i uploaded a ppt deck into prezi but cannot get the builds i created in the slides to work in prezi. all of the content on a slide appears at once instead of in order when i click the mouse as created in ppt. please help!

you understand correctly and i am using prezi video. and by animated i mean i may have 5 different things on a single slide that appear in a certain order and either by a mouse click and/or timing. or a list of 10 bullets and i want each one to appear every 5 seconds or when i click mouse.

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Other than that I could advise you to import your PPT file into Prezi Present on prezi.com so you have more editing possibilities on your imported slides.

You can import this to Prezi Video later if you would like to record a video or live stream your content. You can find further information about that here.

By pressing shift before drawing a frame, it keeps a perfect 4:3 aspect ratio as you draw it - moving the mouse simply increases or decreases the size, but the shape stays the same. You can in effect create several screens, and populate the screens with content knowing that everything will fit perfectly when you're presenting or when people are viewing the presentation online. I used this technique loads in the new technologies Prezi and the branding Prezi I recently created. The result is: better looking, more cohesive prezis.

Miro is awesome. I think having animation capability (like in powerpoint) would make it more awesome. @Kiron Bondale - suggests: create a "macro" of Miro actions and being able to replay it on demand.

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Confident speech presentation with interactive note cards on your Android phone. I hate prezi and I used Powerpoint and controled the slides from this app as I used the note cards!

I have to stand up for prezi! This guy just sounds bitter, maybe he couldnt firgure out how to use it with any finesse. Prezi (espcially if you combine it with adobe) can make information more exciting. Every little detail matters ,

Hi Scott, I agree with your comments but maybe I found a way to make Prezi transitions something that is actually linked to storytelling and not some mad, random movements -prezi-makes-you-dizzy-and-how-to-fix-it/

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit more eye-catching and engaging, Prezi may be for you.

This concept is much easier to describe with a visual aid, so we've embedded a sample prezi below. Simply select Start Prezi, then use the arrows at the bottom to navigate through the presentation.

You might be wondering what makes Prezi different from other presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote. For one thing, Prezi is completely free to use. There are upgrades you can pay for to unlock additional features, but everything you need to create and share a dynamic prezi is available free of cost.

Another great reason to use Prezi is that it is run entirely through your web browser, meaning there will be fewer compatibility issues than with other programs like PowerPoint. Your prezi will always look the same, no matter what computer you're viewing it on.

Because of its unique presentation style, Prezitag_hash_114 can use movement and metaphor to help communicate a point you're trying to make. If you want your audience to really feel a sense of space and distance between locations, you could use a map template, like in the prezi below.

Apart from that. I agree, Prezi has limitations, so does PPt. I combined both in a video (hence my need to record a prezi) to do precisely what is recommended in another post on this site: breaking up the monotony, being visually a bit disruptive to raise the level of attentiveness.

At present, there are only a few layouts to choose from, and they may not work for your situation. Importing a slide deck directly into a pre-built layout results in a visually interesting, but uninspired and potentially ineffective prezi.

Slow and Effective. With the second option, you harness the true power of Prezi. Creating an exceptional prezi requires starting from scratch. This means getting out paper and pencil to sketch out how the content is interrelated and how it fits into the overall structure. After you have this graphic representation, lay it onto the Prezi canvas to form the structural foundation.

Individual elements can be positioned into this structure from imported PowerPoint slides. However, because visuals form the backbone of a good prezi, some bullet points will need to be deleted and some images will need to be added. ff782bc1db

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