Prison Break is an American serial drama television series that premiered on the Fox network on August 29, 2005, and finished its fifth season on May 30, 2017. The series was simulcast on Global in Canada,[1] and broadcast in dozens of countries worldwide. Prison Break is produced by Adelstein-Parouse Productions, in association with Rat Television, Original Television and Twentieth Century Fox Television. The series revolves around two brothers: Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell). In the first season, Lincoln is sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and Michael deliberately incarcerates himself to help him escape prison. Season two focuses on the manhunt of the prison escapees, season three revolves around Michael's breakout from a Panamanian jail, the fourth season unravels the criminal conspiracy that imprisoned Lincoln,[2] and the fifth season focuses on breaking Michael out of a prison in Yemen and uncovering the conspiracy that forced Michael to fake his death and change his identity.

The first five seasons of Prison Break have been released on DVD and Blu-ray in Regions 1, 2, and 4. Each DVD boxed set includes all of the broadcast episodes from that season, the associated special episode, commentary from cast and crew, and profiles of various parts of Prison Break, such as Fox River State Penitentiary or the tattoo.[4][5][6][7] Prison Break is also available online, including iTunes, Amazon Video, and Netflix.[8][9] After the premiere of the second season of Prison Break, Fox began online streaming of the prior week's episode, though it originally restricted viewing to the United States.[10]

Download Prison Break Season 1 Episode 1

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I am finding it hard to remove myself cold turkey from the act of reviewing media that I come in contact with. So, in good nature, I have decided to give my fairly unbiased opinions about a television show that was first featured in 2005 and I first watched in 2012 called Prison Break.

the break is really an amazing show to watch it is full of emotions compounded with hate, love and envy all through the seasons whetting your appetite to watch simultaneously without a break

especially the American bond they show when they get to Sona rules are rules to the Panamanian drug Lord in the battle field

the team work and so on..

it was really interesting show ever.


i still have unaswered season one,the convicts applied fertilizers on their bed and i wonder why they did that.also i feel mike and linc could have disquised themselves better and that would have sort of reduced the chase.still best show ever though

So when just about every name character left alive did in fact end up, through a series of machinations and coincidences too ridiculous to recount, in a squalid, lethal, maximum security Panamanian prison, I was not at all surprised. I also vowed never to watch the show again. Prison Break, a show I enjoyed immensely for a good season and a half, was finally broken. But now here I am, watching and reviewing Season Three, loving every overheated, ludicrous moment of it, and wondering why I ever gave it up.

Only the iron will of Lechero (the awesomely named Robert Wisdom), formerly the most ruthless and infamous crime lord in Panama, keeps the place from descending into complete chaos. He espouses equality among the inmates, and eye-for-an-eye justice for all, but rules with a dictatorial ruthlessness that completely disregards his own laws. Again, hints of something more profound in Prison Break, a potential political commentary never capitalized on.

"Pilot" is the first episode of the first season of Prison Break, and the first episode overall. It first aired on August 29, 2005, back-to-back with the following episode, "Allen". It gained 10.5 million American viewers. The episode introduces the two main protagonists of the series, Michael Scofield (played by Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln Burrows (played by Dominic Purcell). The episode features the start of Michael's escape plan to save his brother from his death sentence.

Michael looks on as the tattoo artist finishes the final segment of his tattoo. Michael pays her, she remarks on the fact that it's rare for anyone to get a full body tattoo in such a short time. He returns to his apartment and starts ripping all his notes from the windows of his apartment, including "'Lincoln Burrows' Final Appeal Denied," "Governor's Daughter Wins Humanitarian Award," and "Life Sentence for Mob Boss Abruzzi." Michael then proceeds to disconnect and throw his hard disk off his balcony into the Chicago River.

Michael later holds up a bank, firing three gunshots. Michael points his gun at the employee and demand she open the vault, although she tells him that only the branch manager, who is at lunch, can open it and tries to convince him that he already has enough money (half a million dollars). As police arrive, Michael instantly puts his hands up. As ordered by the police, he throws his two guns to the floor.

After he is arrested, he goes to court, with his friend, Veronica Donovan, acting as his attorney. The judge remarks that it is odd for him to plead no contest. Veronica and the judge both tell him to reconsider, although Michael tells them he already has. He is then dismissed briefly for court recess. As he is being led back to his holding cell, Michael sees LJ, his nephew, and tells him to go home and that he didn't want him to see the trial. Veronica inquires him as too why he did it, but Michael simply tells her that he will handle it. He calmly accepts the judge's punishment of a five-year incarceration and seems pleased about it. Both Veronica and the judge are perplexed by his submission to the five year sentence. Honoring his request for a prison close to his hometown, Illinois, the judge places him at Fox River State Penitentiary, a maximum security prison. Veronica is alarmed by that but Michael dismisses her again.

Michael enters Fox River and is immediately disliked by Captain Brad Bellick and tells him that there are two commandments at Fox River: "you've got nothing coming to you" and "see commandment number one." When Michael responds smugly, Bellick reacts with hostility. It was then revealed to Bellick that Micheal suffered from Type 1 Diabetes. Michael observes the prison from his cell, earning the nickname "Fish". His cellmate, Fernando Sucre tells him to take a seat and that nobody will serve his time for him. Michael then witnesses one of the violent atrocities of prison life as a man is stabbed behind his back.

Outside in the yard, Michael takes notes of the people and surroundings around him. Michael proceeds to ask for the location of Lincoln Burrows. When Sucre asks him why he is so interested in Lincoln, Michael replies that he is his brother. At the chapel, Michael meets his brother and tells him that he is going to get him out of here. Lincoln promptly says that it is impossible, to which Michael replies, "Not if you designed the place, it isn't." As Michael sits in his cell, he remembers telling his brother to swear to him that he didn't commit the crime. He is convinced that Lincoln was framed for the murder of the Vice President's brother.

Michael asks how to get into PI (Prison Industries), and Sucre tells him that it is controlled by Mafia boss, John Abruzzi. When Michael approaches Abruzzi, he is rejected. Michael calmly tells Abruzzi that he has something Abruzzi needs, and leaves an origami swan. Abruzzi realises that Scofield knows of Fibonacci and allows him to join PI. One of Abruzzi's friends asks "Why'd you let him in?" Abruzzi replies "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" after they broke into a fight earlier.

In the infirmary, Michael introduces himself to Dr. Sara Tancredi as she gives him his insulin shot. When he asks for her name, Sara tells him to call her "Dr. Tancredi" to which he swiftly replies, "Tancredi, like the governor?" She doesn't answer. Seeing her discomfort, Michael jokes that it's weird finding her working in the prison as a doctor when her father is "Frontier Justice Frank". Sara tells him that she wants to be part of the solution, not the problem. In her ignorance, Michael immediately recites her senior quote to charm her. On his second visit to the infirmary, Sara tells him that she graduated two years after him in a nearby university to his. Michael again tries to flirt with her. Sara suddenly notices his abnormally low glucose level and tells him that he is reacting to the insulin as if he is not diabetic. She then says that on his next visit, she would like to run a test. Michael looks worried. In the yard, Michael approaches C-Note, the prison "pharmacist" and pays him in advance for PUGNAc.

During PI, Lincoln asks Michael if he has seen the blueprints to the prison. Michael smiles and briefs Lincoln about the prison retrofitting job in 1999. Michael says, "I've got them on me." He reveals his mysterious body tattoo, which is a series of geometric patterns that disguise the blueprints to Fox River, on which Michael will base his escape plans throughout the series.

"Go" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of Prison Break and the twenty-first episode overall. It features the second escape attempt led by the protagonist, Michael Scofield.

Michael walks back into his cell. Sucre waits nervously on his bunk. Michael checks his watch, five minutes until tier-time and then an hour to get as far away from Fox River as they can. Westmoreland puts the case for his glasses in his mouth as he cleans his bleeding wound. He puts a clean sock on the wound, the pain making every movement excruciating. Meanwhile, Tweener uses the peroxide on this P.I. jumpsuit to bleach it white. He panics when he sees that there are still blue spots on it. His late start may cost him the chance to get out tonight.

As Westmoreland climbs through the wall, Michael hands him a white. Sucre drops a sheet across the cell door to provide cover as the rest of the team follows. Michael puts a bottle of foot powder into his pocket as Sucre asks him about the key to the infirmary. Michael is unsure. Meanwhile, Sara stands along Lake Michigan, the weight of Michael's request on her mind. 152ee80cbc

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