Saiga speaks to Tsunemori in private about his working relationship with Stronskaya, whose research details the effects of the Sibyl System on foreign countries, while also stating that Stronskaya's message leads him to a PO box in Dejima - a sector in Japan designed to house immigrants waiting to be naturalized into the country. With the new lead, Chief Kasei creates a joint task force with the PSB and SAD to retrieve the Stronskaya papers before the Peacekeepers. Hanashiro briefs Tsunemori's team about the organization, once a black-ops unit by Foreign Affairs before going rogue, and its cult-like fanatical leader Tonami, who is leading the organization under their "god" - The General. Meanwhile, Kogami reunites with Tsunemori and Ginoza, despite heated tensions. While creating a psychological profile of Tonami, Saiga encourages Kogami to apologize to Tsunemori for his actions leading to his exile from Japan, while warning him not to give into his violent nature once more. Kogami makes a half-hearted apology, while Tsunemori warns him that she'll be forced to take him down if he breaks the law again.

To start off, I'd like to mention that I'm an avid psycho pass fan and absolutely loved S1 and S2. Hell, I even bought the whole manga series about Kogami. As for the movies, I'm just going out and say it, they suck, all 4 of them and especially providence.

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Psycho pass is a detective series not a Hollywood action movie with cliches which it now seems to have became. The movies feel rushed and the logic is error 404 (not found). Mindless shooting with big explosions replaced the outstanding dialogue. During season 1 even the sidekick antagonists that were there for 1-2 episodes presented more interest and depth of character than any of the movies ones.

Lauren Krystaf is a Resource Writer for Collider. She holds a BA in Anthropology and an MS in Library and Information Science. She enjoys the process of researching and has written about topics ranging from education to remote work to gardening. Lauren has been writing about pop culture for over 10 years and has been with Collider for 18 months. Some of her favorite shows include Community, The Good Place, and Our Flag Means Death. She is still recovering from the ending of Bojack Horseman. She is passionate about the importance of stories and fiction and is a recent convert to the magic of IMAX.

Lauren lives in a house reminiscent of Tom Hanks' house from The Money Pit and spends an alarming amount of time on emergency repairs. When not spending time with her family, cats, and fish, she enjoys gardening, reading, and of course overthinking movies and TV shows.

In the 22nd century, Japan is tightly governed by the Sibyl System and their enforcers, the Public Safety Bureau. The Sibyl System maintains order by using advanced technology to instantaneously analyse a person's psychological profile and calculate the likelihood that person will commit a crime. Factors such as emotional state, mental health, stress levels and criminal desire are quantified into a single number known as a "Psycho-Pass"; if this number exceeds an acceptable threshold, the target is judged a threat and sentenced to mandatory therapy. In the most extreme cases, where the Psycho-Pass is so high that rehabilitation is deemed impossible, the Sibyl System orders immediate execution.

M-R  Madness Mantra: In Season 2 episode 10, Mika starts repeatedly muttering, "I'm not at fault" when Akane goes back to work with her grandmother still missing/kidnapped by a killer. How her Psycho Pass remains even remotely clear is beyond comprehension. Make It Look Like an Accident: The method of killing used by the man in Episode 3. He made it look like his victims had been killed by a malfunctioning drone, whereas in reality, he had equipped the drones with a program to murder them. This is one of Bifrost's modus operandi. They arrange accidents to draw authorities away from suspicion and to get rid of other members who don't their job well. Manipulative Bastard: The corrupt politicians involved in the Season of Hell, who preyed on illegal aliens while they were vulnerable and demeaned them to the point that they were driven to suicide. The three "Congressmen" of Bifrost manipulate the events in Season 3 to ensure the progress of Japan and for the benefit of the group. Even some of the Inspectors such as Koichi Azusawa are very good at it, making them ideal candidates to fill the position of "Congressman". Master-Apprentice Chain: There are two. Jouji taught Shinya, and the two of them taught Akane, in profiling and psychology. Ginoza mentored Akane as an inspector, but when he got demoted to Enforcer, Akane became Mika's mentor. Mauve Shirt: Several named characters who made prominent appearances such as Inspector Risa Aoyanagi and Enforcers Shusei Kagari and Hasuike Kaede were gruesomely killed off by Dominators, no less. Multiple Demographic Appeal: The manga is published in Jump Square, a monthly magazine for the older part of the Shnen demographic. But there is also a number of publications (linked to the anime) in Otomedia, a magazine aimed at females (including yaoi fangirls). So the franchise appears aimed at an audience best described as "young adult" of both genders. Morph Weapon: The Dominators' lethality shift depends on the target and their Crime Coefficient. Mr. Fanservice: Kougami is shown training shirtless every now and then. Never Found the Body: Nothing remains of poor Kagari after he was shot with the Dominator's Destroy Decomposer mode. This is the fate of Kyoko Saijoji, one of the Bifrost "Congressmen", after she receives enforcement from the Roundrobin for breaking the rules. Unlike the Dominator's Destroy Decomposer mode, the Roundrobin's enforcement vaporizes her into particles, leaving no trace of her. New Media Are Evil: Played with, Makishima thinks e-Books lack character. Makishima is the Big Bad and he didn't say e-Books were evil. On the other hand, in New Edit Episode 10 (which is the original Episode 19/20), there is an added scene where Akane and Yayoi discuss the nature of history and the difficulty of looking up information on the Internet. Yayoi says looking things up online is tough because everything is so disorganized or redacted and that this is intentional on the part of the Sibyl System. Akane then realizes this is probably why Kougami prefers to read books written on paper, where information is organized together in a coherent, understandable manner and requires more effort to alter than just the push of a button. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: One of the main problems with Sibyl's crime prevention system is that by treating people like criminals before they've actually done anything, it can often lead them to the exact circumstances which would cause them to become criminals in the first place (like a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). The first episode's target, for example, was a perfectly normative, law-abiding citizen until a scanner exposed him as a "latent criminal". Now no longer capable of keeping his job and knowing that he'd be soon arrested, stressed and feeling like he's got nothing to lose, he decides to go out in a bang by raping a woman... In the first episode of Season 3, Irie and Tenma's actions of waving their Dominators in front of immigrants, causing Kei to defuse the situation and stun one of the immigrants with his Dominator. Unfortunately, this provided Azusawa and Obata some ammunition to increase the public's anti-immigrant sentiment which prevents Maiko's release from the rehabilitation facility and drives Kei to take Homura's offer to accept the Bifrost "Inspector" position in order to secure her release. Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Kamui's actions on the Sibyl System at the end of Season 2 just made things worse: forcing them to trim down their defective brains with high Crime Coefficients didn't seemed to give them the ability to judge humanity as a collective; it made them smarter, more powerful and more dangerous as seen in the 2015 movie where they manipulated several people such as Akane in order to gain total control of SEAUn and possibly the whole world. Too bad Kamui isn't alive to see what he had done. No Mere Windmill: Ginoza never really believed Makishima existed as the evidence related to him was extremely sketchy at best, until Kougami finds the audio clip of his voice after the Ouryou Rikako case. In the New Edit episode 5, there is an extra scene where he even apologizes to Kougami for doubting him. No New Fashions in the Future: The fashion is still the same as the 21st Century fashion. Apparently, the show's merchandises include Shinya's winter jacket and the PSB jacket which are sold online. Not Quite Saved Enough: Kougami spends two entire episodes protecting Yuki from Senguji, only for Makishima to come in and kill her right after. Obstructive Bureaucrat: The boss of the drone factory overlooks the bullying of his employees because it allows the bullies to relieve stress. He also prevents Nobuchika from investigating the deaths of his employees as anything but accidents because it would cause the loss of time and money. Oddly Small Organisation: The MWPSB consists of only 7 Inspectors & 13 Enforcers total, according to the show's novelization. Official Couple: Shion and Yayoi. Well, official sexual partners, at any rate. Oh, Crap!: In episode 3, Akane expects that Shinya will handle the perp whose Psycho-Pass color is yellow-green. What she didn't expect is Shinya yelling and kicking at him which exposes the perp's true nature. In episode 8 of Season 2, Mika submits her report of Kamui to Kasei with full confidence and expecting that Togane and Akane will be removed from the bureau. But her expectations fall flat on the face when Kasei reveals that she stumbles on something which she's not supposed to know and Togane happens to be in the room, who happens to an agent of Sibyl. Later in episode 9 of Season 2, when Yayoi scans the ear in the box which Akane received from one of Kamui's colleagues, it turns out that it belongs to Akane's grandmother. Old Cop, Young Cop: Shinya and Masaoka, who are more experienced in the field, are usually paired with the rookie Akane, despite her position as an Inspector. But Akane interacts with Shinya the most due to his acknowledgement and respect for her actions during the first day on the job. Order vs. Chaos: The Sibyl System vs. Makishima. Specifically, Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Evil. Over Drawn At The Blood Bank: People killed by the Dominators explode into absolutely ridiculous amounts of blood and viscera. But holy shit is it cool. The Paralyzer: This is one of the three modes of the Dominator. Subjects that elicit this reaction from the Dominator are incapacitated and taken into custody to receive therapy. However, if the target is qualified to be too dangerous, a less-friendlier mode comes into place... Patrick Stewart Speech: Akane's response to the Sibyl System in the final episode is that humans are better than it thinks they are, and that some day some human will come up with a better system than they've got, and come to shut them down. Peace & Love Incorporated: The Sibyl System-controlled Japan definitely fits this, though instead of a Megacorp, it is a government that has spread its facade of "peace and love" to all of society. Private Military Contractors: The "Pathfinders" in Season 3. Two members work for Azusawa as his private mercenaries, and the group as a whole is the main target of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' investigation. It is hinted that the Pathfinders are the remnants of the Peace Monitoring Group from Sinners of the System as they hold a specific grudge against Kougami. Pop the Tires: Akane shoots the tires of a big truck that the culprit Makishima is trying to make his get away in, while clinging to its' side. This works really well, especially since trucks are hard to turn, and he couldn't shake her off. Post-Cyberpunk: There's some of it in the series, though the show mainly focuses on crimes so it is much more Cyberpunk. Some examples are that holograms are incorporated into everyday life providing numerous people access to an Unlimited Wardrobe and there are advanced online chat rooms allowing people to live out digital lives in a vast digital world. There's even cyborg technology sold by a company to help replace limbs or let some people become full-body cyborgs. Though the person in charge of the cyborg limb company is a psycho. Precrime Arrest: People who have a high "Psycho Pass", but haven't committed any crimes, are called "latent criminals". They generally have two choices: arrest, or work for the police. Product Placement: Episode 12 prominently features a bag of Ernie Ball 2223 Super Slinky electric guitar strings. It's an exact replica of the real-life product, so the company was actually acknowledged in the credits sequence. Apparently, Ernie Ball Inc. is still active in the 22nd century and exporting its products to Japan from the U.S. Reality Is Unrealistic: Many viewers were skeptical at how a man could get away with beating a woman to death in the middle of a crowded street with nobody attempting to help, citing it as unrealistic. However, there a number of recorded cases of this happening in real life, and it is the result of an actual social psychological phenomenon called the Bystander Effect. Also see the murder of Shingo Minamino, music producer of Nitroplus, an event that most probably inspired the murder depicted in the show. Recruiting the Criminal: The Enforcers who are latent criminals hired by the MWPSB to do the actual detective work due their capability in understanding the criminal mind and to act as stand-ins for the Inspectors who are required to keep their Psycho-Pass rate clear. Redshirt: Inspector Shisui's two Enforcers in the second season premiere don't last very long. The first guy died before we could even learn his name when he walks into a bomb that Kitazawa set up. The second guy, Enforcer Yamatoya, gets gibbed by episode's end. Redshirt Army: Division 2 as a whole is this throughout the franchise. In Season 2, it loses so many members that the Division is actually dissolved and the few survivors are moved to Division 1. It is eventually reformed and takes part in some action in Season 3, but in First Inspector, Division 2 again gets completely wiped out by the Pathfinder mercenaries. Reused Character Design: Akira Amano, know for her Reborn! (2004) manga, reused the designs of her characters from her manga for the characters in the anime. The Reveal: The Sibyl System is a collection of disembodied brains of criminally asymptomatic individuals controlling a super computer as a Hive Mind. An early reveal: Masaoka is Ginoza's father. Season 3 and its sequel, First Inspector reveal several things about Arata which is being criminally asymptomatic and being the very first character who knows what the Sibyl System is made of. Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: The corrupt politicians which Kamui makes use of. Rock Beats Laser: When Shusei enters an area that blocks all wireless signals, his Dominator essentially becomes a piece of junk since it can't establish a connection to the Sibyl System. He's forced to steal the nailguns the criminals are using. Romanticism Versus Enlightenment: Makishima and the Sibyl System show what happens when these philosophies are used without empathy for others, and applied on a societal scale. Makishima is romantic, and loves bringing out peoples' individual dreams, but enjoys chaos to the fullest, even the darker side of chaos, like destruction, hence he enjoys making people act on their cruelest impulses. The Sibyl System is enlightened, but forces their views of a perfect society on others without care for what they feel or think, and has no qualms about killing those they feel are not beneficial towards the whole or could upset the status quo. Shinya, on the other hand, shows a balance of romanticism and enlightenment, being a Knight in Sour Armor who has both ideals and cynicism as well as showing bursts of emotion but also logical thinking. And finally, Akane is an Enlightened figure who supports the society of the Sibyl System and can't deny the order that it has brought. However, Akane also rejects its ruthless utilitarianism, and dreams of the day that she can finally pull the plug on it and replace it with a better world. e24fc04721

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