QuickEdit is an incredibly practical, fast, and stable text editor that makes it possible to edit more than fifty different programming languages. If you're looking for a good text editor for Android capable of working with large files and thousands of lines, then look no further - this is the best option you can find.

This code editor, which has syntax highlighting, is capable of working with C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, and many other languages, so no matter how you're developing your work, the app will be able to open it without any problems. Plus, thanks to the app's high performance with large files, you'll be able to open texts with more than ten thousand lines without any complications.

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This tool is capable of undoing and redoing modifications without any kind of limit, as well as displaying, increasing, or decreasing the indentation of lines, scrolling smoothly both vertically and horizontally, and showing or hiding line numbers. In addition, it gives you the option to go directly to the specified line number and search for quick replacement.

On top of all that, QuickEdit features easy color input in hexadecimal format, automatic character encoding detection, and the ability to change text encoding. Although this tool is a great code editor, it can also be used as a simple text editor and create simple notes in seconds.

The desktop version is a complete text editor with capabilities for formatting text, and opening and saving HTML and plain text files. It demonstrates the native-looking dialogs and menus using the Qt Labs Platform module. These types are mostly suitable for desktop platforms with support for multiple top-level windows, a mouse pointer, and moderate screen size.

The touch user interface is a simplified version of the text editor. It is suitable for touch devices with limited screen size. The example uses file selectors to load the appropriate user interface automatically.

Both user interfaces use the same C++ backend, which supports opening, formatting, and editing a document. The C++ class, DocumentHandler, extends QObject and is registered as a QML type under the namespace io.qt.examples.texteditor 1.0.

I am using PopOS Gnome and while I am still trying to get used to Linux, at the same time, I have been slowly customizing the system and setting the softwares that I use, especially Blender. I am not a coder or programmer, so I don't really need any text edit app for coding. All I want is a simple and elegant looking app for taking notes, and if possible, attaching screenshots/images as well.

Functions that I need are pretty simple. Change colours of text, making text bold, italic..etc. Being able to add bullet points and attaching images. That's all. I love the design of Gnome so if it is something that looks like that, even better.

QuickEdit Text Editor is a free productivity app by Rhythm Software and is a versatile, full-featured, and reliable text editor app for almost any device that can support it. It can be used as a standard editor for plain text files or as a code editor for programming files, making it useful for both general and professional purposes.

As mentioned, QuickEdit is designed for use on phones and tablets and is fast, stable, and packed with features. It is suited for both general and professional use because it can be used as a conventional text editor for plain text files or as a code editor for code highlighting for over 50 programming languages, and the ability to compile and run over 30 common programming languages.

The app includes features such as undo and redo changes, the ability to show or hide line numbers, and smooth scrolling both vertically and horizontally. It also supports both light and dark themes, so you can write for hours without straining your eyes. Some features also include the ability to scroll vertically or horizontally, input hex color values for accurate text colors, detection of charset and encoding, and more.

QuickEdit is a text editor that is optimized for phones and tablets. It offers various features such as syntax highlighting for 50+ programming languages and the ability to edit both plain text and code files. The app includes undo and redo changes, a line number display, and supports both light and dark themes. However, the presence of frequent ads can be annoying, so ad-free alternatives might be better for you.

I (unfortunately) have a heavily cluttered presentation with a lot of text stacked on top of eachother which I wish to edit, making it difficult to edit directly by clicking on it. I do not want to move the textboxes as this will mess up with the animation. I am able to select the textbox with the content I wish to edit by using the navigator and/or the custom animation sidebars, but I am unable to edit the text itself. Is there some hotkey which is should get me from selecting a textbox to be able to edit its content.

I found out that it is possible to select the textbox content by selecting the textbox within eg. custom animation or navigator sidebar, then while keeping this selected, while in the navigator is open, use the F2 button.

This seems quite useful, but in my case I the problem is that there were multiple textboxes stacked on top of eachother. Therefore using the cursor is not optimal. I will try to adjust my question to make it more clear

That's PATH, not EDITOR. Environment variables are just text strings and can be used for entirely different purposes by different software - so their content will not follow the same pattern.

PATH is used by the shell which interprets the content of the variable as a colon-separated list of directories / paths to search for executables. EDITOR is just used as is, it should not be a list of any sort.

Could it be possible to streamline those processes? By having a button to edit the raw json of a view within the Designer, using something akin to the Scripting window? For extra cool points, you could even let us set our own text editor, ala. git.

Pico is a simple text editor that displays a list of menu commands for manipulating text at the bottom of the screen. Most of the commands combine the control character with another character from the keyboard. Editing can be accomplished by entering text, navigating with the arrow keys and/or menu commands and manipulating text with the menu commands. Use the following command to edit the file called filename with the pico editor:

The other type of text in Photoshop is called paragraph text. As the name suggests, this is used when you want to type a paragraph. Click and drag the cursor on the canvas to create a bounding box in which you can type your paragraph. This helps you efficiently edit and align the paragraph later.

If you are unable to do this step, you may not have the latest version of Photoshop. In this case, select the Type tool in the toolbar, click the text you want to select, and choose Select > All in the menu bar.

If you have a word or a few words (that is point text), you need to convert it to paragraph text first to justify it. To change point text to paragraph text, select the type layer and choose Type > Convert To Paragraph Text from the menu bar.

My husband uses Archicad 20. He double clicks the mouse to edit text without having to right click the mouse to get into the text to edit. Due to a disability he cannot right click the mouse so this double click option is important. Today this option stopped working, and we do not know how / where to find that option to turn it back on. Would appreciate any help.

I just tried it and it works... I think what may be happening is that you have your magnet/quick selection button turned off in your Info Bar. When "off" you can NOT double click on text to edit. When turned "on" then you can. I just tested it and it works.

I get that all the time when I have changed a Layout name and then use spacebar to quick select on the open model window, it ads a load of spaces to the end of the name and then errors when they are published! ??

QED is a line-oriented computer text editor that was developed by Butler Lampson and L. Peter Deutsch for the Berkeley Timesharing System running on the SDS 940. It was implemented by L. Peter Deutsch and Dana Angluin between 1965 and 1966.[2][3]

Ken Thompson later wrote a version for CTSS; this version was notable for introducing regular expressions. Thompson rewrote QED in BCPL for Multics. The Multics version was ported to the GE-600 system used at Bell Labs in the late 1960s under GECOS and later GCOS after Honeywell took over GE's computer business. The GECOS-GCOS port used I/O routines written by A. W. Winklehoff. Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson and Brian Kernighan wrote the QED manuals used at Bell Labs.[6][7][8]Given that the authors were the primary developers of the Unix operating system, it is natural that QED had a strong influence on the classic UNIX text editors ed, sed and their descendants such as ex and sam,[9] and more distantly AWK and Perl. 2351a5e196

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