In addition to defense in depth, this feature can be used to enforce role-based permissions by preventing users with a developer role from accessing a live database. It also guarantees that users who are removed from a site team or Workspace can no longer use a saved set of credentials.

Here's my setup. I am developing a CRM/training management application using Access through Office 2016 Pro. Until recently I had been giving access to this database to several other employees who only have Office H&B + Access Runtime installed since I'm the only one doing development of this solution and others are only manipulating data. The mandate came from the head of IT that all users needed to have Access installed to use this database and all research I did on the subject seemed to say the opposite. Can someone who has knowledge of this type of use case provide some clarification?

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An addendum to this solution is that I had this same solution on a Server 2016 system running Windows RemoteApp and shared this database using Access Runtime through a RemoteApp session to offsite users and it worked fine. IF the RemoteApp client access sessions are licensed properly does the server also need to have full Microsoft Access or is it ok to use Access Runtime?

I'm developing both the front end and back end in separate files, both are Access. The front end accesses the back end using linked tables. My intention is to very soon go to SQL express or some other similar solution. I don't intend for this solution to remain Access forever and right now the user base is small (~25) with infrequent access.

There isn't any licensing for Access Runtime on any platform. You can freely deploy Access Runtime to as many users as you want. The only licensing cost is for the full version to do the development. Remote App which is RDS and does require a license for each user / device that is accessing the service. I think the last time I bought those license it was roughly $60 per device. The other requirement is the desktop OS needs to be Pro to setup RemoteApp.

You can have 500 users accessing the SQL Express database using the Access Runtime front-end application. The user access limitation to Access would be if you were using it as the database back-end, also. The limitation with SQL Express is lack of modules and a limitation of 10gb max database size.

So I'm working on an augmented reality mobile app, it's real basic, I just want to see monitoring wells in place. Anyway I am using my monitoring well dataset in AGOL and I am having trouble accessing the data, below is the C# code that is attempting to access the data.

The usual way to do this is for the developer to ensure that every potential script and functionality of the application was executed at least once as per the normal expected usage of the application. This would then identify the necessary Cross-Scripting permissions that should be added to the application. In the case in which the Runtime Access Tracking application is set to Tracking on the source during development, when any functionality occurs that requires cross-scraping permissions, an appropriate Cross-Scope scripting record is created which will allow this access. In the case in which the application has the Runtime Access Tracking afield set to Enforcing, each access requiring these cross scope privileges will not be allowed but a record will be created in the Cross Scope Privileges table with a type of Requested. The Developer would then review these records and determine if this operating requiring cross-scope access should be allowed, and may then either select Denied or Allowed as appropriate for the operation.

Important Note: After the application is published, unless the Runtime Tracking Access field is set to None, the system will only allow runtime requests to execute that have a valid cross-scope privilege record on the instance.

Alternatively, the Runtime Tracking Access field on the source instance application could be set to "None", the application republished and then reinstalled with the newest version on the target instances. However, this should only be done if this setting was inadvertent and these Cross Scope access controls at the scope level will not be needed for the application. This is usually only recommended for scoped applications that might be specific to a small environment and not intended to be distributed to multiple environments or published to the ServiceNow Store.

Before your Service Fabric application can make use of a managed identity, permissions must be granted to the Azure Resources it needs to authenticate with.The following commands grant access to an Azure Resource:

A Service Fabric cluster is single tenant by design and hosted applications are considered trusted. Applications are, therefore, granted access to the Service Fabric runtime, which manifests in different forms, some of which are: environment variables pointing to file paths on the host corresponding to application and Fabric files, host paths mounted with write access onto container workloads, an inter-process communication endpoint which accepts application-specific requests, and the client certificate which Fabric expects the application to use to authenticate itself.

Edit: This makes sure you never try to access something from an array that has no members. Now, your actual problem is that the array is empty in the first place and you need to look into whatever code that adds objects to the array.

I like the idea of turning TypeVarLikes into essentially a descriptor on the generic and making the bound value easily accessible, although I think the change would have to be on the original generic base class and not just the GenericAlias.

Just going to drop how Kotlin handles needing to know if a type param should be used at runtime Inline functions | Kotlin Documentation. It has a reified keyword (which would probably need to be soft) which could indicate that a type/function requires subscription before being called.

It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the 

built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own. 

Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in 

older versions they are not in 2007.


Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP

Email (as appropriate) to...

RBrandt at Hunter dot com


> It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the

> built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own.

> Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in

> older versions they are not in 2007.

Actually, right click menus in 2007 can be created with macros. I think for

new users, they likely find using a macro is less learning then building

right click menus in previous versions of ms-access.For 2007, you go just crate a menu macro as:Macro Name Action Command

Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection

Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection

Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSortSave the above as a macro called MyMenuNow, create a macro that calls the above menu macro:eg:

Action Menu Name Menu Macro name Status Bar text

AddMenu MyRightClick MyMenu My Editsave the above macro as say mEditThen, in the forms property sheet, in the "other" table, simply set the

shortcut menu as mEditYou are done!That form will now have filtering in the runtime.So we only written 4 lines of macro code, and we have a filtering "right 

click" context menu. I think most new users did struggle with the old menu 

customize feature, especially when trying to build a right menu. So, perhaps 

the old system was easier for some, but hey, the above is not a too hard of 

an solution...And, for adding cut + paste to the above, we could go:Macro Name Action Command

Cut RunCommand Cut

Copy RunCommand Copy

Paste RunCommand Paste

Filter by Selection RunCommand FilterBySelection

Filter By Not Selection RunCommand FilterExcludingSelection

Remove Filter Runcommand RemoveFilterSort


Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)

Edmonton, Alberta Canada

The menu I'm talking about, just to be clear, is located in 'full' access by going to Home - Filters and Sorts - big Filter button, which will toggle the FiltersMenu on the currently selected field.I know the menu exists in run-time, as I've create a menu bar with the button and it works exactly as it should. The only problem is that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a macro that does the same. Any help on that matter would be greatly appreciated!Albert D. Kallal wrote:Re: Please help: Can not "Filter" forms in Runtime, only in Full Acces


non-porfit. When developing applications in Full Access, I can filter forms

by right-clicking a control, but in runtime the users can not filter. Has

this feature been disabled? Can I enable it? How? (One solution is out of the

It is not that "filtering" is disabled in the runtime, it is that the

built-in right-click menus are. You have to provide your own.

Unfortunately while custom right-click menus were trivial to create in

older versions they are not in 2007.

Hello, I have an issue when my character (Marine) is killed. A Blueprint Runtime Error Attempted to access AudioComponent_2 via property WeaponFireSound is shown. I even tried the suggestions provided in the lecture but I could not fix it. One of the suggestions fixed the issue of the runtime error but then another issue appeared. The other issue was that after my character got killed, the sound of the weapon firing did not stop. Thank you

Hi, unfortunately I have not reached any information on the following topic: if I have the latest version of MS Office Professional (including MS Access), e.g. 2021, do I have the right to distribute MS Access applications on older freely available runtime (i.e. from version 2007)? Best regards. Jaroslaw e24fc04721

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