I knew and we all knew it was coming but I, like many of you, I can imagine, were dreading this day. We were all lucky enough to be using the right 3rd party app that the reddit api changes didn't kill our platform for this site, and we knew that it would mean having to pay to use it eventually, but the time it took for it to take effect made me kind of forget about it. Or at least made it easier to pretend it wasn't happening. Now that the subscription is in effect, I find out I have to pay the equivalent to a twitch sub a month to keep using the superior app. Not a huge sum, not a huge change, but I can't help but wonder if this is just a hint of things to come. 5 dollars a month isn't life threatening for me, but this is the kind of cost that can stack. Imagine when other social media sites realize that users could literally pay to use it, and with that perspective in mind this is just one more thing that made the world a little bit worse.

Trying to use relay pro for reddit today showing me failed to load content was working good yesterday Using pro apk from derrin from mobilism version 10.2.40 and use my own api with revanced manager anyhelp to fix this problem and why revanced team add patches to hide ads and the subscription plan reminder from normal relay apk ??

Download Relay For Reddit

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I recently downloaded relay for Reddit and frankly, I loved it the last days. Then I found out chats don't work the same and in chat there are options missing. That's a big minus to me, so I switched back to the original app. So my question is:

I browse Reddit mostly using Relay. Few days ago my Reddit Recap was generated and the results were odd - my most popular comments weren't even mentioned, from my generated card my most popular subbreddits are off and the algorithm apparently thinks I'm an "online ghost".

I want to stress that my estimates are only relevant to call data collected by Relay for Relay. Other apps have different layouts and feature sets. For instance, some have the ability to track and alert users to new posts within specific subreddits, and to follow and notify about new comments within posts. These features, as well as sports modes etc., trigger high numbers of API calls. Android also limits background polling for messages to once every 15mins which could account for differences in API calls between platforms.

Be it the official app, Boost, or Infinity, they all show the subreddits I'm subscribed to in the feed as if it were customized, but not Relay. I see that there's an option to choose how I want to sort the feed itself, but it feels as if I were logged out since it mostly shows stuff in a similar way to the popular feed on the official app (showing posts from subs I'm not in and such).

For a first time wireless relay I give it 7.7/10 (so far). Extremely pleased with it and urge you to buy one if you have been thinking about it. It only cost about $145-$175. You can order one here or go to a local guitar center and there will probably be one there for sale.

So I installed Relay for Reddit a few days back just to test it. It seemed good and the pics loaded quite fast (which was what was bothering me about the original reddit app). But the look and feel were not to my liking so I wish to uninstall it. I remember at the start of Relay I gave it permissions to handle my account. One particular point was that *Relay would have these permissions until I manually removed them. I would like to remove them and searched online but came up empty. Can someone from here help me?

Quick preface that I'm not 100% certain how reddit handles API cost for personal apps, so your milage may vary. I also don't know about how TOS it is, so basically what I'm saying is do your research lol. With that being said,

Revanced manager from the team at revanced has a patch available to spoof the client ID, allowing for usage of relay without using the "official" client ID! It's not super hard to use if you've ever installed an APK before, although I had some issues because I'm an idiot. All you need to do is:

I recently switched to Android and the Reddit client I hear the most about is Relay. So I downloaded it and it seems good but there are some small issues like not getting subreddit icons on posts in the feed and gifs/videos sometimes not playing.

We are a large enterprise (100K +) users globally and we use our remaining on-premise Exchange hybrid servers as SMTP relays for enterprise apps/devices. But we REALLY want to rid ourselves of those servers and be cloud-only from a email standpoint.

We looked at O365 relay options and they have several significant drawbacks (throttling, lack of support, licensing requirements, port requirements) which led us to staying away from them. Microsoft recommended using the GraphAPI but that takes time (lot of legacy apps needing refactoring). We looked at several players in the market like SendGrid, AWS, ProofPoint etc. but they are much for API centric (versus plain ol SMTP relay).

This is not some sort of criticism, I just wonder does anyone has something to gain (directly or indirectly) from running a TOR relay, or is it just some companies being "noble"? EDIT: It seems that my initial assumption, that only establishments can afford to run a TOR relay, was wrong.

Create a new app, name it whatever you want, tick "Installed App" and fill in the redirect uri field. e.g. In rif's case, it would be redditisfun://auth. You can find what redirect URI you need by looking through the readme on the patches on Github (under the corresponding app in the Details section).

Copy the client ID string that appears in the app you just made, create a text document named reddit_client_id_revanced.txt and put it on the root of your phone's storage (/storage/emulated/0/) with that key in it.

And frankly, as Reddit itself moves towards a social media website for "normies", e.g direct chat, awards, "old" reddit, moons, and probably much more I miss on old.reddit and Relay, this application may experience even more bugs.

what are one of the most reputable power relay vendors? Like for example Nichicon, Panasonic or Wrth are famous for making good capacitors, and MEAN WELL is famous for making quality power supplies. I am looking for really high reliablity relays.

I want to switch a 230V device from a microcontroller so I want to use something like this: -Channel-Raspberry-Optocoupler-Expansion/dp/B072BY3KJF which comes with the necessary transistor and optocoupler to drive the relay from a uC digital pin.

But I have no faith in the 1 USD TONGLING relay that they use. And half of the Amazon reviews say that they got a faulty relay right out of the box. Since this is a mechanical component that will be switching mains voltage I don't want that thing to fuse shut or burn my house down.

Any suggestions which relay vendor has excellent quality? Maybe a European, Japanese or US brand? What I could use to replace the included realy from the MCIGICM board? Or any other device that is of better quality?

I hope we could get enough people willing to pay Netflix prices to use this incredible app. I use relay for like 6 hours a day. $10-20 a month is peanuts as far as cost per hour of entertainment and learning.

I like searching for stuff on the Google search bar in the home screen, for example: "best ramen in Las Vegas Reddit" but when I click on it, it opens it on Google app/chrome browser and not on relay pro. example

If a Reddit thread is linked in another app or a webpage, if I have it set to open in relay it just flickers like it's trying to open and doesn't actually open up fully. This bug has been going on for a long time and nothing seems to help.

Everytime I click on a reddit link from a Google search, it takes me directly to the playstore to download the official reddit app. I'm trying to set Relay pro as the default app to open reddit links, but as you can see, everytime I select Google, it turns off. Is this a bug? I'm not sure how to fix this.

I'm actually fairly new to reddit so it was a bit of a challenge to use the app. Especially figuring out how to comment and how to rate (up/down) posts and comments. Maybe a tutorial after you open the app for the first time would be a nice way to introduce new users to your app.

I use both boost for reddit and relay for reddit . Relay works the best for me . It loads contents quicker especially the video , doesn't matter what I've choosen in the settings . Also you have 4x support too if you need it . For sharing image there's an option that lets you share as a screen shot containing the subreddit title and user name which is better to share credits and finding out that post later again .

I've tried many on both Android and ios, and nothing comes close. Only one that comes close to this is maybe Apollo (dead now). Relay is so good it makes reddit feel like a different thing. What do you guys think?

My google-fu has failed me. I'm at a loss about figuring out how to choose a relay, or specifically how the ratings of a relay work. What I'm basically looking for is a relay that switches a 12V circuit on/off, probably needs to be rated at around 30A. And that's fairly easy to find I think, but I'm unsure how to find out what a relay needs from the control circuit in order to flip it's switch. Does it matter how many volts it gets in order to flip a relay, or is it how many amps? How do you buy a relay based on information typically advertised with a relay?

EDIT: Thanks! I'll hit up Digikey (and possibly Mouser, if by some magical reason Digikey doesn't have what I'm specifically looking for) and look into all the suggestions, beginning with the NPN relay driver since it specifically mentions an Arduino which is what I'm using for this project so that might be the most relevant and then move downward on the comments from there.

I have always wanted to have a Relay for reddit desktop version. I hate the stock reddit redesign and wasn't really a fan of the old layout that much either. I always found that relay on a tablet or phone was just simply better. Today I found an android emulation program called BlueStacks that is free and makes my pc/relay dreams a reality. Took a bit of adjusting the sounds and resolution etc. but using xxxl size fonts and zipping through subreddits with a mouse is really nice and so much more engaging to me than the stock site. Its a bit overkill imo as it's really meant for developers or people that want to play mobile games with their nice pc, but still. 2351a5e196

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