I have looked everywhere, but can find no answer to my question. I am using some VBA to dynamically show and hide rows and columns based on selections in my worksheets. In attempting to protect these worksheets I can find no way to prevent users from selecting "View Code" and being able to edit the VBA. The contents of the worksheets are protected, but not the underlying code. Help!

Office Scripts are written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript. The Action Recorder generates code in TypeScript and the Office Scripts documentation uses TypeScript. Since TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, any scripting code that you write in JavaScript will work just fine.

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Office Scripts are largely self-contained pieces of code. Only a small part of TypeScript's functionality is used. Therefore, you can edit scripts without having to learn the intricacies of TypeScript. The Code Editor also handles the installation, compilation, and execution of code, so you don't need to worry about anything but the script itself. It's possible to learn the language and create scripts without previous programming knowledge. However, if you're new to programming, we recommend learning some fundamentals before proceeding with Office Scripts.

Office Scripts use a specialized version of the Office JavaScript APIs for Office Add-ins. While there are similarities in the two APIs, you should not assume code can be ported between the two platforms. The differences between the two platforms are described in the Differences between Office Scripts and Office Add-ins article. You can view all the APIs available to your script in the Office Scripts API reference documentation.

Hover the cursor over a method, class, or other code object to see more information. Hover over a syntax error or code suggestion, represented by a red or yellow squiggly line, to see suggestions on how to fix the problem. Often, IntelliSense provides a "Quick Fix" option to automatically change the code.

I have this Excel Workbook, with user interfaces in each sheet. Each sheet within the workbook does a different part of some overall task. Should I place the code relevant to each sheet inside the Sheet objects, or in Modules? Group into one module, or separate modules?

Since the tooling is so poor in primitive systems such as Excel VBA, best practices, obsessive code hygiene and religious following of conventions are important, especially if you're trying to do anything remotely complex with it.

This article explains the intended usages of different types of code containers. It doesn't qualify why these distinctions should be made, but I believe most developers trying to develop serious applications on the Excel platform follow them.

I would suggest separating your code based on the functionality and purpose specific to each sheet or module. In this manner, you would only put code relative to a sheet's UI inside the sheet's module and only put code related to modules in respective modules. Also, use separate modules to encapsulate code that is shared or reused among several different sheets.

For example, let's say you multiple sheets that are responsible for displaying data from a database in a special way. What kinds of functionality do we have in this situation? We have functionality related to each specific sheet, tasks related to getting data from the database, and tasks related to populating a sheet with data. In this case, I might start with a module for the data access, a module for populating a sheet with data, and within each sheet I'd have code for accessing code in those modules.

The CODE Function[1] is categorized under Excel Text functions. It returns a numeric code for the first character in a given text string. The returned code corresponds to the character set used by the computer. The Windows operating system uses the ANSI character set, whereas Mac OS uses the Macintosh character set.

The idea is that I'm starting to learn how to make UDFs, and do various things in VBA, and thought that if I could see how Excel actually executes Sum() for instance, I can learn how to make my code tighter, take less space, etc.

Edit2: The overall idea is that I'm learning C++/VBA/C#, and would like to see "official" functions just to learn how they work, and see if there are any ways to speed up code. OpenOffice functions are good too!

I would instead, urge you do understand the logic of the functions. You know what a Sum is, that should be easy for you to replicate. The things you don't know - like a vlookup or stdev have some sort of logic - whether purely mathematical or operational (like transpose). Learn how those work and then design your code around the logic.

Why does a low-code platform need a language? The truth is, point-and-click tools are great for quickly assembling experiences and workflows, but many real-world solutions need a layer of logic that goes beyond what is practical to drag and drop, for example:

This next chapter is an exciting step in a software project that has a rich history at Microsoft. The origins of Power Fx run deeper than the platform itself. With investment spanning seven years across two project code names, Tangram and Siena, the language was originally brought to life by a team of architects and engineers led by Vijay Mital, Robin Abraham, Shon Katzenberger and Darryl Rubin. With a PhD in functional languages, extensive experience in AI, expression syntax, and Excel and programming, the team took inspiration from linear solvers, Miranda, Mathematica, and Pascal, and collectively leveraged the best of Microsoft to create a low-code language.

When you want to import external data from an incompatible third-party system into the Project level Budget tool (see Import a Budget CSV), its a common practice to use the Microsoft Excel program to edit the Import Budget CSV file. When performing this step, it is also common for users to report that the Microsoft Excel program has reformatted your numeric cost codes as dates. While this is unexpected behavior, it can also be challenging to correct.

From an end user perspective, a CSV file appears to look and function like any other spreadsheet file (i.e., XLS, XLSX, and so on) while you are viewing it in Microsoft Excel. However, the data stored in a CSV (i.e., the values in the headers, columns, and rows) is actually encoded in a text format. To see what a CSV looks like in its raw form, simply open it with your computer's text editor (i.e., Notes, Text/Edit, or Notepad). Below is an example.

Typically, number-to-date reformatting occurs at the time you open a CSV file with Microsoft Excel. Because the program must look at text data encoded in a wide variety of formats, Microsoft Excel is designed to automatically apply the 'General' cell format to the data in the spreadsheet (Note: If you want to see the variety of formats that can be applied to a cell in Microsoft Excel, choose Format > Cells. Then review the options in the Format Cells dialog box). During auto-detection, the program looks at the encoded cell values and then automatically decides whether the value in that cell should be formatted as date, fraction, currency, or text, and so on.

I am not aware of any modules that ship with stock Fiji / ImageJ

that can read from an excel file. I doubt that there are any. You

can find python and java code that can read from excel (so you

could write a jython (python) script or java plugin), but, in my past

experience, these kinds of things tend to be imperfect.

Thanks so much for your kind and quick response. I have not worker with .csv file before.

Can Fiji easily import from .csv? Let me explain what I need to be imported. I have x and y of many images that x and y show the edges of the specific image. I have to run a piece of code to do some steps and import each x and y of a image do specific analyzes and export to an excel file. Can csv file work in this context?

Each line is a row of data, and the data items in each column are

separated by commas. If you had an excel spreadsheet that

contained four rows and two columns consisting of the above

data, this is (more or less) what you would get if you exported

it from excel as a .csv file.

Export a (small) table of number from excel as a .csv file.

Open that file in a text editor (e.g., notepad) just to see what it

looks like.

Write an ImageJ script in the scripting language of your choice

(e.g., jython), that opens that file and reads in the numbers.

Write the numbers to the Log window just to make sure you got

them right.

hi, i am doing an exercise for school and i am stuck at this part (photo below). anyhow, i still tried following the link ( -tutorial-read-excel-into-r) and this was the result (photo below). i am aware there is a big gap i have to fill in, may i pls be guided to it? thank you!!

I suggest you to use the import dataset menu. You can click in the upper left menu File > Import Dataset > From Excel and select the file to import it. Then you can copy the code that appears in the R console with the code required for import the data in xlsx and then copy it in a R Markdown code chunk.

hi thank you for the reply. I tried the first step "File-Import-From Excel" then a tab appeared asking me to i need to install readxl,so i did. and this was the result (photo below). do i also need to to the step below as mentioned above? just to confirm the date imported matches accurately to the excel data, just want to ask if i did the step correctly and if i need to do the step below mentioned. thank you again! e24fc04721

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