The console.log() static method outputs a message to the console. The message may be a single string (with optional substitution values), or it may be any one or more JavaScript objects.

A list of JavaScript objects to output. Objects are output in the order listed. Please be warned that if you log objects in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, what you get logged on the console is a reference to the object, which is not necessarily the 'value' of the object at the moment in time you call console.log(), but it is the value of the object at the moment you open the console.

Download Browser Console Logs


The stack trace is telling you that a function named logWarning was called, which in turncalled a function named quoteDante. In other words, the call that happened first is at thebottom of the stack trace. You can log stack traces at any time by calling console.trace().

Click Cause Violation. The page becomes unresponsive for a few seconds and then the browserlogs the message [Violation] 'click' handler took 3000ms to the Console. The exact durationmay vary.

Earlier, when you clicked Log Info, a script called console.log('Hello, Console!') in order tolog the message to the Console. Messages logged from JavaScript like this are called usermessages. In contrast, when you clicked Cause 404, the browser logged an Error-level messagestating that the requested resource could not be found. Messages like that are considered browsermessages. You can use the Sidebar to filter out browser messages and only show user messages.

I need to capture the console logs (category: info) of a browser using Ruby & Capybara. Until now I have tried using driver.manage.logs.get(:browser) or (:client) but, using this, the result is not what I want. It gives out the interaction results between selenium and browser where I can see my javascript statements sent for execution, but the resulting output fails to get captured.

Whether or not logs are available when using selenium depends on what browser you are using with Selenium. If you were using Firefox you'd be out of luck since it doesn't support the log retrieval API, however since you're using Chrome they are accessible. The issue you're having is that, by default, only WARN or ERROR level logs are captured. You can change this in the driver registration through the loggingPrefs capability

For solving browser-related issues, a Customer Service engineer may ask you to send console and HAR logs. Console and HAR logs contain information about the interaction between a browser and a website.

Native web apps like Balsamiq Cloud can be tricky to troubleshoot, especially when it comes to the number of browser and browser plugins available to users today. One thing that can help us (and you) figure out what's going on is your browser's developer (or Javascript) console. Here is how to find it on most modern browsers.

Before you can access the developer console in Safari, you first need to enable the Developer Menu. To do that, go into Safari's preferences (Safari Menu > Preferences) and select the Advanced Tab.

If you are facing technical difficulties using Vimeo in a supported browser, Vimeo Support may request that you attach screenshots or files to help troubleshoot and debug technical issues. This may include console logs and HAR files.

Uncheck the Preserve Log checkbox, right-click the Console panel, and click Clear Log to clear the console activity log from your browser.

Uncheck the Preserve Log checkbox and click the garbage can icon to clear the log from the browser. 

?Tip: The Export button may be hidden if your browser window is too small. If you are unable to see the Export button, resize your browser window to a larger size.

Click the Network tab at the top of the Developer Tools panel. 

?Tip: The Network button may be hidden if your browser window is too small. If you are unable to see the Network button, click the double arrows icon at the top of the Developer Tools panel

Unselect the Persist Log button on the right of the Console panel and click the garbage can icon on the left of the panel to clear the log from the browser.

Unselect the Persist Log option by clicking the gear icon on the right of the Network panel. Click the garbage can icon on the left of the panel to clear the log from the browser.

Before you can collect and forward browser logs to Datadog, you will need to generate a client token. Client tokens are specifically designed to allow you to securely send web browser logs to Datadog. You can generate a client token on the API configuration page of your Datadog account, as shown below.

Now you can configure the logger to use this token to forward browser logs to Datadog. The code snippet below demonstrates how you can initialize the Datadog logger and add your client token to your HTML. To automatically collect JavaScript error logs and console logs, set forwardErrorsToLogs to true, as shown below. This will configure the library to automatically collect console.log() messages, as well as any errors that get logged to the console.

If multiple teams are working on different components of the same environment, you can also set up multiple loggers and configure each logger to add metadata that will be useful for analyzing those particular types of logs. The example below shows how you might define two loggers: one for a team that is responsible for testing a new signup functionality, and a second logger to help another team track advertisements:

With this setup, teams can quickly find their own logs (which will include logger-specific context as well as global context) and analyze them with the attributes that are most important for their particular use case. To explore these and other options, consult our documentation.

With the addition of JavaScript console logs to the Datadog platform, you can get full-stack visibility across frontend and backend issues, allowing you to continuously improve the availability and performance of your services.

can you please explain a but more how to use it? i pasted it after open browser but do not know how and when to use the for loop. should i use it after every step to retrieve the console logs or at the end?

I have made a demo for getting JavaScript Console log from Google Chrome browser to Katalon Studio:

 GitHub kazurayam/KatalonDiscussion19621Getting JavaScript Console Log from Chrome to Katalon - kazurayam/KatalonDiscussion19621

Want to save a precious few seconds? Instead of finding your file in the developer console to add a breakpoint, drop a debugger in your code to halt execution when the line is executed. From this point on, you can debug and step over / into functions as you normally would.

Want to profile an exact user flow in your application to find hot spots? Trigger console.profile(profileName) at the start of the action, and console.profileEnd(profileName) at the end to inspect the CPU profile for the flow.

This is by far my favorite console feature and one I make extensive use of in production logging (more on this in the production logging section). You can make use of format strings to format your log messages. The %c is the placeholder for CSS styles, and anything after is your message.

In the case of, I wrote my own frontend framework that utilizes RxJS, but includes familiar concepts such as components from other popular frameworks such as React and Vue - while adding additional concepts such as engines for processor-heavy code blocks, channels for WebSocket messages, and clients for HTTP requests. Visualizing all these pieces working together was critical, so I implemented custom formatting in a Logger wrapper class that formats and visually differentiates logs from each part of the application.

This allows me to visually focus on components of the app during development - for example, if I want to see what the WsRequestCache is doing I can tune out everything else besides the turquoise badged logs.

I have configured to turn on debug level logging by default for admin users with a JavaScript variable that is set by the backend. While adventurous users can still find and set these flags in the developer console to turn on granular logging, it is better than having all logs exposed to every user of your application by default, or having a post-processor remove all logging completely from your application in production.

Console.log()/table()/etc... print in console place (filename and string number) where was he called.

If wrap console.log() in class in console always printing file and string number where console.log() is live in Log class!!. How can I know without additional params where log() was called?

Good question, which drives home the reason why this tip was listed under the production logging section and not development or debugging. The question you'd need to ask yourself is how useful is it to have that extra file:line link there? If you're doing things right and have compressed / minified your app's assets in production you're likely not going to find the location link useful anyway - instead your log messages should have all the info you need to identify where the log is emitted from and be actionable. Also keep in mind that console.trace() will still have the entire stack trace one level down even when invoked from a wrapper. 2351a5e196

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