I am setting up my Macbook Pro for Rails dev. In the past I had Vagrant set up on my desktop running Ubuntu but since I bought the laptop, I wanted to use the Mac environment. Currently, I am having trouble getting the system to recognize my installed Ruby instead of the default Ruby. I just installed Ruby 3.0.0 via chruby.

Hi, I have followed the steps to installing Ruby on macOS but the I check version it returns " chruby: unknown Ruby: ruby-3.1.1 " followed by " ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.arm64e-darwin20] "

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The docs for installing Jekyll have changed recently and I have not had the opportunity to test them, so I cannot help you on this specific issue with chruby. However, I did create two videos that still work just fine on macOS (even though one of them says Apple Silicon, it should work fine on Intel).

check that the line

chruby ruby-3.X.X

in your .zshrc file correspond to the exact same version you installed with ruby-install. You will find the exact version you installed with

ls ~/.rubies/

If the two differ, change the .zshrc line accordingly, then quit and restart the terminal. It should work now.

Hope it helps,


Do rvm list known. If it does not list the ruby version one is after, one can still install that version from local source. Some ruby versions are not maintained and won't be listed and rvm might generate the wrong URL.

The requested url does not exist(22): ' -lang.org/pub/ruby/./ruby-1.9.3p484.tar.bz2' Checking fallback: -lang.org/pub/ruby/./ruby-1.9.3p484.tar.bz2 No fallback URL could be found, try increasing timeout with:

In terms of English, it reads the same as the ruby. "Do this block of code, while this condition". 

It's a bad comparison.. I don't think I have ever needed to do something like this in js. If for example, I know I should do something 5 times based on the length of an array, I would be doing myArray.forEach((item, index) => {....}). (I imagine this is the equivalent of each_with_index you mention too).

I also find ruby, python and the like difficult to read because there aren't braces!! Creating a new instance of a class in a lot of languages look like this let jen = new Person("Jen") which is more "like English" over Person.new "Jen".

I get why a lot of people love ruby, unfortunately I don't see/benefit the upsides since I've been writing js for a while now. Some of the things you mention can be easily remedied, and really I don't see very much any more. If you're writing JS in an OO way, then SOLID is 100% possible, and is quite common. IDEs and linters will weed out anything that isn't SOLID. But it's quite common to see JS written in a FP way - especially now that React is pushing for more FP, and serverless code.

I started working with ruby about a year ago when I joined a company that was using ruby on rails, I had no prior knowledge in ruby but it only took a few days to get acquainted with the syntax. 

Since then I have found so many things in ruby that just amaze me and simplify my life on a daily basis.

It is also worth noting that writings tests in ruby is way easier than in most other languages and I am yet to find a lib in other languages that magically works like search_cop.

however my levels of overly complicated are now quite sensible because of Ruby, ruby truly cares about you as a rubyist and your happiness and makes so much things easier, I really like that about Ruby.

Users of the Ruby buildpack can access extra debug logs during the image build process by setting the BP_LOG_LEVELenvironment variable to DEBUG at build time. Additional debug logs willappear in build logs if the relevant buildpacks have debug log lines. pack build my-app --buildpack paketo-buildpacks/ruby \ --env BP_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG Copied!

It is fairly common for East Asian languages (mostly CJK characters) to have ruby texts annotations; not only do they provide phonetic guides, the actual meaning of text might even differ without labeling.

If the new Ruby version is from a different stable branch, then please use a new target directory for installation.That is to say, a previous RubyInstaller-3.1.x installation should not be updated by installing RubyInstaller-3.2.x into the same directory.This is because gems with C extensions are not compatible between ruby-3.1 and 3.2.Find out more in the FAQ.

After a couple of hours of not getting "/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory" error and google searching, I uninstalled my system ruby 1.8.7 (I also had 1.9.3 installed via rvm) by doing sudo apt-get purge ruby rubygems. I still get the error. When I type "which ruby", I get /home/homeuser/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/ruby. Does anyone have any insight as to how to fix this problem?

Problem solved, although it would be nice to be able to use #!/usr/bin/env ruby so I can move my ruby script from Desktop to Laptop without having to change #!/home/homeuser/.rvm/bin/ruby (slightly different path on my desktop due to different user name). Maybe a symbolic link?

cimg/ruby is a Docker image created by CircleCI with continuous integration builds in mind.Each tag contains a complete Ruby version, the gem command, Bundler, and any binaries and tools that are required for builds to complete successfully in a CircleCI environment.

The browsers variant is the same Ruby image but with Node.js, Java, Selenium, and browser dependencies pre-installed via apt.The browsers variant can be used by appending -browser to the end of an existing cimg/ruby tag.The browsers variant is designed to work in conjunction with the .css-1y3iiz7{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#0078CA;font-weight:500;}.css-1y3iiz7:hover{color:#0062B0;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1y3iiz7:hover{color:#0062B0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;-webkit-text-stroke:0.4px;}CircleCI Browser Tools orb.You can use the orb to install a version of Google Chrome and/or Firefox into your build. The image contains all of the supporting tools needed to use both the browser and its driver.

Like all other gems, Ruby can be placed on blocks. As of, they can be crafted back into their Stone block forms at a Heavy Work Bench in a graveyard and can be obtained by cutting down a ruby Gem Tree, dropping 0-5 of its respective gems.

NOTE: in the code sample I gave, I use the generator input with a JSON encoded string and the json filter only for illustration to give me an event with a presumed structure. You can focus on the ruby filter bit - but experiment with the example code by changing he JSON to be what your event looks like and change the code literals to suit.

The dark burgundy red flower buds of Invincibelle Ruby open to a two-toned combination of bright ruby red and silvery pink. The foliage is extra dark and stems are strong, making this new hydrangea a gem in any garden. It is a strong rebloomer that will be an excellent addition to any garden. Like other smooth hydrangeas, it flowers on new growth and so blooms every year without fail.

We purchased 4 Invincibelle Ruby 3 gallon plants from Pike Nurseries in the Spring. We are planting zone 8a. They were planted in full morning sun. The plants bloomed quickly but appeared more mauve pink rather than the "ruby" photo online and on the tag. When the hydrangea flower buds first develop they have somewhat of the ruby look you see on the tag and the online photo but quickly develop to an overall soft mauve color. Not what we hoped for. The flowers fade to a green color and the stems can't support the weight of the blooms and are laying on the ground. Perhaps as the plant becomes more established in our garden it will be able to support the weight of the blooms. We have recently moved these plants to a less prominent area since they are not the show stopping focal point that we hoped for. We paid over $40 a plant so we are not happy with the performance this season. Perhaps they will look better as they become more established in future seasons. We plan on adding plant support grids to the plants when they die back in the winter so next season they will have a better chance of the blooms being supported and not laying on the ground. Also as the plants mature the wood should become harder and more supportive we think. As other reviewers have stated this hydrangea, and in my experience all newly planted hydrangeas will need extra watering the first year or so. Especially in the humid South.

In mono ruby the ruby text is positioned alongside a single base character. There is typically no overlap across adjacent base characters, although that and other positional aspects can be tailored using styling. Note how, in the figure below, a single character annotation is typically centred over its base character, leaving a small gap either side of the annotation, and how a three-character annotation forces the base character away from its neighbour to avoid overlapping.

Jukugo ruby is a term that is used to describe ruby annotations that sometimes behave like group ruby, and sometimes like mono ruby. It is worth describing it in a little detail, since people often find it confusing.

The third example is where we see the difference that characterises jukugo ruby. The first three ruby characters are associated with the first kanji character. Just the last ruby character is associated with the second kanji character. And yet the ruby text has been arranged evenly across both kanji characters.

Also note that if the third word is split at the end of a line, so that the second kanji character moves to the next line, only the last hiragana character will move with it, and the annotations will once again look like mono ruby.

The easiest way to specify a Ruby version is by using the ruby/setup-ruby action provided by the Ruby organization on GitHub. The action adds any supported Ruby version to PATH for each job run in a workflow. For more information and available Ruby versions, see ruby/setup-ruby. 17dc91bb1f

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