end of warning message--> LibraryLibGuidesBrown GIS and Data TutorialsIntro to GIS with QGIS Search this GuideSearch Brown GIS and Data Tutorials This guide contains GIS and data tutorials created by the Brown University Library IntroductionIntro to GIS with QGISIntro to ArcGIS Pro S4Intro to ArcGIS StoryMapsRaster DataGoogle Earth EngineGIS Wildlife DataUS Census Data SeriesAPIs with PythonStata BasicsData Processing with Excel  Introduction to GIS with QGISThis tutorial was created for a day-long introductory GIS workshop and for self-directed learners, using the free and open source QGIS desktop software. Download QGIS and install it for Windows, Mac, or Linux. It's recommended that you install the same version of QGIS that's being used in the tutorial, which is written for the stable long term release. Members of the Brown community can check the library's event calendar for available in-person workshops.

I have referenced Terra Incognita because I felt it was the easiest way to obtain satellite data in the oziexplorer map format - see this tutorial for help using Terra Incognita. Don't worry about getting the perfect square sat image using Terra Incognita, just grab slightly bigger area than you will actually use for this project - QGIS steps below will cut to the perfect square.

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This tutorial covers single raster heightmap as per the kind you will find on opentopo here, I will detail steps for heightmaps spread across muliptle rasters in another update. as they will require additional steps likely including Merge / Build Virtual Raster commands. This section does not cover any re scaling of heightmap, which I would recommend against anyway. Remember Grid size x Cell size should = the same size (meters) as your source heightmap selection.

If you do use opentopo for source of Heightmap, make sure extract both the .asc and .prj files before proceeding with below. They should both be in the zip file from opentopo.

This will ensure your QGIS project space works appropriately with any other data you want to add - eg road shapefiles etc. Terrain Builder will only use UTM 31N but we'll get to that later.

I would recommend saving copies of any files to be used in Terrain Builder into a separate terrain project folder. This will prevent your source project files being adversely affected, and potentially no longer working within QGIS - particularly relevant to those changes mentioned below.

This is an introductory course that covers QGIS from the very basics.You will learn to use QGIS for mapping, spatial data processing, andspatial analysis. This class is ideal for participants with a basicknowledge of GIS and who want to learn how to use QGIS to carry outeveryday GIS tasks.

The exercises and challenges in this course use a variety ofdatasets. All the required datasets are supplied in theintroduction_to_qgis.zip file. Unzip this file to adirectory - preferably to the/Downloads/introduction_to_qgis/folder.

This section is designed to help you get familiar with the basicworkflow of importing data layers, applying symbology, adding labels,and designing layouts for maps. We will take a text file containinghistorical records of earthquakes and turn it into an informativevisualization like the one below.

QGIS has many rich cartography features. One of my favorites iscalled Live Layer Effects. This allows you to add effects suchas Outer Glow, Drop Shadow, etc., to each symbol. Thistakes your symbology to the next level and helps highlight certainfeatures. Select the large_earthquakes layer and open theLayer Styling Panel. Expand the Layer Renderingsection and enable Draw effects. Click the Customizeeffects button and add a drop shadow effect to the layer.

Labels are a useful way to convey additional information for anyfeatures. Labels are associated with each feature and can be configuredto show information from the attributes. We will now add labels to eachof the large earthquake points to show the name of the location as wellas the deaths caused due to that earthquake.

Tip: If a label disappears after moving it, it means that it has beenplaced at a position that cannot be displayed on the map withoutcolliding with other labels. You can see the unplaced labels by clickingthe Toggle Display of Unplaced Labels button on the LabelToolbar. Once the label is shown, you can move it to another spotwhere it can be displayed.

The numbers displayed in the labels can be hard to read since theyare not formatted. We can make them readable by adding athousand-separator. So a number such as 227899 is displayed as227,899 and a number like 5749 as 5,749.Update the expression for the labels, so the numbers are formatted. Toachieve this, you can use the format_number() function inthe QGIS expression editor.

Hint: The PDF Export Options dialog has an optionSimplify geometries to reduce output file size at the bottom.While useful, this can have unexpected effect on the output. Un-check itwhile doing the export.

In this section, we will learn basic data processing andvisualization techniques. We will use geographic boundaries andpopulation count data for the City of New York and create a populationdensity map. This requires doing a table join and using a graduatedsymbology to create a choropleth map.

Your task is to design a map of Population Density of New YorkCity in QGIS Print Layout. You can take the choropleth map createdin the previous section 2.2 Createa Choropleth Map and design a map in the Print Layout. In additionto the rendered vector layer, the map must have at least the followingelements:

Georeferencing is the process of assigning real-world coordinates toeach pixel of the raster. This is an important step in preparing yourdata for further analysis. Many projects, particularly machine learningprojects - need continuous historic records to build a model. Many ofthe older datasets may come in form of scanned maps or aerial photosthat needs to be georeferenced. Similarly, some organizations may onlyshare a PDF or a static map image of the dataset which will need to beconverted into a GIS-ready format using georeferencing process.

Georeferencing process involves collecting GCPs (Ground ControlPoints) or Tie-Points. These GCPs are easily identifiable features inthe image or map whose real-world coordinates are obtained fromfield-survey using a GPS device or identified from already georeferencedsources within a GIS.

You will see a warning against using contributed services. Some ofthese services may have restrictions on their usage and/or attributionrequirement that you need to follow. Please review them before usingthem in your project.

In this exercise we used the Polynomial 2 technique.For datasets that require more aggressive transformation, you can usethe Thin PlateSpline algorithm. This method is also known as RubberSheeting. Change the transformation setting to use ThinPlate Split and run the georeferencer again. Compare the outputwith the previous result.

Many GIS tasks require editing existing data layers or creating newdatasets. Often a large amount of GIS time is spent digitizing rasterdata to create vector layers that you use in your analysis. Many machinelearning projects also require creating a labeled dataset that needs tobe made by digitizing features from satellite imagery or historicalmaps. QGIS has powerful on-screen digitizing and editing capabilitiesthat we will explore in this tutorial.

In this exercise, you will create a vector layer of historic lakes inthe city of Bangalore, India. This city has experienced urbanization ata rapid pace. Due to this, many water bodies have been lost. We will usethe georeferenced scanned map from the previous exercise to digitizepolygons for all the water bodies in 1924 and label their currentstatus. Finally, we will create a vector layer and assign attributes tothem, indicating whether they are healthy, lost, or partially lost.

The fid column contains auto-increment unique id foreach feature.The GeoPackage format requires this integer field tomaintain data integrity. Manually overriding this id to a differentvalue can cause data corruption. Edit the attribute form for thefid field so that it is not user-editable.

Geoprocessing refers to the set of operations used to transform theinput data to create a new dataset. In this section you will learn aboutsome essential vector and raster geoprocessing tools to solve a complexspatial analysis problem.

You will notice that the attribute table for therailway_station_bangalore layer has many columns. Open theattribute table and delete all the columns except thefid and osm_id columns. Hint: Use theDelete field tool from the attribute table.

Your data package contains a dataset calledbangalore_pubs.gpkg with the location of all pubs withinthe city. Select all the pubs from the layer within 1km of a metrostation. Hint: Use the Select by Location tool from theProcessing Toolbox.

This course material is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). You are free to re-useand adapt the material but are required to give appropriate credit tothe original author as below:

There is downloadable input files with the tutorial and so I downloaded them and I add the layer as a vector layer. I have tried using the .dbf, .shx and .shp but they all produced the same error for me.

QGIS Server provides a web map service (WMS) using the same libraries as the Quantum GIS (QGIS) desktop application.

Maps and print templates created in QGIS desktop can be published as web maps simply by copying the QGIS project file into the server directory. The resulting web maps look exactly the same as in the desktop.

QGIS Server is usually run as CGI/FastCGI module within the Apache Webserver. 152ee80cbc

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