Is there any documentation on integration of Adobe Analytics (through javascript not through Launch / DTM) with reactjs SPA (not react-native just plain reactjs)? Or any npm module which helps with the same?

Hey there folks 

I am trying to style the reactjs search icon/button. pulled in by the CDN, almost there but I cannot figure out what selector to use in order to get rid of the button border that appears if I click on the search icon. anyone here who can tell me how I can make it transparent? I want to keep the search icon. Problem being I have made the icon larger so now the box that appears on click is cutting through the icon

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I was also wondering how we change the filter items - please see screenshot attached. Usually these items are on the left side of the screen in the reactjs starter, I have just moved them to the top in stead. do we include the items we want in our json file? Or do we submit them somewhere on our dashboards?

thanks in advance

Lindasearch-app-filter-items1396190 21.8 KB

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