I followed your advice on the previous thread and drag dropped from desktop to phone icon in iTunes, but only 4 copied. I deleted two albums from my iPhone to make more room, but still no more than four of the forty-eight show up. Really frustrating!

You might see a message that your device is synced with another library. This means that you've used a different computer to sync your device in the past, and iTunes can't sync without first erasing and replacing all iTunes content on your device.

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I know how to create the ringtones, and I had copies of those I custom made in a folder, all with the m4r extension. I drag and dropped this onto the iPhone in iTunes from the desktop, but only 4 copied from 51.

Did you try iFunbox as mentioned in the tip? I've tested that it does the job. The issue seems to be that it cannot accept another tone with the same filename, even thought the old tone might not be visible in iTunes or the device, or work on the device if it is listed.

Ah sorry, no you cannot remove the built in tones. The space they take up isn't worth crying over. You may still need to remove old copies of your own tones and replace to get them working properly. The app is free.

I was trying to add a new contact and discovered that the Ringtones option has completely disappeared from editing in Contacts. The old contacts still show their individual ringtones (and the ringtones work when someone calls me) and I can still see the ringtones under "Sounds & Vibrations". But when I tap "edit" in Contacts, Ringtones does not come up.

 I've looked up help videos that mention a sound picker app. My phone doesn't show it (or any way to get to system apps). Please help.

Okay, I can reach ringtones from there. But I used to be able to access it from the edit menu under the individual contacts and that has disappeared.

 Is that a glitch with my phone, or just some new pointless and inconvenient change Samsung made in their last update?

I have developed a sound board application, in which I set ringtones on long press. No issues about it. The ringtone is changed. But when i go to Settings->Sound & Display->Phone Ringtone my ringtone is not listed at all. And No ringtone is selected. How do I list my ringtone there?

If the ringtone does not show up, restart your phone and check again. Some versions of Android the "sound" is in "settings", then touch "audio profiles",then the checked profile, ie; "General" and you'll find "Voice call ringtone".

The list of ringtones is pulled from the system ringtones directory, as well as from the SD Card, if it contains a folder named "ringtones". So what you may try doing is to also copy the ringtone from your soundboard to the SD Card, into a folder called "ringtones" (first perform a check to see if the folder already exists) at the same time that you set the ringtone.

On Pixel 3 (Android P - API 28) I basically had to rename the file into a single word name. Something like "NameOfYourRingtone.mp3". Uploaded it to the phone storage in the "Ringtones" folder. After swiping everything settings related away from the task manager and restarting the phone I saw my song under "Phone ringtone -> My sounds". Its really sad that both "Play Music" and sounds don't have a better file change listener implemented.

In my iTunes (12.3.2) I want to have ringtones and books show up under library. But only Music & Purchased shows up under library. I went to iTunes preferences/general and did not get the option to have those two ringtones and books show up.

There are thousands of ringtones and @peli has a link to a site with a .zip file of hundreds of pages but my G.Drive will not accept an un-zipped file that large so I am only sharing a few pages at a time: -0O1bkNxKpS-WwwqlJqE9urOIetKkGQqs6ezJZAzk/edit?usp=sharing

What I end up doing EVERY SINGLE TIME I have to add this ringtone file (I wipe my device occasionally) is finding the "Media Storage" app on my device and clearing its memory. At this point the phone thinks there are no ringtones, but then once I reboot, all the old ringtones are there along with my ringtone which has been in the same location the ENTIRE TIME.

I have to be missing something simple because all the internet forums I am reading are all straightforward "just put the file in the ringtones folder and it works like magic" which is very frustrating.

EDIT: Some additional info, I have had the file there for a couple days now, just to see if that makes a difference. Rebooted the device over a dozen times in the last couple days. The file still is not available as an option.

EDIT 2: See comments below. Seems to be something to do with how I am placing the file there, but still strange that media scan does not pick it up on reboot. Anyone know anything about media scanning? Maybe it is optimized on boot to skip folders like the Ringtone folders since those shouldn't change frequently...?

Lastly if the above are no go or already sorted correctly, goto settings-->apps and locate media storage. Force stop it, clear it's cache and then reboot. Note if you want to clear all it's data, pull your ringtones to a different directory first JIC then after your clear all data , move them back to your ringtones directory. If you are rooted just copy the file over to the correct place in /system/media/ and set perms correctly [644] and reboot.

I have a setting on my phone. settings - audio profiles - individual profile setting - custom ringtone. here I can add any MP3 to the list of phone recognised ringtones. if you have such, then you're golden.

I had the same problem, in my case I use my favorite song as alarm, since I install new apps for some reason I can not remember I force to stop the default app for music, and I went back to it and run it again and I was able to search for music files again,,,, it seems no default app is running and that's why can not run the option.:)

I came across the same problem. My new Moto E (2nd gen) would not play the ringtones I copied from my computer to my phone. I solved this problem by ignoring the message that I get from my Moto E about converting the files over to WMA files (I left them as .m4A files - music files) when I copy them from my computer to my phone and copied them back into the ringtones folder as well as the music folder. I opened Google Music player and played them and then assigned them to my alarms. What a pain in the neck! It is fixed now.

Some of the MP3 Files may have different "file name" and "file title", we can see file title in laptop using : Right click on the file -> Properties -> Details. MP3 ring tones listed in Android by "File Titles". Ex: I downloaded a file named "Notify.MP3" and it is listed in Android Ring tone as "Morning Alarm 4"Note: I'm using Android-L

I'm sorry this is so long, but if you're still desperate it might help. I've unsuccessfully been through a lot of online advice. I have a generic phone running 'N' (that's Nougat, right?), a Blu Vivo XL2, which has two SIM slots. I'm only using one of the latter at present, and for some reason the guy at the store put the SIM card in slot 2. I took T L Kannan's advice to give the ringtone file a title in addition to its name (by going back to Audacity and not skipping the Metadata part of Export audio and of course placing this version in the phone's Ringtones folder), which may or may not have helped. Real resolution came from a bizarre experience I hadn't heard of before.

But wait! Testing the new tone by adjusting the Ring volume slider still plays the default ringtone! Apparently this is tied to the (in my case, empty) SIM 1 slot, because repeating all of the above nonsense allowed me to attach yet another, differently-named copy of my ringtone to SIM 1, with the result that the volume slider finally plays (the equivalent of) my new ringtone!

I put 100 new ringtones onto my SD card but they wouldn't show up when I tried to select them. So, I played a single MP3 ringtone in my music player, then all 100 new ringtones suddenly appeared in my 'select phone ringtone' in settings/sound

I have added custom wallpaper and ringtones through TFTP server and all works well. I actually removed all of the wallpaper and ringtones that came with the devices and was trying to only put the custom ones on there as the options. This worked except for the "default" wallpaper and ringtone. Is there a way to remove these.

Thanks for the response. I have done this and I am able to hide the ones I want, but it still gives the default ringtone as an option. For instance, we have new Cisco 8841 and 8851 phones and the default ringtone is Sunrise. When I look at the original Ringlist-wb.xml file I don't see Sunrise listed as an option. So when I make a new file as shown below, it displays the ones I want as options but Sunrise is still there and can still be played and used. Furthermore, Sunrise.* is not on the TFTP server at all, so that leads me to believe it is on the device. So is there a way to prevent that from being seen?

You misunderstood, when I was going into Ringtones and pressing the + at the top right it would kick me back to that main Sound & Vibration settings menu and display that message "To use this feature you must allow permission in Settings". I've gotten it to work however by copying the sound files I want to use into the appropriate folders so that they're already displayed in the list of ringtones/notification sounds and I don't have to use that add button at all. Thank you for trying to help, though. 152ee80cbc

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