Reckless Love of God song made be to feel, deep love for God in my life. In our trouble, God is still there. Though feels lost sometimes,am confident that his love is constant. since the first day I listened to the songs to I play it again and again

Before we give love, we receive. First, we receive the love of God who created us and who created the whole world out of love. For years, we are not even capable of loving other people as an act of our own will. We receive the love of our moms who carry us in their wombs for nine months. We receive the love of our parents and babysitters who shove spoons in our faces and splash us with cold water and wipe our time-bomb butts.

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I heard this song Sunday morning and I'm still in a HEART was full my tears came...and while thinking reckless???? God how are you reckless the bridge explained it...thank you - Jan 2018

First, we live in a time of unprecedented wealth of Christian music. There is no shortage whatsoever of older songs, newer songs, and fresh renditions of older songs that are rock-solid in their biblical content and creative, fresh, and powerful both in their lyrics and in their tunes.

Third, a word to the congregation. The concern that Tim is raising for us here is this: What does a congregation or an individual in the congregation do if a song has defective lyrics, especially if we think the song is theologically or biblically defective, not just poetically defective?

If you just click on a good thesaurus online and look at all the meanings associated with reckless, here they are: audacious, brash, carefree, careless, daring, foolhardy, hasty, ill-advised, imprudent, negligent, thoughtless, adventuresome, adventurous, breakneck, daredevil, desperate, devil-may-care, fast and loose, feckless, harebrained, headlong, heedless, helter-skelter, hopeless, hotheaded, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, kooky, mindless, playing with fire, precipitate, brash, regardless, temerarious, uncareful, venturous, wild.

Oh the overwhelming never-ending

Reckless love of God

Oh it chases me down

Fights 'til I'm found

Leaves the ninety-nine

I couldn't earn it

And I don't deserve it

Still You give Yourself away

Oh the overwhelming never-ending

Reckless love of God

The word "reckless" normally come across our mind as acting without thinking or caring about the outcome and consequences. If you refer to a Thesaurus, reckless is associated with words like: audacious, adventuresome, careless, carefree, daring, daredevil, foolhardy, hasty, heedless, hotheaded, inattentive, inconsiderate, irresponsible, rash, uncareful, wild and many more.

A driver who is rushing for time keeps overtaking cars at high speed, makes dangerous turns and dashes across red lights. He is a reckless driver and is disregarding the safety of others. This is a negative example.

Another example is when God instructed Hosea to marry a "wife of whoredom" in Hosea 1:2-3 'When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, "Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord." So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.' This suggests how God's love was reckless and irresponsible for his people at first. After Gomer bore Hosea a son named Jezreel, Gomer soon became unfaithful to Hosea. Then God seems reckless again and tells Hosea to go after an adulteress (Hosea 3:1). Hosea then redeemed Gomer from the slave market with fifteen shekels of silver and a lethek of barley.

A love that chose to empty its righteousness on you and take up your sin in exchange. A love that sends people your way to bless and love you. A love that comforts you even when they walk away and leave you in pain.

Hello! Welcome to my personal space! I talk about everything that I have always loved and cared about; my faith in Christ, self-development tips, social media marketing tips and every other thing in between. This space is your one stop shop if you are looking towards ditching mediocrity and becoming a better version of yourself.

When I used the phrase, 'the reckless love of God,' when we say it, we're not saying that God Himself is reckless, He's not crazy. We are, however, saying that the way He loves, is in many regards, quite so. But what I mean is this: He's utterly unconcerned with the consequences of His own actions with regard to His own safety, comfort and well-being. ... He doesn't wonder what He'll gain or lose by putting Himself on the line, He simply puts Himself out there on the off-chance that you and I might look back at Him and give Him that love in return. His love leaves the ninety nine to find the one every time and to many practical adults that's a foolish concept. Well, what if He loses the ninety nine in finding the one, right? What if, finding that one lost sheep is and always will be supremely important?

The song has provoked controversy over the use of the word "Reckless" in respect of God's love. For example, popular Christian apologist Mike Winger, associate pastor at a Calvary Chapel, released a YouTube video examining the song and concluded the use of the word was not appropriate.[36] Conversely, well-known pastor John Piper concluded that the word could be understood in a valid sense.[37] The Christian Broadcasting Network published an article summarising some of the debate.[38]

I would have liked to see an explanation as to why God loves us so much. The answer, of course, is found within 1 John 4:8: that God is love. It is His nature to love us according to His will and purpose (Romans 8:28).

They will get a sense that God is willing to do almost anything to have us. He shows sacrificial love. Given that this is a worship song, without a spiritual background, it will be difficult for them to understand why God loves us. Only that He does, with no explanation.

I understand if Jesus (or the Christian) says some offensive things to unbelievers, but there is a difference between speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and purposefully offending others. In all my reviews, none to my recollection chose the latter approach. Yet, my main concern is in the area of interpretation. I understand that some do not care what an unbeliever thinks about Christian music, but I care about miscommunication to unbelievers.

i think he is meaning Gods love is reckless to himself not to anyone else because he is leaving the 99 to go after the 1 who still may not want to be lead back sometimes we get so caught up on trivial things like the use of the word reckless instead of taking the overall meaning of the song God loved us so much he shows us reckless love when we recklessly abandon him he will move mountains he will come after us recklessly to bring us back at whatever cost even knowing we mat stray again.. i think the song is beautiful and i think there is no better word than reckless we could use words like selfless but we all know God is selfless reckless got our attention and made us listen..

I tried to be fair, balancing the rest of the lyrics, which are highly biblical, with this singular word that carries much weight in controversy. It got 8/10 due to the weight distribution (20/40/20/20) and rounding up.

Without fear of consequence because there is no fear in God.

There are no negative consequences(which is what I presume you mean) because He is a God of order and is in control of His plan. Which by the way is kind of the opposite of reckless.

I agree with this review of this song. Love the song! But take exception with reckless also! When I sing it, I replace reckless with relentless.. it fits in with the other lyrics.. and is much more accurate..imho..

So between the sacrilege of saying a.) God is reckless, b.) the blasphemy of calling God a liar, c.) the false teaching that God will do anything to track unbelievers down, and d.) the misinterpretation of the Lost Sheep parable, Asbury has done everyone a huge disservice.

I am glad that you still find my content valuable despite our theological disagreements. Also, thank you for showing appreciation for my approach to separate the questionable theology of Bethel/Hillong with their music. I can understand why some people may not financially support these artists (or worship with their music) due to questionable theology, but that does not automatically mean the lyrics are unbiblical.

As for Asbury, I believe he figured he found a clever hook and managed to leverage it to get a top billed song. He was successful in this despite his spurious claim in the lyric that Jesus would abandon his flock to chase after the lost, or his subsequent defense of the lyrics of the song through an appeal to Open Theism.

Charles, I generally avoid making a huge deal about the weaknesses of worship and praise lyrics these days. Ever since the passing of the age of hymns in the early 70s, worship songs have not exactly been a place we can expect strong theological statements. So my expectations are low. But I do have a floor for those expectations. ff782bc1db

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