The project report details how the proof of concept uses transactions between crypto exchanges in the Bitcoin network, along with the location of those exchanges, as a proxy for cross-border capital flows. Attribution data links on-chain transactions to crypto exchanges, which are then mapped to their geographical location (where possible).

Atlas enables a variety of use cases. Researchers can structurally analyse the micro data while policymakers can access tailored dashboards for insights at a glance. I am excited about the potential and future developments of this project.

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The goal of Project Atlas is to identify the most performance heavy areas of vanilla Morrowind and some popular mods and target high usage/strain meshes in those areas for atlasing. This effort involves reworking the UVs for those meshes and creating texture atlases to cover various sets.

Without a doubt, this is going to be an exciting journey, and I want to invite you all to join us. I welcome you to check back here for regular updates about this project. And if you like making games, come work with us and help us make that future a reality.

I seem to remember reading something around the time that 0.46 was released that the project atlas mod would be made redundant when object paging was merged into OpenMW, but can't for the life of me find where that might have been. Is that something I simply imagined, or does object paging indeed make mods like project atlas redundant?

I seem to remember the install process for project Atlas was a bit of a pain on Linux, and would like to keep the number of mods installed as low as possible for my own sanity, but am happy to go through the procedure if it will still provide a noticeable boost to FPS.

Sorry for the very specific question but this has proven ungoogleable. When I installed PA with MET textures most everything went fine but I had one missing texture on the Vivec cantons (only the cantons affected by Glass Domes, which I have installed) that according to the log was called Since there is an and an, someone else on this sub suggested I copy one of those and rename it It looks fine but I don't think it's the exact texture it wants, and I have no way of checking what that texture is supposed to be or where to get it. Does anyone know what this texture is supposed to look like? The 1st pic is the missing texture, the 2nd and 3rd are what it looks like with the "replacement." Ignore the pink Vivec sign lol. Thank you so much if anyone can help or knows wtf I'm talking about

The HCA is committed to creating an open, ethical, equitable and representative atlas for humanity, which will benefit communities worldwide. HCA data is being made available at the Data Coordination Platform for researchers around the globe. By driving new technologies for disease diagnosis, and enabling development of new treatments and advances in regenerative medicine, the HCA is likely to facilitate great transformations in healthcare.

Project ATLAS (Assisted Transnational Learning using Artificial Satellites) is a multidisciplinary, international educational outreach project aimed at school children in the age range of 12—14 years. At the core of the ATLAS project are a pair of cooperative, international scientific experiments through which student participants from around the world employ satellite and Internet technologies to learn about the world in which they live. For more information regarding the educational goals, see the ATLAS Proposal.

The economic impacts of the climate crisis will be complex and pervasive over the next century, with at least three quarters of US counties projected to suffer economically due to climate change. The climate crisis will impact agriculture, crime rates, coastal storms, energy, human mortality, and labor, all with potential major economic ramifications.[128] Projected losses will be greatest in regions that are already poorer on average, increasing geographic inequality as value transfers from the South and the inland US to the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes, and the Northeast.

The ATLAS project builds the capacity of governments to combat child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking by helping them strengthen their laws, regulations, and enforcement efforts and enhance coordination between law enforcement and social protection entities. After completing the implementation and institutionalization of interventions in Argentina, Thailand, and Paraguay in 2022, ATLAS will continue working in Liberia to help develop a new child labor law and advocate for its passage. The project will also support the dissemination, implementation, and institutionalization of best practices in support of labor laws and policies recently approved by the Government of Liberia.

For any form of service delivery, it is essential to have adequate monetarysupport. However, the analyses show that the governmental budget support tomental health is often miniscule. Mental health budget should increase formost countries in order to improve the resources. The proportion of mentalhealth budget to the total health budget should be between 5 and 15% (2). This increase is required in view of theincreasing burden due to neuropsychiatric disorders, which are currently estimatedto account for more than 12% of the global burden due to disease, and areprojected to increase to 15% in the year 2020 (1).With more money allocated to mental health, countries would be better placedto increase their infrastructure, initiate new programmes and develop humanresources. More could also be spent on training, research and monitoring themental health of the population, which are all in need of development.

Specific population groups have their own needs and children and elderlypopulation form a sizeable population of every country. The psychiatric problemsfacing these two groups of population vary to some extent from that in thegeneral population. Methods of treatment also differ. Thus, it is essentialthat special programmes for mental health be available for at least thesetwo population groups. The results obtained through this project show thatthere is a huge gap in the availability of services for these special populationsand much needs to be done to improve the current situation. Many countrieshave reported having non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in thefield of mental health. However, information on the quality of services providedby them is not available. NGOs can play a constructive role in service provisionin the mental health sector in the fields of advocacy, prevention, promotion,treatment and rehabilitation. The results show that there is a large numberof countries not having data collection or epidemiological studies in thefield of mental health. This sort of studies not only help in assessing thecurrent situation but can also act as monitoring systems. In order to planand implement programmes, it is essential to have a good monitoring systemthat can properly assess the benefits of a programme and help in providingproper direction to it.

The data collected in the course of this project have a number of limitations.The project used working definitions. The aim was to strike a balance betweenthe definitions that are most appropriate and those that the countries currentlyuse. Currently the definitions for mental health resources, like policy, primarycare facilities, community care facilities, health information systems, varyfrom country to country. As a result, countries may have had difficulty ininterpreting the definitions provided in the glossary and in reporting accurateinformation, which might be a reason for the missing information for somevariables. Some of the definitions provided in the glossary, e.g. those onavailability of a mental health budget, availability of disability benefits,availability of services for special populations, definition of psychologists,psychiatric nurses and social workers, would need to be amended and expandedin the future, as it was felt that some countries had problems interpretingthem. Qualitative information related to implementation of policies, programmesor legislation, type of disability benefits, distribution of resources amongrural and urban settings, quality of services available at primary or communitylevel, proportion of financing for rural or urban settings, quality of servicesavailable for special populations, quality of services provided by NGOs andquality of information gathering systems cannot be gauged from these data.The information collected on the number of psychiatric beds and professionalsgives the average figure for the country but does not provide informationabout distribution across rural or urban settings or distribution across differentregions within the country (17).

Dr. Pallab Maulik and Ms. Kathryn O'Connell assisted in collection, compilationand analysis of the data. Help of Regional Advisors of Mental Health of WHOis gratefully acknowledged in all stages of the project.

It goes without saying that life happens. Your computer may crash, and you may not be able to access your data. Or you may decide that you want to go back to an older version of your project because of some consequential change that you want to reverse. Or it comes time to hand off the project to a colleague. Whatever the reason, it is always prudent to have backup copies of your ATLAS.ti project.

A project bundle is a file that contains all of your documents, codes, memos, and other project-related features. You can bundle all your research into one project file and easily move it to other computers or share it with colleagues. Or if anything goes wrong, you can always use the bundle as a backup and revert to any other version you exported.

Think about backing up your data regularly, especially after having made significant progress or before implementing any big changes (such as restructuring the code system or removing anything from your project). Store your project bundles in a place that you can access in case you have any technical difficulties or need to transfer your data to other devices. e24fc04721

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