In some earlier browsers it was possible to register resize event handlers on any HTML element. It is still possible to set onresize attributes or use addEventListener() to set a handler on any element. However, resize events are only fired on the window object (i.e. returned by document.defaultView). Only handlers registered on the window object will receive resize events.

So I switched a page to the new responsive engine, firstly it sucks and makes no sense.

Secondly, I can no longer drag my group to resize it, do I have to manually type in a size now or something? Whats going on?

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This seems like it should have a simple answer, but I can't seem to find it. I have a VI that contains 12 subpanels each within a seperate pane. Each of those subpanels loads a VI. When I resize the main VI, I want all the VIs in the subpanels to resize as well. I've set the subpanel to fit the pane.

I tried programmatically setting the VI front panel bounds to match the subpanel when the main VI's resize event fires. I get an error stating that front panels bounds cannot be set when that VI is in a subpanel.

In your resize event, maybe you can unload the subpanel, resize it, then reload on mouse up. It might be disturbing not to see the VI in the subpanel while resizing. Just a thought and there is probably a better way. If there is then someone will definately reply.

My tests show this not to be true. Attached is a Parent and Child VI. Run the child and resize the window. You will see the indicator "NewBnds" change as the window is resized. Now run Parent. It will load the Child VI into a sub panel that is set to fit to the pane size. Now if you resize the Parent window, it will resize the subpanel, and the Child Vi will change in size. However the "NewBnds" value does not change, meaning the : Panel Resize event is not being fired in the Child VI, when a subpanel is resized in a Parent VI.

Code in a resize handler should never rely on the number of times the handler is called. Depending on implementation, resize events can be sent continuously as the resizing is in progress (the typical behavior in Internet Explorer and WebKit-based browsers such as Safari and Chrome), or only once at the end of the resize operation (the typical behavior in some other browsers such as Opera).

That is, if I have a map frame with a set extent and I resize it, how do move the frame around the extent, instead of it changing? It's really annoying to have to go back and fidget with the map view.

All layers should resize at the same time (scaling) if you configured them to be responsive. The group will only group it but each layer may still have its local responsive configuration. Example, in your layer you can switch to behavior and configure it

I'm using the Flot graphing library jQuery plugin and I haven't found a good way to handle resizing the graph when it's containing changes size (for example, due to window resizing). When handling the onresize event, I've made sure that the width and height of the containing are updated to the correct size and then tried calling both setupGrid and draw on the plot object but with no effect. I've had some success with the approach of just removing and readding the containing and replotting the graph in it. However, this seems to be prone to getting stuck in infinite resize event loops if I have to add other elements to the document at the same time (like for tooltips for the graph) as I'm guessing those can trigger resize events as well? Is there a good way to handle it that I'm missing?

I have found just binding to the resize event on the window and calling plot works really well. For example I have my data and options stored in variables on the page. Then I setup this on $(document).ready():

Tells Flot to resize the drawing canvas to the size of the placeholder. You need to run setupGrid() and draw() afterwards as canvas resizing is a destructive operation. This is used internally by the resize plugin.

I just found a solution to this myself. I've wrapped my call to $.plot() so that may be the original cause of my specific problem but flot refused to resize in a timely manner even when I used the jQuery resize event. Here's my code change that fixed everything:

First of all, I really love the beta of Affinity Photo!!! Just played around with it a little bit and noticed that it is not possible to resize the document with percentage values(or I missed it) - only with pixel value. For me this is a big thing because I'm always trying out sizes with the zoom and than resize the document according to it.

I miss this option too. You can resize percentage wise by adding an asterisk and a fraction after the pixel value, for example if you want to scale down your image (according to your attachment) to 50 % enter 1280 px * 0.5 in the "Width" field. Not very convenient but maybe this is helpful :)

Those above might be working but there should be a more convenient way to downsize the image (just like the option in Export --> jpg). I would rather have this resize option in the main image adjustment menu, because for instance using unsharp mask after downsizing should be the way to go I think.

I agree with eobet on this. Every image processing software I've used until today had the option of resizing an image by percents. I never had the need to resize by yards or meters. Apart from that it would be very easy to add rescaling by percent. It's been four years since this thread was opened. I have no idea why Affinity doesn't bother to add this feature.

At 4x, the AI's guesswork starts to mean that you won't want to look too closely, as it's easy to notice unnatural artifacts from either ON1 or Topaz if you're looking for them. There's no denying that both images are more useful than the heavily-blurred version that was resized by traditional methods, though.

I really appreciate this article showing the comparison of resize results zoomed in for the several images. My 'long' lens is only 18-135mm. I frequently crop to 1/9 to 1/16 of my originals and then I notice noise a lot. Upscaling a noisy image is ugly. I own/use ON1 Photo Raw for general image adjusting, but I also own Topaz Sharpen AI. I like Topaz' handling of noise better for most images, with presets for reducing blur due to focus, motion, or noise. I often find that I stroke my image with Topaz first, save it, and then use ON1 for tone, color and resizing. Also, my results with raw images are often more pleasing to me than starting from a JPG. My Topaz Sharpen AI is v4.1.0, and I own it for ongoing use, but it is unfortunately not getting updated. Topaz tells me I have to pay to get their full Photo AI suite to get updates there and I'd then also have Gigapixel AI. I haven't yet been willing to pay for that.

Wow what. Adobe is by far the winner here. That is unless you want a very over-processed over-smoothed image. We are getting in to computer generated art at this point when looking at what Topaz is doing. No thanks. I don't agree with processing to the point of making it digital art. I only want to see the original data in the photograph resized, no new drawings, over-smoothing, etc. Sorry dpreview, you lost.

When editing a PowerPoint .pptx presentation in Impress, I cannot resize existing textboxes, as dragging the resize handles only moves the boxes instead of resizing them. When I create new textboxes, I can resize them with the same method just fine.

If the source license isn't removed first, and the new license is assigned to the user, the new license is used to resize the current Cloud PC. In addition, the original license is used to provision another, new Cloud PC for the user.

If there are no licenses in your inventory, the resizing will fail. Contact your procurement admin to request more licenses. After the license has been purchased and added to the inventory in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you can retry the resize operation. Licenses can be purchased from various channels: EA, CSP, MCA, and Web Direct.

Devices with a state of Resize not supported won't be resized. The status message and details can help you identify the issue. You can still proceed with a bulk resize even if you have devices in the list that are marked as Resize not supported.

If you converted a Windows 365 Enterprise license subscription by purchasing Microsoft Step-up Licenses, you can migrate your users to the new license and preserve all user data by performing a bulk resize for those users.

For example, let's say that you used a Step-up purchase to convert licenses from a Windows 365 Enterprise 2vCPU/4 GB/128 GB subscription to a Windows 365 Enterprise 4vCPU/16GB/128 GB subscription. In this case, follow the steps under Bulk resize Cloud PCs originally provisioned with group-based licenses. The Windows 365 2vCPU, 4GB, 128 GB is your base license, and the Windows 365 4vCPU/16GB/128 GB is your target license.

If the author is using a technology whose user agents do not provide zoom support, the author is responsible to provide this type of functionality directly or to provide content that works with the type of functionality provided by the user agent. If the user agent doesn't provide zoom functionality but does let the user change the text size, the author is responsible for ensuring that the content remains usable when the text is resized.

Some user interface components that function as a label and require activation by the user to access content are not wide enough to accommodate the label's content. For example, in Web mail applications the subject column may not be wide enough to accommodate every possible subject header, but activating the subject header takes the user to the full message with the full subject header. In Web-based spreadsheets, cell content that is too long to be displayed in a column can be truncated, and the full content of the cell is available to the user when the cell receives focus. The content of a user interface component may also become too wide in user interfaces where the user can resize the column width. In this type of user interface component, line wrapping is not required; truncation is acceptable if the component's full content is available on focus or after user activation and an indication that this information can be accessed, is provided to the user in some way besides the fact that it is truncated. 006ab0faaa

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