This section provides information about the auto-record-to-S3 feature of Amazon IVS low-latency streaming. We discuss data storage for recorded Amazon IVS streams. We explain the storage contents and metadata file schema. We also discuss playback of your recorded content.

The S3 prefix is a unique directory structure for each live stream that is recorded. All media and metadata files for the live stream are written within this directory. For channels with recording enabled, the S3 prefix is generated when a live session starts and will be provided in the CloudWatch event at the start and end of a recording.

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When recording starts, video segments and metadata files are written to the S3 bucket that is configured for the channel. These contents are available for post-processing or playback as on-demand video.

Note that after a live stream starts and the Recording Start EventBridge event is emitted, it takes a little time before the manifest files and video segments are written. We recommend that you play back or process recorded streams only after the Recording End event is sent. (See Using Amazon EventBridge with IVS.)

thumbnails contains thumbnail images generated during the live session. Thumbnails are generated and written to the bucket every minute. (To change this behavior, override the thumbnailConfiguration property on a recording configuration.)

The auto-record-to-S3 feature supports byte-range playlist generation, in addition to standard HLS playlists. Byte-range playlists conform to version 4 of the HLS specification. This allows for more fine-grained content clipping: in a byte-range playlist, each segment in a rendition index file references a subrange of bytes of a video chunk, providing more granularity than the standard 10-second media file size. With a byte-range playlist, the segment duration is the same as the keyframe interval configured for the stream.

The thumbnailConfiguration property on a recording configuration allows you to enable or disable the recording of thumbnails for a live session and modify the interval at which thumbnails are generated for the live session. Thumbnail intervals may range from 1 second to 60 seconds; by default, thumbnail recording is enabled, at an interval of 60 seconds. For details, see the Amazon IVS API Reference.

The recordingReconnectWindowSeconds property on a recording configuration allows you to specify a window of time (in seconds) during which, if your stream is interrupted and a new stream is started, Amazon IVS tries to record to the same S3 prefix as the previous stream. In other words, if a broadcast disconnects and then reconnects within the specified interval, the multiple streams are considered a single broadcast and merged together.

IVS Recording State Change events in Amazon EventBridge: Recording End events and recording-ended JSON metadata files are delayed by at least recordingReconnectWindowSeconds, as Amazon IVS waits to ensure a new stream is not started.

After 48 hours, a new S3 prefix is created. For example, if the first broadcast lasts for 48 hours and another broadcast is started within the recordingReconnectWindowSeconds interval, the next broadcast is not merged into the first S3 prefix.

When a recording state-change event occurs, a corresponding Amazon CloudWatch metric is generated and a metadata file is written within the S3 prefix. (See Monitoring Amazon IVS Low-Latency Streaming.)

Duration of the recorded HLS content in milliseconds. This is available only when recording_status is "RECORDING_ENDED" or "RECORDING_ENDED_WITH_FAILURE". If a failure occurred before any recording was done, this is 0.

The height of the thumbnail. Default: resolution of the source rendition. This value is affected by user input in the related recording configuration; specifically, the thumbnailConfiguration.resolution value.

The width of the thumbnail. Default: resolution of the source rendition. This value is affected by user input in the related recording configuration; specifically, the thumbnailConfiguration.resolution value.

The height of the thumbnail. Default will be the resolution of the source rendition. This value is affected by user input in the related recording configuration; specifically, the thumbnailConfiguration.resolution value.

The width of the thumbnail. Default will be the resolution of the source rendition. This value is affected by user input in the related recording configuration; specifically, the thumbnailConfiguration.resolution value.

recording_started_at and recording_ended_at are timestamps when these events are generated and may not exactly match the HLS video-segment timestamps. To accurately determine the duration of a recording, use the duration_ms field.

When you stream content to an Amazon IVS channel, auto-record-to-s3 uses the source video to generate multiple renditions. Using Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR), the Amazon IVS Player automatically switches the renditions (bitrates) as needed to optimize playback for varying network conditions.

Important: Do not make any assumptions about the static rendition path or the list of generated renditions, as these are subject to change. Do not assume that a specific rendition will always be available for an Amazon IVS recording. To determine the available renditions, resolutions, and paths, refer to the metadata files.

The event/recording_started.json or event/recording_ended.json file within the recording prefix contains the paths and names of media files within the recording prefix. All path elements are relative to the previous path in the hierarchy. Elements under media > hls describe HLS assets, with master playlist name and path defined at this level.

To discover the highest available rendition playlist for a recording, you can subscribe to "IVS Recording State Change" EventBridge events. (See Using Amazon EventBridge with IVS. Below is a sample Python script that illustrates using a lambda function subscribed to those events.

CloudFront distributions can be configured to serve content from private buckets. Typically this is preferable to having openly accessible buckets where reads bypass the controls offered by CloudFront. Your distribution can be set up to service from a private bucket by creating an origin access control (OAC), which is a special CloudFront user that has read permissions on the private origin bucket. You can create the OAC after you create your distribution, through the CloudFront console or API. See Creating a new origin access control.

To play back from a web browser, make sure to configure CORS in both CloudFront and S3 bucket. For CloudFront configuration, follow the instructions in Creating origin request policies to attach a CORS-S3 Origin request policy and SimpleCORS response header policy to the CloudFront distribution. See the example configuration console page below:

Deep integration with Panopto, Kaltura, and YuJa lets you automatically start and stop streaming or recording at scheduled times. For added efficiency, Pearl Nano can push recordings to your preferred platform after events.

Bring streaming and recording to any Q-SYS-controlled space with Pearl Nano hardware encoder. Install the secure Q-SYS plugin for full device control. No additional programming required.

Learn more about Q-SYS and Pearl

I'm sitting here listening to a radio show that is being broadcast live over an internet stream, but I would like to keep bits and pieces for later-enjoyment. Is there a way I can easily record streams in real-time? I should note also (not sure if it's necessary or not) that this stream requires me to first login before listening.

VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player and multimedia framework capable of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming protocols. See the full features list.

You can check out a program I have developed to this end (front end for stream recording). It relies on MPlayer, VLC, or any other recorder you choose. It sports quite a few interesting features (IMHO), give it a try...

All mentioned can save radio songs with tags for title, artist etc. StreamWriter deserves a special position as it is able to record multiple streams simultaneously, schedule recording of specific stations, titles, artists, etc.

" can join all your Zoom calls, either pre-invited or unscheduled and record conversations and screen shares. If multiple people join from the same room, identifies them as separate speakers for accurate attribution. Get high-accuracy transcripts as soon as you end your call and leverage them for email follow-ups as well as CRM updates. "

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Active here means that the recording lifecycle and event configuration can be controlled by the stream, as seen in the third code snippet with the enabled method. The above APIs work for many scenarios, but not when there is a need to:

Since JDK 11, there exists a FlightRecordingMXBean in OpenJDK that can control and download recordings remotely. This is how JDK Mission Control fetches recording data and configure events on a remote machine. In JDK 15, and earlier releases, a recording must be stopped before data can be read by a client.

The implementation of RemoteRecordingStream reads bytes of data from the FlightRecorderMXBean::readStream(long) method and writes it to disk locally, in chunks, similar to what the JVM does on the remote host. Another thread then parses the data on disk and dispatches events to the onEvent handlers. Once every second, new data becomes available to read. 17dc91bb1f

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