Ruby on Rails' emergence in 2005 greatly influenced web app development, through innovative features such as seamless database table creations, migrations, and scaffolding of views to enable rapid application development. Ruby on Rails' influence on other web frameworks remains apparent today, with many frameworks in other languages borrowing its ideas, including Django in Python; Catalyst in Perl; Laravel, CakePHP and Yii in PHP; Grails in Groovy; Phoenix in Elixir; Play in Scala; and Sails.js in Node.js.

JavaScript asset compression requires youhave a JavaScript runtime available on your system, in the absenceof a runtime you will see an execjs error during asset compression.Usually macOS and Windows come with a JavaScript runtime installed.therubyrhino is the recommended runtime for JRuby users and is added bydefault to the Gemfile in apps generated under JRuby. You can investigateall the supported runtimes at ExecJS.

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Inside the block for create_table, two columns are defined: title andbody. These were added by the generator because we included them in ourgenerate command (bin/rails generate model Article title:string body:text).

To choose the status for the existing articles and comments you can add a default value to the generated migration files by adding the default: "public" option and launch the migrations again. You can also call in a rails console Article.update_all(status: "public") and Comment.update_all(status: "public").

Note: i already removed unused Gem, removing unused rails component, using bootsnap to improve my boot time, and reducing docker image by using ruby alpine, but the result not significant. it reduction only 4 seconds. im targeting around 50% reduction. i also profiling my rails boot. but, it seems the profiler result mostly goes to rails/3rd library that i use. so i can't do much on that. im running for API server that still monolith.

Beware, the rails world is a massively frustrating mess of outdated and inconsistent documentation and examples. It is maybe one of the fastest moving and most faddish development communities there is. By the time you learn something it will already have changed. Even the books are not consistent in which version of rails they are talking about. Documentation by blogging! enough said.

I currently do RoR on windows. My advice is to avoid windows if you can. Lots of things don't work and the rails community really really doesn't care about you. The move to Git has really messed me up since it doesn't work very well on windows. A lot of gems will fail because of this (Heroku looks like a cool tool - too bad for me it can't handle window's Git setup). Capistrano is out. It goes on and annoyingly on.

Plus, in the back of your mind, you always wonder when something doesn't work "Is it a rails/windows problem?" I am not sure this is solved by using linux because linux brings its own hassles like constantly having to upgrade all those different dependencies, etc...If that's the kind of thing you enjoy it might be an okay choice for you. Those days of enjoying system fiddling are behind me and I just want to get on with doing my work. I am planning on installing ubuntu on a home machine just so i can get familiar with things like capistrano so maybe my opinion will change.

I'd highly suggest if you are going to do rails dev for any amount of time you seriously consider getting a Mac. If you value your time and sanity it will pay for itself almost instantly. Depending on how you value your time 10 hours of debugging windows/linux setup problems and you have spend as much as a Mac costs anyway.

Rails is a joy compared to what it replaces but it is a bit of a pain in that its proponents skip right past a lot of the boring but important stuff like documentation, compatibility issues and community building. It is way more powerful than other frameworks like Django but I sometimes look over at the Django documentation and community and sigh like a guy with a wild sexy girlfriend looking at his friend's plain but sane and stable wife. But then rails adds a feature and I go "Ohhh shiny!"

Aside from books the most important thing is to get feedback on what you are doing. To do this I recommend spending time in #ruby and #rubyonrails. It is also extremely helpful to post things you are working on or having trouble with here on stackoverflow as the comments, explanations and different way of thinking about things that people provide are invaluable.

I came from a Java background to Ruby to. I found this tutorial helpful When it comes to learning rails I cannot say how much I use script\console. It allows you to play with the code and learn how to do things that you are not sure about.

The only book I ever bought was Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition -web-development-with-rails-third-edition. It was quite useful and provided a good overview of the Rails framework. In addition to that I regular watch Railscasts( ), which is a great screen casting blog that covers all kinds of Rails topics.

I use netbeans for my IDE and occasionally vim (with the rails plugin). I like netbeans but, I find that it can still be a little flaky when it comes to the Rails support (not all the features work all the time).

I come from a non-programming background. I have learned PHP on my own and recently joined a firm that specializes in Ruby on Rails. They have a comprehensive Rails training program, which is flexible enough to accommodate whatever changes we want to implement. Though I am not a rails pro, I would like to share my experience with rails. I hope that it helps.

However, the speed benefit isn't the thing I want to highlight here. In addition to generating faster code, YJIT also gained the ability to generate machine code for ARM machines. Not only does this mean you can run YJIT on ARM machines in production, but you can also run it on your Apple Silicon computers! To me, this is really exciting because it means that we can potentially speed up development environments, and we also don't have to special case production environments. In other words, ruby --yjit will work in development as well as production!

Another option is going with a persistent phoenix channel connection from ruby to the elixir app but this would introduce way more complexity (and needs clear interfaces on all sides). Then I would prefer the simplest solution of terraform: handle it with elixir first (via plain HTTP) or else fallback with rails (via plain HTTP).

You mentioned, rails, which has a specific folder structure. Rails does not use a straight html file. Instead, your view files like your HTML template would go into the views folder of your rails app, and the file names would have to have a .erb appended to them, so index.html would become index.html.erb. That will allow you to dynamically bring content into the view.

Ruby on Rails or also known as rails is a server-side web application development framework that is written in the Ruby programming language, and it is developed by David Heinemeier Hansson under the MIT License. It supports MVC(model-view-controller) architecture that provides a default structure for database, web pages, and web services, it also uses web standards like JSON or XML for transfer data and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user interface. It emphasizes the use of other well-known software engineering pattern and paradigms like:

7. Scaffolding: Ruby on rails provides a scaffolding feature in which the developer is allowed to define how the application database works. After defining the work of the application database the framework automatically generates the required code according to the given definition. This technique creates interfaces automatically.

Step 6: After creating index page, we need to route the ruby on rails to this page. So for that open routes.rb file which is present in location: /myFirstProject/config/routes.rb. Now write the following line in the routes.rb file

Create an Auth0 controller for handling the authentication callback. Run the command rails generate controller auth0 callback failure logout --skip-assets --skip-helper --skip-routes --skip-template-engine.

At the time of writing, Rails is still the backbone for thousands of websites and it has an active community that consistently updates the framework with new features. This year alone, nine version updates have been added to

There are several approaches you can take to create models, controllers and views within a Rails application. For example, you can generate a single controller using the command . You can also generate a single model using the command rails generate model .

Previous versions of Rails required you to add a gem to your project rails_12factor to enable static asset serving and logging on Heroku. If you are deploying a new application, this gem is not needed. If you are upgrading an existing application, you can remove this gem provided you have the appropriate configuration in your config/environments/production.rb file:

What if you could develop your Rails application in isolation on your work station without using RVM or chruby, and changing Ruby versions were super easy?

For me the build block in SemaphoreCI kept failing due to a ruby version issue. I had Rails version: 7.0.4, and Ruby 3.1.2. The error said that Ruby 3.1.3 was being used, but my application specified 3.1.2.

AWS provides the aws-sdk-rails gem to enable easy integration with Rails. You can use AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks, AWS CodeDeploy, or the AWS Rails Provisioner to deploy and run your Rails applications in the AWS Cloud.

Thanks for your message! According to the logs, it feels like exception is happening during parsing of ruby code. To investigate this I need a source file that triggesrs the problem a minimal reproducer.

So, why are we adding NodeJS and Yarn in the first place? Although Rails 7 allows you to go Node-less via import maps or precompiled binaries (like tailwindcss-rails), these additions increase the chances of supporting legacy pipelines or adding modern Webpacker alternatives. ff782bc1db

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