I'm ready to leave Photoshop behind and jump into Affinity. But i have one single plug-in that i'm doing all my finishing work in, and where all my custom presets are. It's Alien Skin's Exposure (X4 is the current version).

Many things have been said about artistes and their role in a revolution.

For instance, art already carries the burden of being a mirror of society, something that has been re-echoed in interviews by artistes of today such as Hozzier to greats like Nina Simone.

Download Ready Fi War By Alien Skin

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One of my favorite features out of the box was not having to work within a catalog. I could store the images where I wanted and view them as I wanted. It just makes the whole process so much simpler when importing images and getting everything ready to go for a culling run. In terms of features, for the most part this matches up very well to what you can do within Lightroom.

If you are someone who does a lot of photoshop and image manipulation than Exposure X2 will probably not be something that you can use in a standalone fashion. That said, Exposure X2 still works great as plugin for when you are ready to finish off your photoshop work to add some grain or a creative film preset.

This is a weird subject because I completely understand and respect where you are coming from. But unlike all the corporate shills, I am very pro consumer. People purchased the skin, so that ship sailed. Instead, they should try to change the identity of the skin. Resell it to the cause. Make it an icon for the victim instead. That is just an idea that I love because it would spite Sinatra even further than its removal and everyone who loved the Men and Black theme can enjoy it without the nasty sensation of supporting him.

All Im gonna say is I feel bad for the artist who came up with the skin, both the fact that that work of his is now associated with someone who committed sexual assault, and that the thing they likely spent a long time passionately making is now gonna be likely deleted.

In a section in which it looked as if McQueen was envisaging a biological hybridization of women with sea mammals, there were trousers whose bulbous flanks mimicked the skin of sharks or dolphins. A reminder of his taste in Savile Row tailoring came via a few looks in which formfitting gray men's fabric was cut away to reveal "portholes" filled with turquoise (an effect akin to the view from a glass-bottomed boat). Finally, then? Although there was nothing to show McQueen breaking out from his set design mold, the way he's embracing new computer technologies and the drama of the moving image puts him at the leading edge of change.

What was this? Did it not have eyes? How did it get here? Come to think of it, where did it even come from? There were so many questions with no one & nothing around to shed any light. It couldn't reach out, nor could it even call out... Come to think of it, did this thing even know how to do something like that?Everything felt incomplete & nothing made sense. There was no past or identity that could be remembered. Not even a coherent thought at that moment. Just the confusion that couldn't be escaped.Then the scratching started.A sharp pain started dragging around its form, like something was being carved into the skin.That is, if it had skin or even a form to begin with. Wherever this feeling appeared, a sensation of intense burning was left to gnaw. Unable to move or fight back, there was no other option but to endure, agonised & paralysed.There were no eyes to see with & no mouth for a scream, leaving torment to run rife with possibilities of what could be happening. As difficult as it was, what choice was there? Bearing the wrath of this mysterious assault that spread further across his body, it moved further out.Within no time at all that must have felt like an eternity, no part of its outline was left untouched.The most disturbing part, though? Wherever the pain didn't quite linger, there was no feeling at all. Being completely numb to his surroundings, the frightening question of whether he was there or not set in. Frightening, because it forced him to start thinking.It carried on for what felt like an eternity. Along his arms, legs & torso he could feel the pain becoming more precision based, pricking & scraping various pinpoints of his body. The seething pain around his figure was so much to bare. But again, what other choice? Through the pain was nothing but confusion, becoming more frightening as it happened. What this all was might have been proof of his physical form, were it not for pain in some areas & nothing in others. Just what the hell was he?The scratching was finishing it's work on parts of his face, scraping around his eyes and lips with no exception to the pain. He was still unable to move so much as an inch though. As it changed back to precision & pinpoints, he somehow gained an understanding for what it was. It wasn't carving something into his skin. It was carving him. As the scratching stopped, something took its place. It was like he was being thawed out from some kind of deep slumber or just being frozen to the core. There was still no success in moving, despite the fact he could now feel all of his body there. Why he was paralysed, he just couldn't determine. Nor did he care. All he wanted was to escape. As he continued to endure with all he could, something started flowing through his veins, giving the feeling of an actual pulse. It also spread the pain to every part across his body. As things escalated, something desperate crept into his mind.He began to feel the urge of yelling out for all of this pain to just stop. It was despairing. He wished this wasn't happening, the frustration quickly fuelling his first ever taste of anger. But he also realised he was indeed alive, causing some kind of extremely odd happiness. All manner of emotions flooded into his head with no control, only furthering confusion to another round of silent torment.There was a countdown in motion, headed for the moment he could open his eyes. He could feel it. The chance to wake up & see what the hell was happening. Whatever he would be met with, it was surely better than where he was at that moment. There had to be something beyond all this. There just had to be. Right?The thought of whatever lay ahead was washed away at a noise he couldn't comprehend. Whatever it was, it was a horrifying tone & gripped him with what he was about to learn as fear. It was like several things making the same noise, in unison & growling away with a monstrous tone. The first ever impression he would ever have of evil. "Now here's a rarity. Look at you, all self aware & set to go before you've actually done anything." Something was moving around him, like it was inspecting him. "A rather prime specimen, aren't you?" A louder outburst gave the indication of being extremely happy, before returning back to 'normal'. "Oh I cannot wait for you to see what you are."There was a moment of silence, before the noise continued, only it was now missing any hint of joy. "Sooner or later, you will wake up & learn where you belong." As it continued, it was louder. Not because of an increase in volume. It moved in closer. "Take a deep breath, then remember how it feels. I advise that you enjoy it..." the tone shifted back to being happy, only it now sounded a lot more threatening, implying the darkest of intention. "... While it lasts.

Amidst all the whirring & venting, Cerberus couldn't deny thesneaking suspicion his physical presence wouldn't go unnoticed. In amomentary dip of the volume around him, his claws lightly scrapingagainst the polished metal banister met his ears, his grip tighteninginvolunterally upon hearing it. Potentially in one second of that quietdecline, someone would be able to hear a pindrop with how far thenoise carried.Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the vats contents came within very clear reach of the wolfs nostrils. Whatever that stuff was, the smell made him want to get away from it. There was a bitter & sulfuric scent, making the anthro nauseous for a moment before he pulled himself together & proceeded, doing his best to ignore it.Stepping onto the sturdy bridge, he felt an intense warmth through both his feet & under the fur on his body, the ground heating up with every step. Not boiling, but definitely noticeable. Moving along as quietly as he could, the area came across as unconvincingly devoid of life. Nothing there. Not even something in the distance.The wolf was so sure there was something else lurking around here, waiting. He could feel it. If there was something, it was doing a good job of staying hidden. Not that it was very hard in this place. But there really was nothing to be seen. No hidden figures, no distant footsteps & not so much as a whisper. It could have just been the machines that gave any impressions of life, but he just didn't believe it was really that desolate.With nothing happening as each step forward was taken, Cerberus was becoming tense from expecting something to jump out. Some kind of nasty surprise that could either leap up or swoop down on him. Before long, it got to the point where he almost wanted that to happen, just to take away the unwanted anticipation. When passing the half way point on the bridge, his expectations were met with a splashing sound behind him.Turning as fast as he could, Cerberus froze at the sight of a skinny & disturbing creature floating next to the bridge, still submerged from the waist down. It was mostly coloured a two tone effect of green & black, it's thin & boney arms expanding towards the wrists to accomodate its proportioned yet bulking & swollen hands. With already lengthy & thick fingers, it had long, razor sharp claws that were more curved knives made of polished bone than anything.It was looking quite comfortable, remaining where it was without any signs of pain or difficulty. This thing was treating the vat like it was just a swimming pool. The skin on its torso looked as if it was mostly melted away, leaving deliberate strips of a two tone leathery hide down its body in a symmetrical pattern, like a set of braces that were glued to it. The muscle underneath shined crimson & purple, a thin layer of the vats thick cyan fluid still clinging to it.Though it's head was vagualy humanoid shaped, it was just as horrendous & withered as the rest of it. Over the scalp was a scuffed gunmetal grey helm, perfectly sized. From the scratches & chips taken out of it's surface, it was easy to tell it wasn't just placed on the scalp. That was its scalp. With little to no shine, it looked to be made of a strong metal, once possibly chromed but now dull & beaten. This one looked to be around for a while.Below it were six beady little red eyes similar to that of a snakes, placed in the formation of two upright triangles side by side & squinting at Cerberus. There were no lips or nose, exposing pointed teeth with grisly gums & two vertical slits where the nostrils should have been. It beared an evil grin while the nasal cavaties were busy flaring in & out rapidly, sniffing out everything of interest. Mainly the passer by it was looking at.Fear & bewilderment took hold of Cerberus as he stared slack jawed & disturbed. Wishing he had the voice to accompany him, his lips mimcked part of what was on his mind. 'What the...' Whether or not that thing was once an animal would never be known, nor was it important. Right now, it was merely some kind of abomination that didn't look particularly friendly.After silently exchanging stares, the creature let out a soft yet piercing high pitched screech. Its mouth opened to reveal the walls were in fact more sets of teeth, twitching excitedly. A sharp black tongue pertruded & lowered, waving around as it dangled & curled, trailing a marble like mixture of drool & cyan chemicals. It began hissing at Cerberus as he cautiously distanced himself, backing away slowly.The voice on what was now Cerberus' left spoke, sounding as if that screech was expected. "What was that?" It was quickly responded to on the right side by mockery. "You should know since you sent something down there!" The creature twitched its head from place to place, trying to pinpoint where the commotion was coming from.As It darted its eyes around, Cerberus noticed a slit down side either side of its head where the ears should have been. There was something inside them as well. Something red that was beating with its own pulse, swelling through the gaps they were wedged in. The tempo started to increase, coming across as painful when the creature became agitated.When the more trusting voice on his left spoke again with that same honest haste from before, the creature was getting worse by the moment, unable to determine where these people were as it started angrily thrashing. "Okay time to go, hypothetical mystery guest!" The creature threw its head back & let out a more verocious sounding shriek, its frequency forcing Cerberus to shut it out with his hands across his ears, stumbling backwards by a couple of steps.The retreating wolf did not go unnoticed, his hands dropping back down as he saw the things head snap back towards him with a squeaky grunt of curiousity. For a few seconds it did nothing but tilt its head, before deciding to nimbly scamper onto the bridge, the sulfuric chemicals oozing off it's body & onto the bridge.Presenting itself as a boney figure with a lengthy pointed tail, it's legs were as thin as it's arms & the feet as thick as the hands. Just like those extremities, there were sharp claws attacthed to the toes, a sixth visible on both heels.The remnants of gunk dripped & slopped onto the ground, proving its hazardous properties by making a start on corroding the metal. How that thing could withstand it was a mystery. But if it were to get anywhere near Cerberus, it probably wasn't going to be very healthy to say the least. Worst of all, the skinny aberration of the gene pool began walking slowly towards him, hissing & screeching away like it was taunting him.He gawked with fear as it made its way over, leaving wide footprints that continued eating its way into the bridge. The situation had become outright harrowing so quickly, exacerbated by undoubtably excited shouting from the right that caused the wolf to do some quick thinking. "No time for games now! RUN, CERBERUS!"Rather than questioning how this person could possibly know his name, or why the excitement in his words had a hint of joy in them, the scared anthro took it as a queue to get away as fast as he could. He certainly wasn't going to stick around to find out what was obviously in store for him. As if it wasn't obvious enough.Upon turning to run, the creature dropped to its hands & feet, readying to pounce with a fierce & highly inimical scream. Halfway through, it was cut short by a huge splash from the vat. Something landed on the bridge with a tremendous clang of something like an anvil, echoing far & wide. A strong shockwave passed through the ground, shaking the whole structure & actually pulling it down.Nearly losing his footing, Cerberus grabbed the handrail before reaching for a girder on the closest tower. Stopping himself from tripping up, the wolf saw that the creature wasn't his problem anymore. Something else had forcefully replaced it by literally stomping on it.In the deep & severe denting that bent the entire bridge at the centre, only the arms of Cerberus' pursuer could be seen with it's bulky clawed hands occasionally twitching, the rest of it under the enormous weight of what it was crushed by.Putting enough weight on the bridge to make it creak was a thick metal hoof, attatched to a giant leg as hefty as a decently sized tree trunk. As if that wasn't enough, a mass of bubbles shot up from the vat, filling Creberus with utter dread. Whatever that was, it was quite obviously much bigger. It wasn't hard to work out that it's body must have taken up at least half of that space. Was that what this giant container was meant for?The leg had greyish beige skin with a previously burnt effect to it, fused with wiring that weaved in & out then wrapped itself around the two joints. Although it looked remarkably similar to something in the arachnid family, it was impossible to tell without seeing the body or if it had that many other limbs. At the sound of more buckling from further weight being applied, Cerberus already spotted a common pattern with being careful what he wished for.Without a second thought, he turned & booked it towards the nearest corner. As he got furtheraway, whatever was in the vat dragged itself out with an even larger & booming splash. There was the sound of it clambering onto the bridge, as pipes & rails buckled then broke, clashing against each other as it all tumbled into the ocean.All movement from it stopped, before a distorted roar of anger like a rabid & mutated bear with a megaphone for it's throat deafened Cerberus, drowning out every last piece of machinery around them. Stumbling to the next corner, the wolf grabbed onto a solid pipe to his right then flung himself round the next corner, running straight through a cross junction as fast as he could.Getting a few metres past, the sound of more anvils dropping clanged out as the unseen beast started charging. With each heavy step it took, A series of quake like jolts passed through the floor with hardly a pause in between. The rumbling was shook everywhere around him, the noise getting closer.Getting a few metres past, the sound of more anvils dropping clanged out as the unseen beast started charging. With each heavy step it took, A series of quake like jolts passed through the floor with hardly a pause in between. The rumbling was shook everywhere around him, the noise getting closer.As powerful sounding as the first, an automatic weapon fired in short burts, resulting in more distorted & wounded roars. The rapid steps of the advancing giant beast quickly became irregular, slowing down to a stagger. After another larger burst of automatic gunfire, there was a crash of crunching metal & dying screams. Catching only a glimpse, the wolf saw pieces of the towers behind him falling off from the impact.Now hearing distant rattling along the platforms & more screeching, Cerberus noticed out the corner of his eye that shapes & shadows had now come out of hiding, darting from one dark hiding place to another. 'No time for games'... Whatever part of this was supposed to be a game to begin with, the anthro was clueless about it, nor was he amused.Taking routes that seemed to Circle round Cerberus' location, they were keeping track of him every step of the way. Each figure was another screeching horror, their cries bouncing between each other as their claws tapped & scraped every surface they touched, leaping & crawling around then just like that, above him as well.Along with the party above him came another course of multiple & wrathful gunshots, fired beside each other from two more guns. Something landed near Cerberus with a harsh & crunching thud. Then something else, before it was happening all over the place.Probably a dozen or so of them continued to fall, both on the walkways & in the ocean, three of them near Cerberus. He flinched, but didn't stop or alter his path.Thinking of nothing but an escape, Cerberus was getting lost in a haze of steel corners & coloured smoke, losing his sense of direction in all the panic. Eventually he resorted to taking any turn he could, hoping to shake off any of the pursuing hunters. He didn't know where he was going anyway, so what was there to lose? Besides, If he stopped, he was dead.There were questions racing through Cerberus' mind, each one overlapped by the next as he sprinted & manoeuvered through the juntions & ran through the shadows. 'Where am I going? What are all of these things chasing me? How did that person know my name?' Trying desperately not to think too far into it, he just kept blindly running through the clouds of smog, corner after corner.Once again, the voices came back. They could be heard bickering while on the move. Occupied with being as scared as he was, Cerberus couldn't identify where it was coming from, other than it was getting closer as it spoke. "Just keep running & I'll find you! We can- You're making a big mistake if you listen to that one! I tell you, He's playing with you!- FUCK YOU! JUST FUCK YOU!"At this point, it just sounded like someone having an argument with themself, their emotions flickering from concern to confidence to anger then joy & excitement, seemingly without any control over it. There was nothing for a second, before the footsteps of someone vaulting around high up ensued. One of them called out once more, this time from somewhere very close by. "Cerberus, if that is your name then keep going! We'll get you-"The sentence was cut short by the floor suddenly caving in around Cerberus, the second he set foot on a passing junction. A chute was now revealed, dropping into complete darkness. Instantly reaching for the broken & jagged edge without even thinking about that part, Cerberus barely managed to grab it in time. He was also lucky enough to grab a spot that didn't shred his hands to pieces.Holding on for dear life, he looked as far as he could behind him as all the shards of metal tumbled down. Although it collided against the chute & even itself, there was no indication they would be hitting the bottom anytime soon. Just the racket they were causing, getting quieter as they dropped & soon disappeared. Still staring, Cerberus' eyes widened as his lips mimicked his thoughts. 'Oh... My... God...'Scrambling to hoist himself back up, the wolf lifted his head to ground level before something wrapped tightly round his ankle, like the grasp of someone hand. As it tugged harshly, the sound of demented & monstrous laughter came from below, sparking a sense of familiarity in Cerberus. Where it was from he couldn't be certain, but he heard that laugh from somewhere before.Just then, a rush of pain came to him. It felt as though a needle was being driven through his head, causing the desperate anthro to lose grip on one of his hands. One more tug & he was yanked down. Beginning his rapid descent, he heard a furious outburst from the stranger, coming from directly above him. "NO!"The wind howled as it rushed past Cerberus' ears, the rapid descent putting his stomach in his mouth. Looking round as he fell with no end in sight, he wanted to scream. He wanted to have it known just how afraid he was, if not by someone else then at least by himself. In an attempt to slow down, he hesitantly stuck his arms out with his teeth clenched, snarling with despair.As soon as his hands made contact with the walls, the surface instantly went from being rough to completely slippery & smooth. With no success in slowing down, he withdrew his hands out of reflex & glanced at his palms. They were covered in stains of crimson, not helped by the surrounding smell of something bitter yet sweet, like the scent of copper. Was that... Blood?He continued to sail down until there was no light to see himself plunge, until reaching a bend that curved to a more horizontal position, unfortunately still travelling downwards at a steep angle. A light at the end zoomed up to him before being shot out like a torpedo., with a sloppy hud, the wolf had landed & continued sliding with no decrease in his speed down a horrific setting, without being able to get up or even stop his velocity.Zooming past him was a tall & narrow rust-red corridor that went on for miles, the floor made slippery by a crimson coating of what looked like & without a doubt smelled like more blood. Fresh blood at that. However, there was no time to be horrified at this, as the sight of several sharp obstacles zoomed by, only just missing with an accompanying swoosh of the blades flying past his head.Every few metres was a rusty archway fitted with a jagged design of serrated teeth down the sides, making things even more of a squeeze to get through. But the dried & crusty marks of older bloodstains told him everything he needed to know, there & then. He was meant to collide into one of them. Luckily he was able to keep in a position that allowed him to slip past each one with ease.The last arch suddenly passed, making the corridor a bit wider & plain with a stretch of more open ground, still smeared in crimson. But the space might have meant he had the freedom to try sitting up & putting a stop to the momentum. Quickly attempting to do just that but managing only to lift his head up & looking forward, he noticed the biggest trouble for him yet. The debris from the floor that gave him to this place.Once again, that feeling of being herded came back. Herded, as well as being toyed with. There was no way those pieces could travel that far. Someone put those pieces there. They had to. Whoever was responsible for this, they were certainly being thorough.Every chunk & shard was further up ahead, strewn across with very little spacing in between. Clearly seeing the serration of it all as he speedily drifted towards it, Cerberus knew this was going to hurt. He twisted & wriggled, somehow just barely avoiding the section of shrapnel. Most of it, anyway. At the last second, a viscious scratch went up the left side of his back & left a burning pain to gnaw away. Curling up into a ball on his side, he felt the speed of his motion decreasing. Rather than taking any kind of consolidation over it though, he readied himself to die from whatever else was ready for him. What else could he do? He'd just been confused then chased only to be met with a rapid descent into proof that things really could have gotten worse. Even if he weren't to just give up, he was in no condition to escape. When gradually coming to a stop, his grip began to loosen as his eyes faintly dulled down. He was losing consciousness, becoming numb to his wound & his surroundings. However, before passing out he was overcome by a strange feeling. Maybe it was simply because of blood loss, but he could have sworn his body was so light that he was floating.At first, everything was a blur as Cerberus' heavy eyes opened slowly. Feeling an airflow that behaved more like something huge breathing down, his vision slowly came into sharper focus, with rapid blinking in reaction to the light above him.Soon picking up on the fact he was being suspended just above the ground, his feet dangled over the small red puddle underneath. Lethargically, his head lifted to be greeted with the sight of pitch black beyond his vicinity. The only light beamed down on him in the manner of a spotlight, showing older & dried spatter patterns against rusted grimy rivetted panels.In front of him were three thick metal poles in a triangular formation, a bit taller than himself. At the top of each was a small metal attatchment, ascending at an obtuse angle directly above his head. They beared faded chrome, tainted with more assorted spatters. This place looked more like a slaughterhouse by the second.When the delayed fear sank in from remembering what happened to him, Cerberus thrashed around in a state of panic. Forgetting about his wound, it gave a sharp reminder as he quickly went limp while swinging back & fourth like a puppet attached to string. Trying to see anything behind him while he had the strength & perpetual motion, there were two more poles either side behind him, making the whole formation pantagonal.Tightly squinting up with haggard trembling, his hands were tied together above his head by a reasonably thick & smooth steel cable. The other end was clipped onto a hook, fastened onto the spherical centre point of all five supports. That was the only part that still had a shine to it, blinding in the lights reflection. It was enough to force Cerberus' eyes back down, releasing the tension in his neck & a toneless huff through his nostrils.Whatever kind of place this confusing hell was & why he ended up amongst it, he was pretty sure he would never know by this point. Was this really what his existence was? Short & pitiful, knowing only how to be scared & run away? No. There had to be something more than that. But in the end, what did it matter? Answers wouldn't save him now.Alone & completely still, Cerberus saw no other way out. His head was hanging down as far as his body would permit, his attitude feeling silently coerced towards just giving in. This pain he wondered what he did to deserve was getting the better of him. In truth, he just wanted it to stop. Slipping away again, the sound of footsteps walking towards him from somewhere in front brought the wolf back.To Cerberus' surprise, his ears were met with that strangers voice again, sounding a little bit disappointed. "You know something? You're either incredibly wise or just too easy to frighten." As the footsteps got closer, someone stood directly behind the pole in front of Cerberus, one of their arms being the only visible part.The limb was encrusted with streaks of soot, slightly thickening as it reached his hand wrapped in a tacky glove. It didn't look like any of it had been there for all that long either, a light twitch or two of the fingers shaking a few flecks of dust off of them. From a single untouched spec on the material, the gloves could be distinguished as originally white, made for a perfect fit with clawed fingernails poking through the tips.A shadow stretched across the area, its shape depicting something that really caught the wolfs eye. It was an anthropomorph. Something with brushed back quills & fur on it's head, like a hedgehog or porcupine. At a guess, this guy was the same height as his captive.Now sounding more polite than anything, the stranger sounded more upbeat & formal. "But now I think it's time for a little bit of peace & quiet. No interruptions." Whoever was standing behind that pole, Cerberus could practically see the evil radiating off of them. Those creatures were bad enough to come across with their athletics & howling, but this felt like a whole new threat.Stepping out from his hiding place, the stranger revealed himself to be exactly as his shadow suggested. He was indeed an anthro, akin to a humanoid hedgehog that had a pronounced snout with a small black nose on the end. But this was no ordinary being with the eyes he had. Whatever made him like this, it was a perturbing & unsightly result.He bled from the eyes, the consistency set firmly on the skin but glinting like it happened only seconds before. If not for the glowing & unflinching red pupils, his eye sockets would have just been gaping voids of nothing to look into. This was no trick. With no other way to describe it, that stare was ungodly & chilling.The hedgehog's body had a coat of highly unusual blue fur, except for his torso & cheeks that were bare skin. The way his body was covered in more light marks of soot, he'd either been digging through something or recently got into a rather messy fight. The latter choice seemed more likely, as Cerberus noticed small traces of red & brown amongst all the other stains.The most frightening part was his smile. Looking serious one second then slowly widening his grin the next, his teeth contained tiny strings of flesh between them. What he'd been chewing away at, Cerberus didn't want to know. When the blue anthro spoke, it was with a completely different voice. It was now of a north american accent, the words growled out in unison by several horrors at once. "Would you agree?" 2351a5e196

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