The config and credentials files are organized into sections. Sections include profiles, sso-sessions, and services. A section is a named collection of settings, and continues until another section definition line is encountered. Multiple profiles and sections can be stored in the config and credentials files.

Each profile can specify different credentials and can also specify different AWS Regions and output formats. When naming the profile in a config file, include the prefix word "profile", but do not include it in the credentials file.

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The following examples show a credentials and config file with two profiles, region, and output specified. The first [default] is used when you run a AWS CLI command with no profile specified. The second is used when you run a AWS CLI command with the --profile user1 parameter.

This example is for assuming an IAM role. Profiles that use IAM roles pull credentials from another profile, and then apply IAM role permissions. In the following examples, default is the source profile for credentials and user1 borrows the same credentials then assumes a new role. For more information, see Use an IAM role in the AWS CLI.

You define an sso-session section and associate it to a profile. sso_region and sso_start_url must be set within the sso-session section. Typically, sso_account_id and sso_role_name must be set in the profile section so that the SDK can request SSO credentials.

The following example configures the endpoint to use for requests made to the Amazon DynamoDB service in the my-services section that is used in the dev profile. Any immediately following lines that are indented are included in that subsection and apply to that service.

If your profile has role-based credentials configured through a source_profile parameter for IAM assume role functionality, the SDK only uses service configurations for the specified profile. It does not use profiles that are role chained to it. For example, using the following shared config file:

If you use profile B and make a call in your code to Amazon EC2, the endpoint resolves as If your code makes a request to any other service, the endpoint resolution will not follow any custom logic. The endpoint does not resolve to the global endpoint defined in profile A. For a global endpoint to take effect for profile B, you would need to set endpoint_url directly within profile B.

You can keep all of your profile settings in a single file as the AWS CLI can read credentials from the config file. If there are credentials in both files for a profile sharing the same name, the keys in the credentials file take precedence. We suggest keeping credentials in the credentials files. These files are also used by the various language software development kits (SDKs). If you use one of the SDKs in addition to the AWS CLI, confirm if the credentials should be stored in their own file.

When you use a shared profile that specifies an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, the AWS CLI calls the AWS STS AssumeRole operation to retrieve temporary credentials. These credentials are then stored (in ~/.aws/cli/cache). Subsequent AWS CLI commands use the cached temporary credentials until they expire, and at that point the AWS CLI automatically refreshes the credentials.

To use a named profile, add the --profile profile-name option to your command. The following example lists all of your Amazon EC2 instances using the credentials and settings defined in the user1 profile.

To use a named profile for multiple commands, you can avoid specifying the profile in every command by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable as the default profile. You can override this setting by using the --profile parameter.

Setting the environment variable changes the default profile until the end of your shell session, or until you set the variable to a different value. You can make environment variables persistent across future sessions by putting them in your shell's startup script. For more information, see Environment variables to configure the AWS CLI.

Import CSV credentials generated from the IAM web console. This is not for credentials generated from IAM Identity Center; customers who use IAM Identity Center should use aws configure sso. A CSV file is imported with the profile name matching the username. The CSV file must contain the following headers.

To list configuration data, use the aws configure list command. This command lists the profile, access key, secret key, and region configuration information used for the specified profile. For each configuration item, it shows the value, where the configuration value was retrieved, and the configuration variable name.

This example is for assuming an IAM role. Profiles that use IAM roles pull credentials from another profile, and then apply IAM role permissions. In the following examples, default is the source profile for credentials and user1 borrows the same credentials then assumes a new role. There is no wizard for this process, therefore each value is set using the aws configure set command. For more information, see Use an IAM role in the AWS CLI.

The following settings are supported in the config file. The values listed in the specified (or default) profile are used unless they are overridden by the presence of an environment variable with the same name, or a command line option with the same name. For more information on what order settings take precendence, see Configure the AWS CLI

Used within Amazon EC2 instances or containers to specify where the AWS CLI can find credentials to use to assume the role you specified with the role_arn parameter. You cannot specify both source_profile and credential_source in the same profile.

Specifies a named profile with long-term credentials that the AWS CLI can use to assume a role that you specified with the role_arn parameter. You cannot specify both source_profile and credential_source in the same profile.

Some institutions may enable a feature in Canvas called Profiles. Profiles allows you to update your name, preferred contact methods, and any personal links for your account. Your profile information can be viewed by all users in your courses.

Note: As created in your user profile, email addresses do not appear as a contact method and are only used for Canvas notifications. Canvas users should contact each other via Conversations.

To add personal links to your profile, such as personal websites, blogs, or portfolios, enter the title of the link in the title field [1]. Type the URL in the URL field [2]. Click the remove icon to delete the link [3]. Click the Add another link button to add another link [4].

You can also make your resume and profile searchable. Making your resume searchable adds it to the USAJOBS resume bank. HR specialists and hiring managers from federal agencies use the resume bank to look for people to fill their job vacancies.

Help reduce inquiries for your administrative information and save even more time by keeping your profile complete and up-to-date. Ensure that the healthcare organizations you authorize have instant access to accurate, timely information.

A work profile separates the work-related data from the personal data on your enrolled device. The work profile lives on a separate part of the device so that your personal things stay private and unaffected by work. In this article, you'll learn how to:

After you've set up the work profile, you may see duplicate apps on your device. For example, you could have two Outlook apps. Use the version that's marked with the briefcase whenever you're doing work-related tasks.

Once you've set up a work profile, your organization can automatically install work apps on your device. You can access all work apps in the work profile. The location of the work profile varies by device manufacturer and Android version. This section describes where to find the work profile in the app drawer and on the home screen.

You can add personal information about yourself in your bio, like previous places you've worked, projects you've contributed to, or interests you have that other people may like to know about. For more information, see "Personalizing your profile."

If you add a README file to the root of a public repository with the same name as your username, that README will automatically appear on your profile page. You can edit your profile README with GitHub Flavored Markdown to create a personalized section on your profile. For more information, see "Managing your profile README."

People who visit your profile see a timeline of your contribution activity, like issues and pull requests you've opened, commits you've made, and pull requests you've reviewed. You can choose to display only public contributions or to also include private, anonymized contributions. For more information, see "Viewing contributions on your profile" or "Showing your private contributions and achievements on your profile."

a verbal, arithmetical, or graphic summary or analysis of the history, status, etc., of a process, activity, relationship, or set of characteristics: a biochemical profile of a patient's blood;a profile of national consumer spending.

Firefox saves your personal information such as bookmarks, passwords and user preferences in a set of files called your profile, which is stored in a separate location from the Firefox program files. You can have multiple Firefox profiles, each containing a separate set of user information. The Profile Manager allows you to create, remove, rename, and switch profiles.

You will be taken back to the Choose User Profile window or the About Profiles page and the new profile will be listed. When you first start Firefox with the new profile, you will be prompted to sign in to your Mozilla account so that you can sync your data with the new profile (see below).

To copy all of your Firefox data and settings to another Firefox installation (for example, when you get a new computer), you can make a backup of your Firefox profile, then restore it in your new location. For instructions, see Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles. ff782bc1db

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