War is a 2007 American action thriller film directed by Philip G. Atwell in his directorial debut and featuring stage combat choreographed by Corey Yuen. The film stars Jet Li and Jason Statham, and was released in the United States on August 24, 2007. War features the second collaboration between Jet Li and Jason Statham, reuniting them for the first time since 2001 film The One. Jason Statham plays an FBI agent determined to take down a mysterious assassin known as Rogue (played by Jet Li), after his partner is murdered.

During a shootout against Japanese yakuza at a San Francisco dock warehouse, FBI agents John Crawford and Tom Lone stumble across the notorious assassin Rogue, a former CIA assassin who now works for the Japanese yakuza.

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Later, Rogue delivers the horses to Yanagawa personally, who turns around and demands the location of Chang's family. Rogue kills all of Yanagawa's men, then engages in a sword fight against Yanagawa himself. Yanagawa discovers he is not the real Rogue, who was killed when attempting to assassinate Lone. He is in fact Lone, who in turn surgically altered himself to assume the assassin's identity.

The shadow sorcerer origin fits very well with my characters backstory & the way our DM is playing off of her backstory throughout the campaign. I think adding in magic abilities could be a more fun way to play than just purely running up rogue levels.

Can someone explain to me what benefits or what circumstances you would want to stick to Rogue till lvl 20 or take 10 levels of Assassin? I know the rogue gets talents but the assassin gets so much damage?

Dex is the only thing that reduces the duration of everything (attack, recovery, reload). Even if you cut the recovery completely (what I intend to do), dex will still increase your attack speed. By maxing out dex, this chas attacks as fast as possible in this game (when he uses fast weapons, but I use sabres for max damage). Why also max per? rogues have a high base acc. What does a char with high acc need? EVEN MORE ACC! Unless your acc is 100 points higher than the enemy defense, more acc means more damage. If you can remove misses and grazes and rogues can covert hit to crit, you will crit a lot. This is especially good with anihilating weapons (+50%crit damage). High per means also high interrupt. crit gives also +25 interrupt. When you attack fast with high per, the enemy has less chances to interrupt you while you will interrupt the enemy a lot. Of course this is only true for the enemy you attack. Beware of attacks by other enemies, you cannot take many hits and your defense is low.

Why so little might? For most classes, might is the main boost to damage. Rogues have several other factors that will increase their damage (sneak/death attack, backstab, reckless assault, deep wounds (this profits from might)). Just to be sure, assuming they use the same weapon rogues get as much damage bonus from might as any other class and more might is always good. Its just that gave dex and per a higher priority for this char because I wanted fast attacks with lots of crits.

Why so little int? This rogue has no AoE attacks, so it influences only the duration of debuffs. If you kill the enemy before the debuff runs out, it lasts long enough. He is part of a party, so other party members can and should CC enemies too.

You could also go for 2h weapons (change weapon style talent and skip vulnerable attack). You can do it the save way and use tall grass (long range weapon with prone on crit). Or you take Hours of st. Rumbalt as the ultimate weapon (annihilating, prone on crit, 2 damage types, you gett it with acc enchantment). With a 2h weapon, the damage per hit will be higher. But it is much harder to get zero recovery. If you manage to get zero (or at least very low) recovery with St. Rumbalt, your damage will be much larger than with dual sabres because all the damage modifiers (remember, rogues have a lot of them) are based on base damage. However, speed was my main factor for this build, so I stick with dual wielding.

Maxing Might instead will give you way more damage than 20 Dex, it doesn't matter that the rogue is slightly different from other classes, Might still gives you exactly the same benefits it gives to other classes.

20 DEX will greatly shorten his attack animation though. And he will not reach 0 recovery early - so in the early game it's quite good to have high DEX. And since the rogue starts with Sneak Attack he has no big problems against DR.

Another thing in favor for DEX is that it also shortens the recovery duration. The example above uses 0 recovery. A rogue in robes can't reach 0 recovery without durgan steel (if he doesn't use consumables) - so before getting durgan steel (and the gauntlets) the MIG/DEX ratio is even smaller. I also had several playthroughs were I never saw Gauntlets of Swift Action.

I don't understand Vulnerable Attack though. A rogue with sabres doesn't need that a lot. I would guess it lowers your DPS as soon as Outlander's Frenzy wears off (it's rather short with 8 INT)? It will add 6 frames of recovery (to 20 frames of attack animation, that means 30% slower) and it will only give you 5 damage. I didn't do any math, but is this worth it?

A char with 50% speed bonus through dex will always do 3 attacks while a char with 10dex will have 2 attacks in the same time. It does not matter if you have zero recovery, full recovery or something in between. This means the ratio between the dex rogue and the mig rogue should stay the same, independent of recovery. Its just that less recovery increases your DPS but not your damage per hit. This is true for all chars.

For the numbers above, I have also tested, when the DPS of the mig rogue is higher than the DPS of the dex rogue. The mig rougue becomes better when the enemy has an DR of 38 or higher. I have not played the game on PotD, so I do not know the highest DR of enemies in this game. Anything that increases your damage will increase the DR value where mig becomes better (It was 22DR in my first guess. Now I tried to use more realistic conditions when fighting a dragon and it is 38DR. Since I have not included all possible sources of damage it will usually be even higher.)

While a dual wielding rogue with max dex may not have the ultimate damage per hit or DPS that is possible in this game, his damage will definitely be very high compared to most other chars, at least against a single target. The dual wielder has it much easier to reach low or even zero recovery. High dex and low recovery is also useful when you use items, scrolls or other things.

A dual-wielding rogue who has two weapons that both cause afflictions can be extremely effective against single targets - refer to @Wodjee's run and see a poor Sky Dragon get taken out like it was nothing. Hours of St. Rumbalt will only have one disabling attack in the same time as a DW char can have two, i.e. twice the chance to stun/prone. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to calculate the DPS difference to account for these factors due to the "luck" element involved.

Since I want to play on hard with a full party (not PotD) this char will be good enough to face all challenges. It is not the best char posible (even if you look only at melee rogues), but it is definitely good enough.

Sorry for hijacking this thread. Was always wondering if rogue and stiletto is a viable option? The main problem i see with Pillars is the DR. Enemies have so high DR and even immunities, is there really a point in going these kind of damages?

EDIT: I would like to add that I am more and more into assassination. I just took Marked for Death, Toxic Blade and Subterfuge and these talents work great. In PvE, targets usually die momentarily. If not then I take Vendetta. For AoE sin is also good. If you spread poisons and DoT multiple targets, you should get much less issue with energy, which is even better with high haste. But Outlaw seems easier for AoE.

I don't think you'll be able to get that untill Level 20 Rogue. I'm not sure about the Assassin as I don't use it much, As far as counterattacking goes, I don't think there's anything to accomodate you. You should look at the Combat Manuever feats. There's Dodge and Mobility and also Combat Expertise, and that's just peering at the CRB. What a lot of GMs do when it comes to AC is they just say "Enemy 1 misses you." You could actually be dodging the attacks, or they could be glancing off your armor. Daggers have a range of 10ft. It you REALLY want to, run up the PBS tree.EDIT: Look for a Wrist sheath. I forgot what book it's in... adventurer's armory has the wrist sheath and spring-loaded wrist sheath.class-wise i'd say ranger/ninja (maybe with a dash of assassin thrown in if you can afford it), or inquisitor/ninja.

However, if you're looking at getting a good feel of Connor now, I don't know if knifemaster is what you really want. Knifemaster=extra SA damage with knives and the like and d4 on everything else, whereas the vanilla sneak attack gives you +d6 with everything. Better reflects the ability to "assassinate" with every weapon.

If homebrewing's an option, here's what I did to settle the whole assassination thing: I ruled that, outside of combat, any target you strike who wasn't aware of you counts as getting hit with a Coup de Grace, so save or die. At later levels you start being able to do things like air assassinations; when you start out, you have to really catch them off guard in order to get the instant kill.

First off - Knife Master Rogue archetype in Ultimate Combat. You could always look into Crane Style chain in Ultimate Combat - That lets you fight defensively for a miniscule accuracy penalty and allows you to auto-deflect once/round as long as you don't fight with two weapons or wield a shield (Making Duelist an attractive Prestiege class). The end of the chain even lets you attack them back after parrying. You could always take Assassinate Master Ninja trick as well to be able to force a save or die in the surprise round. Couple that with the rogue talent Underhanded (max Sneak attack damage) and even if they save they're hurting. You'll want to look into a Wrist Sheath for equipment and/or Quickdraw, or Possibly Hidden Blade Ninja Trick to utilize Underhanded effectively. Although in my experience Underhanded gets a lot more use from Rogues with good Bluff/Diplomacy who can deceive the enemy into thinking they are an ally rather than just striking from the shadows. I took Sudden Disguise and Master Disguise and used both Underhanded and Assassinate to *Great* effect. e24fc04721

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