The lines are a poignant reminder that all good things must come to an end. May seems to be saying that while we cannot live forever, we can create lasting memories with the people we love. He acknowledges that losing someone we love is painful, but suggests that the memories we create with them can last forever.

The worst fate possible might well be immortality. Sure, you might like the idea that you get to live forever and see what the world's like hundreds of years from now, but what's eternal life compared to the pain of life in general? From eventual boredom to eternal entrapment and torture to the emotional anguish of seeing your loved ones die, one by one, as you stay fixed in time. Then let's not forget that the Earth might be destroyed by the expanding sun in a few billion years, so if you haven't a way to leave by then you can look forward to spending eternity in space, orbiting the dying core of the sun. And let's not forget the toll outliving your race, your planet, or even your universe will have on your psyche, constantly suffering isolation madness and constantly flip-flopping between insanity and lucidity just to entertain yourself. And with how each cycle will feel shorter and shorter each time, the emotional and psychological pain will only get worse.

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When done Anviliciously, this can seem like Sour Grapes on the part of the very much mortal writers. May be used as a Fantastic Aesop (if offered an opportunity to live forever, don't take it), or not (death, though inevitable, isn't an inherently bad thing).

Comic StripsĀ  In a Dilbert cartoon, an android made in Dilbert's image boasts that he will live forever and lets out an Evil Laugh. Then, a few seconds later, he complains that he's bored. The Phantom: The hero once dealt with a gladiator from Ancient Rome who was cursed with immortality and Nigh-Invulnerability (though like an ant, his back is vulnerable). Said gladiator even tried suicide throughout the centuries (and got really happy at his defeat and consequent death by the hands of the Ghost Who Walks).

Fairy TalesĀ  "The Soldier And Death": The soldier captures Death in a magic sack and is convinced to set him free after finding an aging woman and realizing that many old, sick people are waiting for death that will never come. However, Death is so traumatized from being trapped in the sack that it refuses to come near the Soldier. Then both Heaven and Hell refuse to accept him, and he is doomed to wander around Earth. "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter": An emperor is given the elixir of life by the beautiful Princess Kaguya as she departs, but refuses to drink it because if he won't be able to see said princess's beauty again, then he doesn't want to live forever.

Myths & ReligionĀ  The Wandering Jew is a folklore character who is cursed with immortality after mocking Christ. He is consistently depicted as a decrepit old man who suffers for his sin. The Bible: The reason God banished Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden after they ate the Forbidden Fruit was because of this. If He had allowed them to eat from the Tree of Life after they defied Him, then they and all mankind would be doomed with eternal life on a cursed world away from Him. Cain, who is sometimes conflated with the Wandering Jew, may be considered an example. After killing his brother, the Lord promises that anyone who harms him (which may include Cain himself) will suffer God's wrath. He places a mark on Cain, so that everyone will know to leave him alone. Although not explicitly immortal, this guarantees that Cain will have a long time to suffer for his crime. If you eat the flesh of a Japanese mermaid ("Ningyo"), you don't exactly live forever, however, you'll live for a very long time (and not age), and your life will suck for the same reasons. As Yao Bikuni so quite points out, this is the reason as to why the titular priestess became a priestess, as she's been widowed so many times, staying that way until committing suicide. Classical Mythology: Eos asked Zeus to grant her lover Tithonus immortality, but neglected to ask for eternal youth to go with it, and apparently Zeus was not in an especially giving mood when he granted her request. The result is that Tithonus shriveled away into increasing decrepitude. In some versions of the story, Eos eventually shut him up in a room with shining doors to babble endlessly in his senility, too weak to move; in other versions, he ultimately became a cicada, as a way to alleviate his suffering. When Selene asked Zeus for Endymion's immortality, she carefully considered the consequences of her wish. Learning from the mistake of Eos, she phrased her request to keep Endymion perpetually in the state which she had first met him-as a handsome youth sleeping on a hillside. Prometheus's punishment was to live his immortal life in torture. Every day, deadly wounds were inflicted upon him by an eagle sent to eat his liver. Every night, he would regenerate and heal to await the next assault from the bird. Subverted in some versions of the myth, where Hercules eventually passes by and, seeing Prometheus's suffering, kills the eagle and frees Prometheus. In Christianity, this is considered to have been the fate of all humanity, if it weren't for the existence of Jesus Christ. This is the fate of Stingy Jack (AKA Jack o' Lantern). He was an evil man who tricked the Devil into being trapped in a tree by putting a holy symbol on the trunk whilst the Devil was in the tree. Jack would only allow the Devil down if he promised never to bring Jack into Hell. The Devil agreed. However, since Jack was still too selfish and wicked to get into Heaven, he had nowhere to go after he died. The Devil gave him an ember from the fires of Hell to light his way, which Jack kept in a hollowed-out turnip (since pumpkins were more plentiful and easier to carve in the New World, in later versions of the story they became the vessel in which the ember was kept). Jack is now cursed to wander forever, carrying his lantern, a Jack-o-Lantern. Mahabharata: Ashwatthama was cursed with immortality by Krishna after brutally slaughtering the Pandava and using a Brahmastra on the womb of their pregnant queen. Not only was he made immortal, he was also afflicted with diseases, ulcers, and wounds that would not heal for 3,000 years.

PodcastsĀ  The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home from Welcome to Night Vale holds this sentiment. Nothing ever really happens to me. I am completely safe from harm, and this is a great burden... I think that one day, this world will simply talk itself to death, and I will be left to flit about in the void. I will be the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives Nowhere. In The Adventure Zone: Balance, the Animus Bell tries to tempt Magnus with eternal life and is immediately shut down, because dying for him means reuniting with his dead wife Julia, to the point that early in the adventure he was a borderline Death Seeker who longed to go out in a blaze of glory.Animus Bell: How would you like to live forever?Ā 

Magnus: I'd hate it. Shut the fuck up.

TheatreĀ  The Makropulos Affair, a play written by Czech playwright Karel Capek and subsequently adapted into an opera by Leos Janacek, concerns a woman who has been granted 300 years of life through a magic potion, with an option for renewal. She finds that such a long life is an ordeal that leaves her exhausted and numb to human emotions. She decides that death is better. An Ordinary Wonder by Russian Yevgenii Shvarts. There is a wizard in the play, who tells his wife near the end: "But alas, I am immortal, so I will spend the rest of eternity missing you." Tanz der Vampire: "Die Unstillbare Gier" ("The Insatiable Greed") is essentially Von Krolock saying, "Don't live forever, you'll kill everyone you love." It includes recitations of dates from 300 years back, lamenting how he still can't forgive himself for killing people way back then. "Ewigkeit" ("Eternity") is basically the vampire guests of the ball saying that eternity sucks."Eternity is permanent boredomĀ 

A cheerless cycle with neither beginning, nor endĀ 

For all the time the same is repeated from the startĀ 

No exultation, no horrorĀ 

Only the boringĀ 



Visual NovelsĀ  Vampires in Diabolik Lovers series look forward to dying, although they generally don't actively seek it. The character most likely to bring up this celebratory attitude toward death is the local Lovable Sex Maniac (for whatever definition of lovable,) Laito. Despite being young in vampire terms, he was tired of his nightmare of a life even before meeting the heroine and discovering that for him, falling in love is a harrowing, painful ordeal which he is psychologically ill-suited to endure. And if he makes it through all that, he enters into a relationship with a girl that he can't share immortality with, and he dreads being left behind to the point of contemplating Suicide by Cop. Tsugumi of Ever17 has the Cur Virus. Overall, it's a pretty sweet deal, with her having stopped aging at 17, total immunity to illness, a healing factor, and the ability to see in the dark via infrared vision. The downside is that her regeneration and agelessness are because the Virus has turned her body into a form of cancer cell - meaning she's incredibly weak to sunlight. She was first infected when she was 12, and being a carrier of a new disease, was taken to a place she didn't even know to be perpetually experimented on. When told that that the suffering she's been through is okay because living is beautiful on its own, she's so jaded that she responds by crushing her pet hamster (also infected with immortality) to a bloody pulp, asking if that was okay to do, just because it recovered. As a cherry on top, she has to give up her children for adoption because the medical company is still tracking her down after she escaped experimentation. While she does manage to find a reason to live in her family, the game implies she'll outlive her children one day. Monster Prom: Polly, the Hard-Drinking Party Girl ghost wonders about this briefly, on the sense that she fears that she'll someday do everything and have nothing left to do, since she'll likely live forever. Brought up in the visual novel Songs of Araiah, where it is mentioned that most magicians (who can be immortal) revoke their own immortality after having lived about a thousand years. In addition, immortality works by "freezing" the state that the body is in, meaning that immortals do not age, women can not have children, and their bodies will get neither better nor worse (for example, the lead female, Melissa, will always have to wear glasses, despite the existence of spells which could fix her vision). Outliving loved ones is a minor issue, as a magician can grant immortality to anybody. Rune from Frozen Essence constantly regenerates and cannot die due to becoming the Life Hex Monument many years ago, and his life simply consists of a neverending cycle of being imprisoned and the painful process of charging the Life Sphere. It's such a miserable existence that he stops caring about anything anymore. In the True End he succeeds in finally being able to rest in peace with a smile on his face. Diego in Havenfall Is for Lovers is a 500-year-old vampire. For the most part he makes the best of his ageless existence, but when the subject of whether or not he'd turn his love interest, he expresses some very strong opinions on the subject.Diego: There's a reason there are so many cautionary tales about eternal life. 2351a5e196

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