CD, so it could be installed anywhere or moved anywhere as long as the VB App is in the same folder as the .mdb it will work.

I want my "CRAXDRT.dll" to do the same.

What I'm doing is creating the Report in Crystal Enterprise as a .rpt file. then within VB I choose Add CR9, and create a .dsr within a form. All works fine, the 3 week investigation of the necessary .dlls this app needs is now working. the MDAC and DCOM98 are conditionally installed silently. All is underway except Crystal ADO connection string alowing me to use a constant lke "app.path" or "CurDir" to find the .mdb file.

Any help or coments on any item I mentioned here would be appreciated. RE: how to change datasource at runtime if the crystal report is in ADO FVTrainer (Instructor)11 Oct 03 23:46So, when you create the dsr, you're using the existing report you created in CE, correct? 

If so, here is a set of code, all related to a single form that contains the crystal viewer, that gets an instance of a dsr report and then resets the LogonServerName property of that report to the current app path and specific mdb file used by the report:

Option Explicit

Dim Report As New CrystalReport1

Const cMDBFileName As String = "xtreme.mdb"

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim crTable As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable

Set crTable = Report.Database.Tables.Item(1)

crTable.SetLogOnInfo App.Path & "\" & cMDBFileName

'For Each crTable In Report.Database.Tables

' Debug.Print crTable.Name

' Debug.Print "original server location: " & crTable.LogOnServerName

' crTable.SetLogOnInfo App.Path & "\" & cMDBFileName

' Debug.Print "new server location: " & crTable.LogOnServerName


Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report


Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

Me.WindowState = 2

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

CRViewer1.Top = 0

CRViewer1.Left = 0

CRViewer1.Height = ScaleHeight

CRViewer1.Width = ScaleWidth

End Sub


You'll notice that originally I looped through each table and did the SetLogonInfo method, but then discovered that using this method on the first table automatically updated all the tables. 

The original report was designed against an Access mdb located in a different directory. That was then deleted and a copy placed in the vb app's directory. I then brought the report into the app by creating a dsr using the report as the basis. If I have understood your problem properly, this models it pretty closely. If not, let me know what I've missed. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.

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