Curl is commonly referred to as a non-interactive web browser for the Linux terminal. Its developers, however, describe it more accurately as a tool to transfer data to or from a server, with access to a huge variety of protocols, including HTTP, FTP, SFTP, SCP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SMB, SMTP, and many more.

It's a useful tool for the average sysadmin, whether you use it as a quick way to download a file you need from the Internet, or to script automated updates. Curl is also an important tool for testing remote APIs. If a service you rely on or provide is unresponsive, you can use the curl command to test it.

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You can download a file with curl by providing a link to a specific URL. Whatever exists at the URL you provide is, by default, downloaded and printed in your terminal. HTML is relatively verbose, so that's often a lot of text.

A query to an API endpoint is technically as simple as the most basic curl command. You point curl at the API gateway URL, and ideally, get the default response from the API. Not all APIs provide a response, but here's a good example:

You can also send commands with curl. For example, for an API behind a login screen, you can use the --form option to pass your credentials before accessing the data you need. This example isn't advisable, because your password would appear in your Bash history. However, you can configure your shell history to ignore commands preceded by a space to safeguard against this (as long as you do indeed precede the command with a blank space).

More often than not, an API doesn't require a username and password for everyday use and instead provides you with an authorization token. In that case, you are to identify your token when sending requests, but because there's no HTML frontend to your interaction, you must do so without HTML forms. Often, an API looks for authorization as part of the header data of what you send:

Because web API interactions are often structured as URLs, you can send complex requests either as a long URL or by appending the target URL with strings passed as raw data. This usually means that instead of using the ? delimiter common in complex URLs, you place the phrase in quotes after a --data flag. You can use as many --data flags as necessary.

If your only interface to the Internet is through a graphical web browser, you're doomed to manual intervention almost 100% of the time. Learning to wield curl gives you new flexibility for faster interactions, automated responses, and bulk data dumps that would be unmanageable otherwise. Install curl today, and start using it for your networking needs.

The *nix commands curl and wget are useful for accessing URLs without resorting to a browser. Both commands allow you to transfer data from a network server, with curl being the more robust of the two. You could use either of them to automate downloads from various servers.

As mentioned, the curl command allows you to transfer data from a network server, but it also enables you to move data to a network server. In addition to HTTP, you can use other protocols, including HTTPS, FTP, POP3, SMTP, and Telnet. Administrators commonly rely on curl to interact with APIs using the DELETE, GET, POST, and PUT methods, as explained here.

The --connect-timeout option sets the maximum time in seconds that curl can use to make its connection to the remote server. This option is handy to prevent the connection from terminating too quickly, and to minimize the amount of time you want the command to attempt the connection.

This option allows you to list DNS servers curl should use instead of the system default. This list can be handy when troubleshooting DNS issues or if you need to resolve an address against a specific nameserver.

You can specifically tell curl to use the http3 protocol to connect to the host and port provided with a https URL. --http2 and --http1.1 function in the same way and can be used to verify a webserver.

Like with HTTP, you can specifically tell curl to use a specific SSL option for the command to connect to and in this case we are specifying version 2. --ssl specifies SSL needs to be used and --sslv3 specifies SSL version 3. Note: sslv2 and sslv3 are considered legacy by the maintainer though still available.

The curl and wget commands can be very useful when added to scripts to automatically download RPM packages or other files. This post only touches some of the most common features of what these commands can do. Check the related man pages for a complete list of options available for both curl and wget.

In RHEL 6 with the update -2013-1596.html and any newer RHEL, the 'shared system certificates' system is available (you must run update-ca-trust enable to enable it) and the best method is that given by lzap. A benefit of this system is that it works for NSS and GnuTLS-based applications as well as OpenSSL-based ones. Note that you can also distrust a certificate by placing it in the directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/blacklist/.

In RHEL 5 and older (and RHEL 6 if you do not wish to use the new system) you can trust extra CAs by placing their PEM formatted certificate files with the extension .pem in /etc/pki/tls/certs and running c_rehash (may also need yum install /usr/bin/c_rehash). This will only work for software that uses OpenSSL's default trust stores. This is better than editing or replacing the bundle file because it allows you to continue receiving official updates to the bundle file.

A more fine tuned fix would be setting the SELinux Flag for httpd_can_network_connect to 'on'. As this has to do with security, do your own reading first, use at your own risk. (Run with sudo if command fails).

You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference ofyour cluster. For example, a v1.29 client can communicatewith v1.28, v1.29,and v1.30 control planes.Using the latest compatible version of kubectl helps avoid unforeseen issues.

curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/arm64/kubectl" Note:To download a specific version, replace the $(curl -L -s )portion of the command with the specific version.

Note: Autocomplete for Fish requires kubectl 1.23 or later.The kubectl completion script for Fish can be generated with the command kubectl completion fish. Sourcing the completion script in your shell enables kubectl autocompletion.

A plugin for Kubernetes command-line tool kubectl, which allows you to convert manifests between different APIversions. This can be particularly helpful to migrate manifests to a non-deprecated api version with newer Kubernetes release.For more info, visit migrate to non deprecated apis

I am facing an issue with the final lab for DO180 course. My image is built with no error, my container started ok, but when I curl :18081/nexus I get "(56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer" on the first try and then get blank response next if I re-run the same curl command. I should be receiving a default html page back.

Double check your code when you created the container, were the ports exposed correctly? You typed 18081 at first then you typed 8081, maybe a typo? Are the ports open and available on your machine? Are you able to curl any other page/website? Finally did you search online using the error message as a search string?

Hi, we have several Prestashops installed and it requires a higher curl version than the current 7.29.0 [default] This is required for using the PayPal module. Is there any reason why Siteworx is not upgrading this? Is it depending on CentOS version and lastly can we upgrade it manually to latest current version 7.84.0 with downloading the source and make it?

(Optional) The following command block downloads and installs the AWS CLI without first verifying the integrity of your download. To verify the integrity of your download, use the below step by step instructions.

The AWS CLI installer package .zip files are cryptographically signed using PGP signatures. If there is any damage or alteration of the files, this verification fails and you should not proceed with installation.

When updating from a previous version, the unzip command prompts to overwrite existing files. To skip these prompts, such as with script automation, use the -u update flag for unzip. This flag automatically updates existing files and creates new ones as needed.

Due to standard user permissions, after the installer finishes, you must manually create a symlink file in your $PATH that points to the aws and aws_completer programs by using the following commands at the command prompt. If your $PATH includes a folder you can write to, you can run the following command without sudo if you specify that folder as the target's path. If you don't have a writable folder in your $PATH, you must use sudo in the commands to get permissions to write to the specified target folder. The default location for a symlink is /usr/local/bin/.

To specify which folder the AWS CLI is installed to, you must create an XML file with any file name. This file is an XML-formatted file that looks like the following example. Leave all values as shown, except you must replace the path /Users/myusername in line 9 with the path to the folder you want the AWS CLI installed to. The folder must already exist, or the command fails. The following XML example, named choices.xml, specifies the installer to install the AWS CLI in the folder /Users/myusername, where it creates a folder named aws-cli.

Download the pkg installer using the curl command. The -o option specifies the file name that the downloaded package is written to. In this example, the file is written to AWSCLIV2.pkg in the current folder. e24fc04721

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