I get a lot of questions about the best investment banking resume/CV template to win interviews and get hired. So in this article, I give you a proven investment banking resume template, plus answers to the most common investment banking resume questions we hear, such as:

The Ideal Investment Banking Resume template has 4 main sections: Header, Education, Work & Leadership Experience and Skills, Activities & Interests.

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We will take your existing resume and transform it into a resume that grabs the attention of finance industry professionals and presents you and your experience in the best possible light.

Free Exclusive Report: 57-page guide with the action plan you need to break into investment banking - how to tell your story, network, craft a winning resume, and dominate your interviews

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your informative article. I have 3 prior internships, including a tax internship at Big Four, a sales internship at commercial bank, and a sales internship at security firm, and doing an IB internship right now. I am wondering whether I should include all internships in my resume or leave out sales internship at commercial bank, because this experience seems irrelevant. Thanks a lot!

Hi Brian,

I completed a tax audit internship in a government finance type of role during the summer of my freshman year. I eventually want to get into banking, and I was wondering how I can write this experience on my resume, so that it sounds more relevant to finance. What would you suggest for me? Thanks.

Quick question: My cumulative GPA is a 3.3, but that is due to a poor performing freshman year with each subsequent year averaging above a 3.5. If I choose to include my 2nd/3rd/4th year GPA and my major GPA (3.6), should I include the original cumulative GPA on the resume as well? Or just list the 2nd/3rd/4th year GPA?

just a couple questions. I am in my 4th year of uni studying finance & im following your template to build my resume however all my work experience falls under retail as a sales associate & keyholder. how can i make that transition onto my resume.

Hi, I wanted to get your opinion on how to write my current CFA candidacy on my resume. I am currently registered for the next exam (level 3) and just recently passed the level 2 exam. Should i list this on my resume? Just wandering because i am looking to break into investment banking or private equity as an entry level analyst and most of internships has been in technology related. I majored in computer science.

Thank you for sharing this great template and instructions with us. I have a question regarding spring week resumes. Since I am a first-year student of economics and my year is not yet finished, how do I state my grades (GPA equivalent in the UK)? Should I list expected grades?

One last thing I would like to clarify is that I am not a finance major thus I do not have extensive knowledge (e.g. Financial Modelling). Do I have to explain myself in the cover letter about this? I attended a career talk where they mentioned that your major is irrelevant as long as we show we are fast learners. How do I show I am a fast learner?

Besides, I have already obtained my Bachelor degree from U.S university without many work experiences as I am focusing on earning high GPA in order to apply the Master program provided by the target schools. My only work experience related to Finance is an operation and product management internship in a well-known Asian Bank. Should I still need to put it on my resume if I would like to apply intern in U.S?

The last question is I already got an offer from a target ivy school. However, the program will begin in couple months from now. Can I use my personal Gmail address? (My undergraduate university edu.com email address will expire soon) Should I list this school on my resume as well?

I have two quick questions for you. First, I go to a target liberal arts school which offers very little finance specific courses. Should I put down economics classes (e.g. Microeconomic Theory, Intermediate Macroeconomics) in the relevant coursework or should I just leave it blank?

Hello, thank you very much for the template. I got two questions if you can help me out with them.

1) Under army service I was appointed into office work regarding resources and expenses. Is there any way I can include this when writing a CV for a finance job?

2) I will start teaching Advanced Mathematics from the 30th of September to 1st year students. Is it okay to include it in my CV or should I have at least done it for 1-2 months to include it?

Thank you Nicole. One last question, I have taken 2 investment banking workshops and have them listed in the last section under certifications. Should I list those under work and leadership and remove a non-banking work experience (manager for a university gym for 2 years now) Although the manager role is important, I feel as though I am selling those relevant experiences short by just listing them instead of having them as entries under work and leadership? If I did list them in that section, I will have 4 main entries (1 banking internship, 2 workshops, 1 leadership) instead of the 3 provided in the template. Thank you for your help.

Where should I put one-day diversity BB events that I have participated in (eg. JP Morgan Winning Women) on my resume? I have 2 of them. Should I put it with honors at the top? Mesh them with activities at the bottom? Other suggestions? I definitely want it to be noticeable

I am a senior from a non-target school, and I will start a finance master program at a target school this fall. I am currently seeking a summer internship opportunity. I was wondering if it would be appropriate for me to list the master program on my resume right now.

Thanks very much.

How should I state my startup experience?

I spent 2 years in college in starting up a social venture in China.

In my previous resume i had to state it using 10+ sentences to fully explain the business model and how we broke even. But since its a socail enterprise neither the earning numbers are very impressive nor we sold the company (im still a biggest shareholder. )


I have one internship in credit insurance brokerage and credit collection, and one in the finance department of a company. 5 years ago I had one in the animation team in a tourist resort, I also worked as a switchboard operator in a company part time and I am now working as nightwatchman during weekends to raise money to pay fees. Should I put in my resume only the first two experiences as the other are not finance related? Many thanks for the answer

My question is, how should I format inserting my own business that I started? I started my own clothing line and felt it would add something to put it in my resume. What information should I include that would appeal to people looking at my resume? I see you like to focus on things related to finance.

How would you write a resume where your previous experience was in public finance? In public finance the basics are the same (writing pitchbooks, structuring bonds, working on models). however, it has nothing to do with comps, precendent trans, or DCFs. Do you have any idea how to spin it to ibanking?

This particular resum page caught my eye, particularly because you highlight what to state regarding high school education. I went to Phillips Exeter and am currently a rising junior at a former target, now semi-target college. I have not had any former finance internship experience since it was only this past year that I have realized banking is what I wish to do. As such, I hope to use the majority of my page-long resum to highlight other work experience that is still relevant (highly technical and project-oriented) to help this shortcoming. Is there a proper method for including my high school in my resum? I would assume placing this information under my collegiate info/GPA would be appropriate, but I am also afraid of my resum appearing cluttered. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated.

I am a college student and will be applying for investment banking internships for the summer of 2013. During summer 2012, I worked as a summer analyst for a top tier litigation (financial and economic) consulting firm, and I am looking for some help as to how to emphasize this on my resume.

The case I worked on involved a 10-figure LBO, and the work I did was very technical in terms of financial analysis (in other words, I think it would be very relevant for investment banking). I really want to highlight this experience on my resume, but all of the work I did is confidential and will continue to be confidential until at least spring 2013 when the case is scheduled to go to trial (unless it settles beforehand). How can I implement this into my resume without violating confidentiality?

OK I see. Thanks a lot! I am in a club sports team in college and I am very committed to it. How can I emphasize on my resume that it is the most important out of all of my activites at the bottom of the resume?

I feel my resume looks somehow if I include all these schools. So, I removed exchange program in Switzerland. I would also have removed my previous MBA school, but I participated in an activity with a leadership role (Led a team for CFA Institute research challenge) that I would like to reflect in my resume, because my work experience has been more focused on Financial reporting and budgeting.

Please, is it a good idea to remove the said school? Am I in a disadvantage position, as almost half of my resume contains the list of schools while having short bullet points under work and leadership experience.

Emphasize on your work experience esp experience that is related to finance. Leadership roles are important but they are not as important as solid work experience. List your work experience above your student club experience (unless your work experience is not significant) e24fc04721

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