However there is something speciak about Br and Pr words, for example Brother, Broom and Prom. Do you guys say it together using your lips (when pronouncing first two letters the lips vibrate a bit) or do you pronounce B/P and R separately?

The main thing when speaking English, in order to be understood, is that you are consistent with the way you pronounce certain vowel sounds and consonant sounds. To a certain extent, it does not really matter how you pronounce them, although I am sure there are some people who would disagree with that statement. However, as long as you always pronounce a word or a sound in the same way so that the people talking with you understand what you are saying, then it is not really a problem whether it is equivalent to the way someone else pronounces it.

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In the north of England, they pronounce the word path /p/. It is a much shorter vowel sound, but they have path /p/, bath /b/ and laugh /lf/. These are all sounds that I would pronounce with a long /a:/ path /pa:/, bath /ba:/ and laugh /la:/. But because we are consistent with these variations of the vowel sound, and the fact that there are not any minimal pairs to confuse them with, it does not matter that it is different: we can still understand one another.

Thanks for your reply.

I use ma os, in general I need the cards from the spaced repetition plugin to be pronounced by voice. I learn english by these cards.

I tried the default voice in mac os, but in order for it to speak, you must first select the text, then select start in the top menu and only then ma os will speak, this is very inconvenient.

It works, mac os pronounces the text, but only it pronounces it in my native language, it sounds terrible, like in English but with a terrible accent, although I have set it to default to English for voicing.

But while English may not seem like the most difficult language to pronounce, it has its fair share of words that can be hard to get your tongue around. This is mainly because the English language is a mishmash of words borrowed from other languages. Or inspired by other languages.

As an English learner, you may have noticed a disconnect between the pronunciation and spelling of certain words in English. Sometimes, how you spell a word has nothing to do with how you pronounce it or vice versa.

But whether you're learning English for personal or professional reasons, learning how to pronounce these challenging words will help you impress native speakers and take your English to the next level. So keep at it!

If you're looking for something relatively simple, you could simply compute the MFCC ( -frequency_cepstrum) of the recording, and then look at something simple like the correlation between the recording and the average coefficients of that word being pronounced by a native speaker. The MFCC will transform the audio into a space where euclidean distance corresponds more closely with perceptual difference.

I spent the first 12 years of my life in Germany and then the next 15 in the US so I am lucky enough to speak both languages like a native speaker. However, whenever I'm in Germany, I always get tripped up when it comes to the pronunciation of Denglish words. For example, the English/Denglish word "Sorry" is often used in Germany and pronounced kind of like "soury" with a guttural R sound. I am unsure of whether I should pronounce it "correctly" (ie, as a more or less native speaker of English would) which I think makes people believe I'm a loud American who thinks he can just speak English to everyone or should I say it like a German would to fit in? I end up feeling awkward either way! Obviously I could simply use the Denglisch word's true German equivalent, but in some contexts, this can sound stilted.

I went to a German school in the U.S. so students would constantly flip flop between languages. I would say that in most cases people would revert to the pronunciation of whatever language they were currently speaking in. So for your example, if I was saying sorry in a German sentence, I would pronounce it like you described. I think in general the converse didn't occur as often but likewise, I would americanize the pronunciation of German words used in English sentences (e.g. pronouncing Kinder in Kinder Surprise as more of a drawled word that rhymes with the American tinder- please forgive me, I don't know what the correct phonetic spelling would be).

I would not think much about the pronunciation of "sorry" in German. It is an English word and you can pronounce it in the way you are used to. The difference in pronunciation is minimal, when Germans pronounce the English word correctly. And most Germans speak English or have learnt it at school. If some German pronounces the word in a different way, he probably does not know English and then he should not use English words.

The Pronunciation Database contains sound files which the user can click to listen to words in the three major dialects, namely Connacht, Ulster and Munster. The words are articulated by native speakers from the relevant dialects.

Some authors spell words based on how they sound, which gives readers the advantage of pronouncing the words as they read. Others prefer to use a resource such as a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary. But each author has her or his own favorite references, and not all references use the same spellings.

Many Amish words are spelled differently depending on whether the person being spoken to is male or female, adult or child, or even whether the child being addressed is very young or older. So you can see why I rely on a skilled source for the sprinkling of Pennsylvania Dutch I include in my novels.

Linguist Philip Duncan, an assistant teaching professor at the University of Kansas, said it isn't uncommon for experts in his profession to challenge the idea of there being one "proper way" to pronounce a word.

"That pronunciation difference is also connected to the stress," Duncan said. "As a speaker of English in the U.S., if you put stress on the second syllable, 'tah,' you're likely going to pronounce that vowel in the first syllable like 'uh.' It's going to get that reduction, so that's part of it.

There are ways to help kids who have trouble pronouncing words. Teachers and health care providers can be great sources of information. They may also recommend next steps, like speech therapy to help build skills. Schools may offer speech therapy for free. There are also speech therapists who work outside of school.

In spite of its spelling, it's technically pronounced without the "p" and with an "n" instead of an "m." Why the weird spelling? A long time ago, it got confused with a French word "compte," which means account.

Hyperbole means excess or exaggeration, and we're not being hyperbolic when we say that many people, including former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, pronounce the word as it's spelled: "Hyper-bowl."

Prestigious means having prestige or being honored, but too many people dishonor this word by pronouncing the first "i" in the word as "ee". But that "i" should be pronounced as a short "i," and the second "i" should be elided or skimmed over, not emphasized.

This word is often mispronounced without an "r," because it's commonly confused with the word "prostate." For the record, prostrate with two "r" letters means lying face down, and prostate with one "r" refers to a male organ.

Quays are platforms built next to bodies of water, used for loading and unloading freight or passengers. Looking at the word, it's easy to see how many people incorrectly pronounce it as "kway." But it's always pronounced "kee."

Resist the temptation to pronounce this as "seg-u." Segue, which means to lead from one thing to another without a pause, is pronounced just like the Segway, a motorized two-wheel vehicle that came out a few decades ago.

In addition, you can use the online pronouncer tool on this page to practice. When you learn a new word, learn how to pronounce it and say it out loud a few times. This will help you remember sounds, phrases, and sentences by engaging different parts of your brain.

Promova develops language learning apps to help learners succeed. Think of it like a multitool - you can find the right tools for every learning task on our website. Use the free word pronouncer on this page to improve your pronunciation, or try our English exercises and quizzes. Join a community of fellow learners to develop new skills and get closer to your personal goals.

Given the word identification barrier these long and difficult words pose to many adolescents, the teacher can begin her instruction with a short review of how to pronounce each term, as demonstrated in the two videos below.

Narrator: Finally, they say all the parts together to form the entire word. The teacher moves his finger from left to right, directly under the word, as he and the students chorally pronounce the entire word.

As students go about suggesting definitions for familiar words, teachers should remind them about the topic being studied and encourage them to predict how the terms will relate to the content and concepts. This will help them to anticipate how the words will be used in the text they are about to read. It is also important for teachers to point out those instances when familiar terms have multiple meanings, such as the words strategy and independent from the sample Civil War unit. By orienting the students to the content they have been studying, teachers can help ensure that the definitions students offer will be applicable to the lesson.

After students have defined as many words as they can on their own, the teacher can then offer her own student-friendly definitions for any remaining words in the list. The teacher should explain each term with respect to how it applies to the material the students will be reading.

But, there are a few sounds that most people aren't doing right. R's and F's, for example. Beyond that, there are pronunciation challenges such as long vowels, double consonants, the nasal , and pitch accent. Not to mention it all gets ten times more difficult once you start applying these concepts to sentences, not just words. ff782bc1db

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