This may be a stupid question but I am relatively new to managing computers with Jamf (only 5 managed so far). I have been testing enrolling my test MacBook Pro and unenrolling a few times to make sure everything comes down as we want it. Instead of unenrolling the device I decided to test out the "Remote Wipe" command in Jamf, which worked perfectly. However since reimaging (and reimaging a few times through the normal process, as well as unenrolling and re-enrolling) the Mac and when doing self enrollment or email enrollment I'm being asked to install the QuickAdd package instead of enrolling by installing the CA certificate and Mobile device profile.

This only seems to happen on this one computer, if I go to any other Mac it enrolls with the cert and profile. What is causing this one Mac to enroll with the QuickAdd package and is there anyway to configure which way a device enrolls? We did have a an image set up under Settings -> Computer Management -> Configurations, but we have since deleted it.

Download Quickadd Package Jamf


I had an odd one today where I could not for the life of me get a new 2018 MBP with Mojave enrolled into the JSS (10.9.0).

I ended up using the ?type=QuickAdd method, and it worked.

Only odd thing was this guy setup the new Mac (non-DEP) with a Time Machine backup to sparsebundle on an NFS share. User ID was a good 501 and has a securetoken. Not sure what the deal was, but once the jamf.log got to agent loading, it just halted. And the MDM Profile was approved, etc.

Note: Enrolling with a Jamf Pro server using a QuickAdd package does not enable user-approved MDM. If this is necessary in your environment, I recommend using the MDM profile method to enroll the Mac in question.

How is the quickadd.pkg file handled with DEP?

 The MDM profile is first downloaded to the device, then configuration profiles are applied and finally the quick add package (JAMF binary) is installed.

I can enroll devices to Jamf with the quickadd package and Recon, but all of them are listed in Jamf as not being MDM capable and do not get any configuration profiles at all. I guess this is related to the changes in the profiles command in Big Sur, because this procedure still works as expected on devices with Catalina installed. If I get a device on Catalina, enroll it and upgrade it to Big Sur, the device retains the MDM capabilities and gets the profiles as expected. However, if you remove the MDM profile and enroll it again, it loses its MDM capabilities. If I open the software center on a non-DEP device on Big Sur, I get the popup that I have to accept the MDM profile, but system preferences is always empty.

Jamf Pro accomplishes this by using the InstallEnterpriseApplication command, which means a computer in this state would still need to be receiving and processing MDM commands from your Jamf Pro server. You can usually tell this is the case if you check the Management History on a computer record and see commands running successfully. If so you can use the new jamf-management-framework API endpoint to reinstall the Jamf management framework (QuickAdd package) automatically and re-establish management with the Jamf Pro server.

AutoDMG and CreateUserPkg are tools developed by Per Olofsson. AutoDMG builds a never-booted disk image that can be used to image Macs. To build the image it uses the latest macOS installer to find any updates that need to be applied and any custom packages. CreateUserPkg creates packages to deploy macOS user accounts.

AutoDMG is a powerful tool for never-booted disk image creation. Leveraging the image creation of AutoDMG, we can create a never-booted disk image that can be passed to vfuse to convert to a virtual machine. AutoDMG has two sections of packages, the first section is for OS Updates that are pulled down by AutoDMG using the latest base installer. The second section is for custom packages. We will be putting all the packages that we just downloaded or created into that section.

Excellent work. Having my entire jamfPro environment running Ubuntu 16LTS in HyperV I only ever spun up similiar dev VMs. I like the idea of just throwing them together quickly like this and running them local on my MacPro on my desk that has plenty of CPU and memory to spare. Also great for training fellow SysAdmins and letting them break their own jamfPro environments.

Big Sur enrollment using Jamf Pro is currently Broken. If you attempt to take Big Sur Beta 1 through DEP/Automated Enrollment it will fail. Behind the scenes, the jamf binary is not installing properly. A quick workaround is to build out a 10.15.5 Mac, then enroll it in to Jamf Pro. Run the Big Sur Upgrade and your Mac will be fully working with Jamf Pro.

If you manage more than a handful of devices, you should really sign up forthe Apple Developer Program. TheDeveloper Program will provide you with a number of certificates issued by Applethat are trusted on all macOS and iOS devices. This is useful for signing yourJamf Pro QuickAdd package, signing other installer packages, and signingconfiguration profiles. When these objects are signed you avoid the hurdles ofyour packages being quarantined by Gatekeeper, or your profiles appearing as"unverified."

If you'd prefer a graphical tool to manage signing Configuration Profiles (orpackages), check out Hancock. You'llstill need to correctly generate a signing certificate using a method outlinedabove, but Hancock can save you some keystrokes if you prefer an app!

Jamf self-describes as "The Standard for macOS in the Enterprise". At first we thought this was marketing spiel, however, after some research we learned that the platform is used by over 36,000 organisations, including 8 out of the top 10 largest fortune 500 companies and even by Apple themselves! As with many software packages, the security of the solution is dependent on how you configure it.

The QuickAdd Package is an installation package that installs the necessary binaries and agents on the target device. Once these components are installed, the package executes a post-install script which runs the necessary commands to enroll the device.

On Mojave and Catalina, you can use SwiftDefaultApps to change the default PDF reader. You can deploy it to a custom location in a package created with an app like Packages, and use a Jamf Extension Attribute in combination with a daily policy to make sure it stays default.

Starting on or around Monday June 26th we recently ran into some issues where the Jamf Pro Binary located at /usr/local/bin/jamf was missing on newly enrolled computers. The computers would be MDM enrolled but and would receive configuration profiles but the Jamf Management Framework, including Self Service and the jamf binary would be missing. Because of this check-in and inventory were not fully taking place.

Once you're logged in, the QuickAdd package should download automatically. If it doesn't, click the link provided on the page to start the download manually. After QuickAdd has finished downloading, run it by double-clicking its icon in the Safari downloads list. Or you can find it in your downloads folder located on your Dock.

After running the QuickAdd package, you will be prompted to install the software. Proceed like you would for any other software installation. The installer may appear to hang when it reaches the Running package scripts stage, but be patient. When it's finished, you will see the following screen: e24fc04721

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