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One use of readonly form controls is to allow the user to check and verify information that they may have entered in an earlier form (for example, shipping details), while still being able to submit the information along with the rest of the form. We do just this in the example below.

The :read-only pseudo-class is used to remove all the styling that makes the inputs look like clickable fields, making them look more like read-only paragraphs. The :read-write pseudo-class on the other hand is used to provide some nicer styling to the editable .

The ReadWrite Stand is used by individuals with visual impairments for both reading and writing tasks. The Stand features a sturdy surface and a low-profile clip that secures materials during use, as well as an LED book light that can be positioned by the user along the upper edge of the reading stand.

For background, I tried enabling write protection for a single sector that I was planning on placing user data in. This didn't work as programming/erasing the flash wouldn't work as there was a sector write protected. I then disabled the write protection and now I am stuck in this quagmire. I never messed with the Read Out Protection dropdown and it seems like it is set at Level 0. Furthermore I never messed with the Read/Write (PCROP) Protection settings tab, I only touched the Write Protection tab.

And I would like to write a digital waveform to Line 16 to line 31 and simultaneously monitor line 0 and start acquiring after detecting the first rising edge. I think I should read before write to be able to capture events but I don;t know how to set the DAQmx functions and what to do for sample clock. Can I set both read and write to Internal Clock?

I want to do some rendering with webGL shader but I need to read an array of data which was generated by the shader from previous frame. I'm doing this with using the shader to write to a texture and read that texture with the same shader. However, this doesn't work. The shader can read the texture from the last frame and write to the frame buffer perfectly but it just can't write to the texture again. I also tried to copy the texture to other image unit but it doesn't work either. I'm wondering if there's any restriction on the texture of webGL that you can't do read/write in the same shader? or I did something wrong?

I'm getting the "USB drive failed. Drive is not read-write" error message and I followed the directions found in other posts...shut down, take the drive out, shove it in a Windoze machine and run chkdsk on it. 

I did this and the error remains.


Yes I did read that, and followed that guide. However it made no difference. When the USB was created with UFEI enabled or renaming the folder itself, The device would not boot.

Attempting the manual method

Your problem seems to be something different. And as this is a [SOLVED] thread you will not likely get much attention here. Start a new thread detailing what you have done and a description of when in the boot process you get the kernel panic, and link back to this thread if you think it is relevant.

@wucherpfennig, posting in a thread marked as [solved] is okay. It is just that the issue you are posting about seems to be something totally different than the one described in the thread. So Trilby is just pointing this out. You'd likely be better off trying to address your problem in either a new thead, or one that directly relates to the problem that you are having (without hijacking the thread of course).

The above post is bad advice. The point of the fsck hook was never about what pid 1 might or might not do (hint, init has always fsck'd devices going back to sysvinit) but that fsck can be performed in early userspace before the filesystem is even mounted. This lets you fix more errors without rebooting, as fsck'ing later on necessitates that the disk is mounted (and read-only).

Thank you falconindy! I've been trying to understand how to fix this for a few days. Finally after carefully reading enough I figured out where the change needed to be made (in my grub.cfg file). I found that file early on, but it said not to change it (because it was automatically generated...). Just wanted to say I appreciate your efforts (and can feel your frustration from reading all your posts on this topic).

I'm unsure if I misinterpreted somewhere that the maximum write would be that of a single drive, but my gut says that assertion is not right. Obviously by using SSDs the write speed would improve, but what I'm interested in is the theoretical maximum write speed, given all other variables being consistent?

I assume compression, encryption and de-duplication would have zero impact assuming CPU did not bottleneck read/writes, other than the time saved due to compression/dedup reducing the need to actually perform read/writes?

you can alternatively try the Excel Macro Extensions which can save all the open tables at once in different Excel spread sheets in one file. You can also selectively save them by their names.

The problem is that I need to remove a file from the image before writing it to USB.As far as I understand during the conversion the new image file has become read/write (due to the -format UDRW switch). Still, I can't delete files from the mounted image (Permission denied).

Using a shadow file to attach a read-only image read-write to modify it, then convert it back to a read-only image. This method eliminates the time/space required to convert a image to read-write before modifying it.

MySQL Router classifies each query as read or write and directs it to the appropriate backend. It is also possible to manually, or programmatically, specify the type of query using ROUTER SET or query_attributes.

The read/write capacity mode controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. You can set the read/write capacity mode when creating a table or you can change it later.

Amazon DynamoDB on-demand is a flexible billing option capable of serving thousands of requests per second without capacity planning. DynamoDB on-demand offers pay-per-request pricing for read and write requests so that you pay only for what you use.

Tables can be switched to on-demand mode once every 24 hours. Creating a table as on-demand also starts this 24-hour period. Tables can be returned to provisioned capacity mode at any time. For issues to consider when switching read/write capacity modes, see Considerations when changing read/write Capacity Mode.

For on-demand mode tables, you don't need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform. DynamoDB charges you for the reads and writes that your application performs on your tables in terms of read request units and write request units.

If you need to read an item that is larger than 4 KB, DynamoDB needs additional read request units. The total number of read request units required depends on the item size, and whether you want an eventually consistent or strongly consistent read. For example, if your item size is 8 KB, you require 2 read request units to sustain one strongly consistent read, 1 read request unit if you choose eventually consistent reads, or 4 read request units for a transactional read request.

One write request unit represents one write for an item up to 1 KB in size. If you need to write an item that is larger than 1 KB, DynamoDB needs to consume additional write request units. Transactional write requests require 2 write request units to perform one write for items up to 1 KB. The total number of write request units required depends on the item size. For example, if your item size is 2 KB, you require 2 write request units to sustain one write request or 4 write request units for a transactional write request.

 A provisioned table configured as 100 WCU and 100 RCU.  When this table is switched to on-demand for the first time, DynamoDB will ensure it is scaled out to instantly sustain at least 4,000 write units/sec and 12,000 read units/sec.

A provisioned table configured as 8,000 WCU and 24,000 RCU. When this table is switched to on-demand, it will continue to be able to sustain at least 8,000 write units/sec and 24,000 read units/sec at any time.

A provisioned table configured with 8,000 WCU and 24,000 RCU, that consumed 6,000 write units/sec and 18,000 read units/sec for a sustained period. When this table is switched to on-demand, it will continue to be able to sustain at least 8,000 write units/sec and 24,000 read units/sec. The previous traffic may further allow the table to sustain much higher levels of traffic without throttling. ff782bc1db

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