I noticed on my rogue, lvl 12, that i can maximise the damage number shown in the inventory screen by putting all the points into warfare compared to dual wielding the damage will actually be higher. In general dual wield increased my damage by like 1-2 points while warfare gives 3-5 points worth of damage.

This way i feel like not putting at least 3 points into necromancy seems stupid not to do. Besides that it seems like dual wielding and ranged only really offer their side bonuses dodge/crit chance which are nice but at least in the case of dual wield/dodge cannot offset the high damage disadvantage that comes with dual wielding imo. If you factor in your scoundrel ability the damage increase of 2 points (dual wield) vs 4 points (warfare) in damage increase per point invested even increases with the 150-200% extra damage from backstab crits.

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What are the threats facing the military health system (MHS) in the first quarter of the 21st century? The Department of Defense has decided that the emerging threats of weapons of mass destruction, information and asymmetrical warfare, well-organized terrorist groups, and rogue nations are going to require a transformation in future force structure and operational concepts. Is the MHS continuing to train and equip itself for the battlefield casualties of the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, or is it truly prepared for the emerging threats of the 21st century? Reliance on gradual, incremental change will not be sufficient to combat new emerging threats to the United States. Transformation is a radical concept; it demands a wholesale review of how the MHS views and accomplishes the mission. It does not accept the comfort afforded by slow, gradual evolution in military doctrine and organizational structure that bureaucracy affords. The Department of Defense is transforming. The MHS also needs to embrace transformational restructuring; to train and equip for the war on the horizon, to keep pace with the warfighter, and to provide integration and interoperability with other federal, state, and local agencies in support of homeland defense. More than two dozen formal audits, boards, studies, and reviews have questioned the necessity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the three services medical departments; yet the MHS has undergone little transformational change since World War II. The transformational model that will best support the operational forces and the United States in the coming decades is the Defense Health Agency model.

In modern history, the international community has acted collectively to confront such global challenges. The Geneva Conventions of 1864, 1906, 1929 and 1949 were established to govern specific conduct during war. The United Nations Charter was concluded in 1945 in order to suppress aggression and to block the unjustified resort to force. Nonproliferation agreements were negotiated to curtail the exponential growth of nuclear weaponry during the second half of the 20th Century. Now is the time for the international community to seriously respond again with a binding set of international rules for cyberwarfare: an E-Neva Convention.

Many nations, peoples and special interest groups believe that violence will advance their cause. Warfare has changed greatly since the Second World War; it continued to change during the late 20th century, and this process is still accelerating. Political, technological, social and religious forces are shaping the future of warfare, but most Western armed forces have yet to evolve significantly from the Cold War era when they trained to resist a conventional invasion by the Warsaw Pact.

The history of warfare cannot be fully understood without considering the technology of killing. In Firepower, acclaimed historian Paul Lockhart tells the story of the evolution of weaponry and how it transformed not only the conduct of warfare, but also the very structure of power in the West, from the Renaissance to the dawn of the atomic era.

Hochar Pere et Fils (Bekaa Valley, Lebanon) 1999 ($19): Lebanon's Bekaa Valley is, sadly, known more for warfare than wine, but viticulture has been practiced there since ancient times. This delicious new blend from Chateau Musar, the country's most famous producer, features an intricate array of interesting aromas and delicate flavors that are well suited to medium-weight dishes like duck, pork, veal or chicken.

The modern means of communication have turned the world into an information fishbowl and, in terms of foreign policy and national security in post-Cold War power politics, helped transform international power politics. Information operations (IO), in which time zones are as important as national boundaries, is the use of modern technology to deliver critical information and influential content in an effort to shape perceptions, manage opinions, and control behavior. Contemporary IO differs from traditional psychological operations practiced by nation-states, because the availability of low-cost high technology permits nongovernmental organizations and rogue elements, such as terrorist groups, to deliver influential content of their own as well as facilitates damaging cyber-attacks ("hactivism") on computer networks and infrastructure. As current vice president Dick Cheney once said, such technology has turned third-class powers into first-class threats.


Ā Conceived as a textbook by instructors at the Joint Command, Control, and Information Warfare School of the U.S. Joint Forces Staff College and involving IO experts from several countries, this book fills an important gap in the literature by analyzing under one cover the military, technological, and psychological aspects of information operations. The general reader will appreciate the examples taken from recent history that reflect the impact of IO on U.S. foreign policy, military operations, and government organization. e24fc04721

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