I need to create an object that behaves in every way like the Gamepad objects found in navigator.getGamepads(), but presents specific static data rather than data about a real gamepad. How can I create such an object?

It surfaces from time to time in the interwebz, and usually it stays unresolved. I'm posting here since AHK board presumably has plenty of PC gamers, and so there's always the chance that some of them resolved it somehow.

So I want to use two sets of keyboard&mouse connected to a single PC to play Magicka with a friend.

We have x360 controllers, but since Magicka pretty much requires you to play on k&m or you'll be obliterated, it'd be great to play with two sets instead. The game does not make this easily achievable though, since it just won't recognize different keyboards and mouses. It should be doable, since "Rag Doll Kung Fu" did use two mice successfully, Magicka team just didn't implement it. So, we'd have to use other ways, like emulating a gamepad.

What we would need is some clever app or a set of apps, that would let us:

- detect second keyboard&mouse as separate devices

- use the second keyboard's (but not the first one's) input as emulated gamepad input -> this is certainly possible with some apps like xpadder (I think, long time since I had to use any) etc.

Now, since Magicka has this R-stick that is used instead of QWER ASDF keys on keyboard, just plain emulating a gamepad won't do. We'd also need:

- macros - i.e. I press Q on keyboard#2 and I get R-stick-UP, R-stick-LEFT on the emulated pad, etc.

I suppose with AutoHotkey or something I might just get that working, but can it recognize different keyboards? I'd have to check that out... Seems like some progress can be made:

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In Magicka with k&m you get a mouse pointer that you use, when you click&hold your character runs towards the pointer. Now with mouse emulating a L-stick things won't be as easy, since gamepad controller player doesn't get any mouse pointer - all you do is use the L-stick to move and aim. So, we'd either have to use actual real gamepad L-stick for movement and keyboard QWER ASDF for magic combos, in which case I don't know where there should be L- and R-click... Or actually use mouse in some unwieldy way, like we'd have to move the mouse like L-stick and translate it to emulated gamepad's L-stick movement, which I don't know is even possible with AHK in the first place.

If I wasn't clear enough, I mean running Magicka on a single PC in local coop mode, with two keyboards and two mice, and using one set as a k&b for player one, and second one as emulated gamepad with macros for player two.

During game playthroughs, I often find that video footage sometimes doesn't completely convey what's going on (and I sometimes miss my own mistakes), so I like to include gamepad input in the on-screen visuals in my own playthroughs (quick example). This is easy to achieve when playing on PC, using tools like GamePadViewer.com, or with RetroArch's built-in gamepad overlays. But when it comes to playing games on consoles, you can't connect a single gamepad to a console and a PC simultaneously.

The first USB output would be a passthrough that connects the physical gamepad to the console, with raw data going in both directions. No need to alter/convert data coming from the gamepad, or from the console for that matter. Functionally, the console would need to be able to treat the passthrough as if it were just another wired gamepad.

However, the Arduino is the middleman for a reason. It needs to be able to listen to physical gamepad inputs. So for the second USB output, I'd have Arduino act as an emulated/"clone" gamepad, passing physical inputs to the PC. The PC could "talk" to the Arduino like any other gamepad, but Arduino's emulated gamepad would effectively sandbox the PC from the physical gamepad, ensuring that the physical gamepad never gets confused or hijacked.

Ideally, I wouldn't need Arduino to do any conversion work, it'd only have to clone physical gamepad inputs. I already have a 3rd-party tool for remapping Dinput to Xinput on PC (Input Mapper), so I'm hoping raw data would do the job. And, hopefully, using raw data would allow this to be used with any console using a wired gamepad, providing I have a PC tool that can remap the appropriate gamepad to Xinput.

Reading up on the PS4 controller support made me realize: Arduino wouldn't necessarily need to emulate the physical controller 1:1 in order for the PC to read its inputs. The PC only needs to see a USB gamepad, and PCs are much more lenient than the PS4 when it comes to what can be accepted as a gamepad. It might even give me more freedom, in terms of the kind of controller input info I could display. (eg: Touchpad, gyro info)

You're making the device asymmetric by passing through the communication from gamepad port to PS4 port. You then have to interpret what's going on inside the USB communication and that can be difficult. I can't imagine a single USB device connected to two hosts so the arduino has to do a lot of pretending.

My idea is to make this symmetric: have raspberry pi act as USB host on gamepad port. Work at a higher logic level, the button etc. inputs. Let raspberry pi do the ground work of communication. Once a certain input move is sensed, raspberry pi informs two Teensy boards or arduino micro boards, either one of which can emulate game controllers, so they both emulate the same move. This way there will be no difference between the two output ports. My only concern is that you said PS4 is not very flexible with types of gamepads so the emulator needs to pretend it was a wired PS4 gamepad exactly. But once you get that down, you can have any number of output ports you want (although you only want two).

I'd actually love to make this project symmetric (virtually, if not literally), but in the other direction: Have Arduino listen to the inputs from the physical gamepad, and clone them 1:1 to the PC without any interpretation on the device's end. Ideally, the only additional work that Arduino would do is tell the PC that it is the real gamepad, and then it would be up to the PC to interpret gamepad input. I'm hoping that this would effectively allow this project to be compatible with any console that accepts a wired gamepad, not just the PS4. Lag between the console and physical gamepad needs to be kept to an absolute minimum as well, so the less time spent interpreting input, the better.

...That said, if Arduino has to interpret physical gamepad inputs in some fashion before passing them onto the PC, then I'm happy to accept this and tailor the project for a specific console. The PC only needs to visualize gamepad inputs, the console side is much more important.

That controller authentication stuff is why I'm leaning more towards a sort of passthrough solution, instead of letting Arduino/Pi/etc do the heavy lifting and act as "gamepad" for both PS4 and PC. I am assuming that a direct passthrough won't be possible - Arduino needs to listen in on the physical gamepad's inputs, but the gamepad and the PS4 need a direct connection for those inputs to actually mean anything, and naturally, a USB device can't connect to more than one USB host. So realistically, it'd be more of a "virtual" passthrough. The physical gamepad would need to be connected to Arduino, and then Arduino would need to be a virtually transparent middle-man between the gamepad and the PS4 - like a telephone line connecting two people.

...okay, Arduino would still be doing the heavy lifting here. But, I'm hoping it'd be enough (if it's even possible) to have Arduino pass raw data between the PS4 and the physical gamepad: Enough to trick the PS4 into believing that it is connected directly to the physical gamepad, and for Arduino to eavesdrop on the physical gamepad's inputs and copy/interpret them for the PC.

I am currently working on a project, where we want to control the print head of a Voron 2.4 using a gamepad. So basically, we translate the deflection of the joystick into gcode and send around 100 gcode commands per second to /tmp/printer.


Have been thinking about Armory 3D and android and thought of a really useful update that should be implemented in the virtual joystick example. An option to only set one of the joysticks visible in the Trait properties section. This would be really useful.Screenshot 2021-08-05 142844685536 38.1 KB

The Xbox console is one of the most popular consoles on the market, and its controllers have become equally popular in the gaming scene. However, a variety of other controllers are also available for purchase, some of which are more functional than others. Recently, one dedicated gaming fan took a Fisher-Price toy controller and turned it into a real gamepad--in other words, the toy has become a functioning Xbox controller.

In the post where he declares the project finished, rudeism notes that the Fisher-Price controller still makes the same set of noises it did originally. Furthermore, he claims that the only external difference between the original controller and the altered version is the presence of a USB port on the top. He presumably added this so that the controller could either charge or connect to a game console or PC gaming set-up properly. When questioned on how the toy controller could possibly do everything a real controller could, he elaborated on the new control scheme.

Apparently, the yellow slider determines whether the controller's single joystick will act as the left stick or the right stick. It also changes whether the buttons work as the default button set-up or handle the Start/Select/Guide input. Finally, the bumpers can be tilted left and right like normal bumpers, so they can handle Left and Right Trigger input as well as Left and Right Bumper input. The result is a surprisingly effective gamepad, although gamers who prioritize performance will likely be better off sticking to a commercial Xbox controller model. e24fc04721

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