Sometimes I just want to reverse or change one audio sample in my arrangement by going to file > reverse, but then it changes all of the samples I have in the arrangement. How to only affect select ones?

I'm trying to figure out how to reverse a stereo audio clip (i.e. a stereo clip rather than two mono clips.) Unfortunately, the "reverse" AudioSuite effect appears to only be available for mono tracks -- it's greyed out when I'm on a stereo track. Regular "Motion" effects," on the other hand, only work on video. I'm trying to avoid splitting the stereo track into two mono tracks because I'm getting close to the maximum track limit on this project. I know that I can bounce out to an external wav editor and create the track there, but it's frustring -- and time consuming -- to have to do this for such a simple task.

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Make it a dual mono (select in bin, Clip->Modify->Set Multichannel Audio), apply the reverse to the master clip (just drag the master clip onto the AudioSuite window and it will go into Master Clip mode), find the resulting rendered clip in its bin, choose Clip->Modify->Set Multichannel Audio, and make it stereo again. Hassle, but inside MC.

I realize that Avid makes Pro Tools for audio work, but we're talking about REALLY simple stuff here -- things that essentially every other NLE can do. I really wish Avid would stop shackling the development of audio tools in MC.

Then try splitting a stereo clip to dual mono in Premiere once you put it on the timeline - guess what you can't, you have to modify the audio channels on your source clip before you start - now that's a hassle for a simple thing. A little perspective I think - how often do you have to reverse a stereo audio clip? OTOH - how often do you have to split a stereo clip to dual mono? I know which feature I'd rather have.

I'm not saying it isn't an unnecessarily complicated workflow but you have to remember when they wrote the Audiosuite plug ins for Avid it didn't support stereo audio. No I don't think Avid's "shackling" the audio in AMC tdeliberately - in fact Avid introduced some powerful new audio mastering tools in V8.1 or 2 so it does seem like they are trying to improve it incrementally.

Can we go back to the way audio nodes used to be selected? Please? ie if you have audio nodes at the same time on selected tracks; then selecting 1 audio node selects them all at that time. Having to shift select nodes or add an in and out is time consuming and counter productive. At least make it an option.

Mondo:when they wrote the Audiosuite plug ins for Avid it didn't support stereo audioThe Reverse plugin comes from Pro Tools (which is where the entire AudioSuite concept comes from), and by 1996, I reckon it must have supported stereo.

Mondo:A little perspective I think - how often do you have to reverse a stereo audio clip? OTOH - how often do you have to split a stereo clip to dual mono? I know which feature I'd rather have.

Just to clarify, it's not that I think that Avid is crippling MC in order to make MC "look better." I think that they simply choose not to make the audio portion of MC as "top notch" as the rest of the program because they figure that we can all just use PT for this. The problem is that this adds an entire new level of complexity to projects that otherwise really wouldn't need another program for audio. Add to this the "co-install" issues with MC and PT, and it quickly become extremely frustrating.

Honestly - I've done heaps of final audio mixing within Avid and never had a problem. The only stereo audio I need to bring in is usually music and I don't generally need to apply effects to that. Avid will also mostly bring in camera audio as dual mono which is exactly how it should be. Generally PP will flag these as stereo and you have to split them before you start.

I guess my workflow is just different to yours because I find PP's audio a PITA. You can only amplify volume 6db at a time before you have to add another effect, tracks have to be specially created to be proper mono, no fade head and fade tail etc.

The purpose of this exercise is to show students the waveform representation of audio, and to add a fun exercise on top of it. When you record audio, it will show up as a plotted waveform below. You can then play it back in reverse. A fun challenge is to then open this in a new tab and try to match the sounds of the reversed speech, and see if the reverse of that sounds like the original.

We generally do not implement features that allow editing of audio files, as FMOD Studio is not a tool for editing audio files, but rather a tool for defining adaptive audio behavior in games. Our intent is that FMOD Studio be used in conjunction with linear audio editing software such as Ableton Live, Logic Pro, or Reaper; the expected workflow is that a sound designer makes their source assets in their linear audio editing tool, then gives them adaptive behavior in FMOD Studio.

In audio editing, reversing a clip is one of the least destructive transformations. To change your clip back without damaging the audio or affecting file size, click the Undo button in Audition or simply hit Reverse again.

With the waveform audio editor in Audition, just click and drag to highlight the portion of a sound file that you want to reverse. Try flipping a few words or phrases in a line of dialogue to make selective edits without stopping the narrative flow.

Discover more tools in Audition edit menus to make cool video or audio effects. Explore how sound waves are structured to help you create better transformations. And try your hand at new ways to blend audio. You can add audio effects to videos or play with at-home music recording.

a new "reversed" file for your use. However, if Destructive editing is not enabled, you will not be shown the "File" tab (between Track & Smart Tempo) when viewing the Audio Editor window. This is where I was having trouble..

In (my) theory I would only have to iterate from end to beginning through the file with every callback of pyaudio (1024 frames) fetch the audio data from the according index in the file, reverse the resulting string and play it.

To mute existing audio in the Waveform Editor, selectthe desired content, and choose Effects > Silence. Unlikedeleting or cutting a selection, which splices the surrounding materialtogether, muting leaves the duration of the selection intact.

To add silence in the Waveform or Multitrack Editor, eitherposition the current-time indicator orselect existing audio. Then choose Edit > Insert >Silence,and enter the number of seconds. Any audio to the right is pushedout in time, lengthening duration. Multitrack clips are split if necessary.

Im trying to build a VI that will play a pre-recorded sound, with the ability to pause, play in reverse and skip to any part of the sound data and continue playback. (Play in reverse would be a nice feature but really doesn't need to be there). Once I have figured out the procedure, it will be integrated with video playback and logged data display, so it needs be fairly dynamic as far as loop time when adding to the output buffer.

The Vision Acquisition Software currently does not offer the functionality to record audio along with video to an AVI file. I would look at third-party software that you could call from within LabVIEW that would enable you to integrate the audio portion of the AVI file. LabVIEW does have the ability, however, to save the array of values you receive from the DAQ card to a .wav file, and the video to a .avi file.

No there isn't. However [tabread4~] can do it without a problem and is nearly as easy to use. You can use all audio emmitting objects to index a [tabread4~], where the most evident objects are a [line~] or a [phasor~]. Both these objects (can) go from 0 to 1 which is what you need to read the samples out of a table.

[tabread4~] can do it without a problem and is nearly as easy to use. You can use all audio emitting objects to index a [tabread4~], where the most evident objects are a [line~] or a [phasor~]. Both these objects (can) go from 0 to 1 which is what you need to read the samples out of a table.

Hi, I'm wondering, how to use this for reverse / forward playback in such a way that the soundfiler reads what the size of the file is, and these numbers are fed to a phasor~ in such a way that -1 will play the whole duration of the sample backwards and 1 will play the whole duration of the sample forwards.

First it’s helpful to think of how Pd stores audio files in arrays. If your sample length is 672000, [soundfiler] will, provided you use the -resize flag, fill an array with values from 0 to 671999. If the sample length is 336000, from 0 to 335999, etc. 006ab0faaa

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