Depending on the mode of travel, you may have other route options, such as choosing an arrival time when driving, avoiding heavy traffic when cycling or walking, or choosing which transit method you prefer.

Yes took me a while to figure out this does not work. Disappointing since this adding stops should have been available long ago pn Mac OS. Now you find you plan a route on on your MacBook you cannot send it to your ipPhone. A blatant omission.

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I have and iPhone SE and and Apple Watch Series 1, and up until the latest update in Mid March, I always had access to route maps for outdoor walks and bicycle workouts. I have location services turned on, BUT I cannot see the Apple Workout App as a choice in the setup/privacy menu to turn that on. What changed and why? How can I get that feature back?

Unpair and re-pair the watch and set it up as new,when you re-pair you should be asked if you want to enable route tracking select yes and the apple watch should be listed in location services where you can select while using the app.

I have the exact same problem - even the route of my previous workouts display only the starting location. It seems to be a bigger SW problem in the Apple HealthKit database on iOS 14, since other users are reporting this as well...

Thank you for your reply. It looks like all you suggested, are the settings I currently have on my iPhone and iWatch. This weekend I tried to see what would happed if I recorded an outdoor walk on my iWatch workout Ap. Later on my iPhone Activity Ap, under Workouts, it recorded the walk and showed the walk route on a map at the bottom. The next day I used the iWatch Workout Ap to record an outdoor run. Later on my iPhone on the iPhone Activity Ap, it showed the results of the Outdoor Run, but no map of the route on the bottom.

Thanks, I got a new iphone 11 pro back in late Feb. Noticed my walks weren't showing the routes maybe a week or so later. Finally decided to really search and found your quick and easy fix. Worked like a charm.

Problems - under location services, no apple workout options to turn on the location Service while using so i unpair my watch, re pair again and first question in appke watch is "enable route tracking" which I can't remember if i enabled it first time. So make sure you don't miss that! Then you're set, another popup would be use as new watch or use backup, make sure you use backup and the location service on your iphone will now have the apple workout option! Thanks

All your workouts are still saved and data really. If you. Check the activities app on your iphone its still there. But it resets the watch. Plus Ive tried checking everything so I had to do the last resort which was restarting my apple watch

If I switch over to Google Maps and enter the same start and end points, it DOES give me the choice of the route I took last year, and it reports that route as 484 miles. The routes are the same except the last 50 miles or so, and the route I want to take (shown in Google Maps) is 7 miles shorter.

I've just completed a 4-day bikepacking trip in the Snowy Mountains Australia. Before starting our trip we prepared 6 routes. The routes were created on my Strava profile then shared to my wife's Strava profile. We downloaded these for off-line use on both of our phones prior to leaving. When commencing the trip I wasn't even able to access the routes, where on my wife phone she could open them, follow the route and record the ride. She was able to turn her phone off overnight and back on in the morning and re-start the route. I tried numerous times and couldn't access the routes without success. Any ideas why this didn't work on my phone/profile (when I created the routes)? Very disappointing for the $ 100 Australian dollars subscription fee. If it wasn't for my wife's phone this would have jeopardised our navigation.

I also experience the same bug, and use the same workaround by going back to "my routes" in order to see the orange route. This has been a huge issue as I continuously miss turns while gravel riding and have to stop 10+ times over the course of a ride to course-correct. I have almost crashed numerous times as a result.

When I want to set a driving route, I usually set it up in Apple Maps on the iPhone and then connect the iPhone to CarPlay. The route then appears on the head unit as it should. Once I am connected, I cannot bring up the map view on the iPhone. So if I want to modify the route or create a new one using the iPhone UI, I have to disconnect the iPhone, make the changes, and then reconnect the iPhone.

I want to draw a route between two locations on the map. Something like a tour guide. When the tourist clicks another location, I want to be able to draw a route; as well as, inform about the distance from the current location.

I've been playing with API. The vector stream server should return what you need, and then you can draw that over your map. However, discrepancies between the Google maps and the OSM maps used by cloudmade may make you want to use cloudmade maps all the way: they have an equivalent to MapKit.

Just to clarify, it looks like there are a couple of things being discussed. One is a way to get the vertices of a route and the other is to draw an overlay on the map using those vertices. I know the MapQuest APIs, so I have some links for those below - Google and Bing have equivalents I think.

1) Getting vertices of a route

 If you're looking for the new coordinates of a route to draw a route overlay, you can either use a web service call to a routing web service - I'm assuming you're using JavaScript here to display the map. If you're using native code, you can still hit a web service or you can use a native call (that is, the MapQuest iPhone SDK has a native route call in it).

3) Doing it with one call

MapQuest also have some convenience functions to make the route call and draw the line for you - I can't post more than two links! So go to the link above and look for "routing" in the navigation bar on the left.

As per 2019, with iOS12 or iOS13, it's quite easy to draw a route between two points.Heres is a typical code of mine, that draws a route between two POIs, a CLLocation and a CLPlacemark, that you can easily adapt to your context.

well, not what you're seeking, BUT - if you start a navigation app on your iPhone, routing you, and then leave that app going in the background, and assuming you have notifications set up for that app (whichever mapping app you're using), when that app notifies you of the next turn, the next action, etc, and that notification which would show on your phone, ALSO shows on your watch, you can track your turns that way. In other words, you're using the native notification process (that the VA3 uses also) to have those turns show on your watch. But, you need to NOT have the nav app showing in the foreground of your phone. Start up the route, press the home key to have the nav app run in the background, and then as your phone gets updates from the nav app and how you'd normally see each new notification (like across the top of the phone screen, for ex), so too will your watch receive those notifications.

Not really turn by turn in the sense that you're wanting, but give it a try....

In this scenario, make sure you have minimized whichever map app you're using, so that your phone screen will 'show' the notification of each new turn or map update. In other words, do not have the map app open in the foreground of your phone. Think of the watch as essentially a mirror for any notification that happens on your phone - so, if you want to see a turn or route guidance on your watch, that turn has to show up on your phone as a NOTIFICATION - with your map app minimized (meaning - do not have the map app running on your phone main screen/view, etc). I know this works because I use it all the time. Also - make sure in your phone settings that you have Notifications turned ON for any of the map apps you use on your phone.

So again - start up your route, press the home button to minimize your map app. Check to make sure you have all notifications ON, in the Settings menu of your phone, for any and all map apps you want to use. Anything you want to see on the watch has to show up first as a Notification on the phone. Hope that makes sense....

in my example, I clearly stated the user needs to ensure that his/her mapping apps have Notifications set to 'On' in the phone settings menu. If that's set, and the map app is running in the background, the phone (at least iOS, which is all I know) will notify the user with each new route guidance. And then of course, each one of those notifications on the phone will also show on the Garmin device. Not the way I'd suggest ever using turn by turn directions, but it is a way to at least see what's next, using the watch.

iPhone users would love to navigate routes using Apple Maps, but only up to a limited number of additional stops. Unfortunately, none of the two popular mapping platforms allows you to add the desired number of extra stops.

Apple Maps lets you generate a custom route plan but allows a fixed number of additional stops. It initially sets your current location as the starting point that you can change at any point later. In addition, you would have a personalized guide to let you know about unknown places.

In case you are finding it incompatible with Apple Maps or Google-powered Maps for adding extra stops, we recommend you use route planner apps like Upper. Using Upper, you are free to add multiple stops and get extra benefits of advanced route planning features. It takes minimal time to set up the route plan and even less than that to share it with others.

Upper not only assists you to plan a multi-stop custom map but also helps you optimize routes quickly. In fact, it always gets you optimized routes no matter how many additional stops you have included. Additionally, it gives you an option to directly import CSV files instead of adding stops manually. ff782bc1db

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