When i run the dashboard on port 80, without the port configured in the settings, the extension can connect. Disadvantage is that Azure oidc authentication responds with an error 500. The port 80 redirect url is configured within my app registration. Is it possible it is having difficulty with the certificate? Powershell universal is running locally and i used dotnet to generate certificates.

So as I was looking at the logs, I saw there was an error with both password complexity and I wasn't running from an admin powershell. Here is what I now get after the large block of "cached product context" logs

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I had deleted all of the contents within the C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository directory including the .universal directory. Before I did that I copied that directory to my remote Repo. I then saved the appsettings.json and restarted the PowerShell Universal service. It restarted just fine and when I logged in and went to the Git section I see the remote repo listed as well as master branch. I also see that it successfully cloned the repo and my roles.ps1 and environments.ps1 configuration scripts are there.

Hi Adam,

I would like to load some powershell modules that are installed in the server, in vscode its working fine on the same server, but not on universal dashboard and there is no option in v2 to add my powershell modules like:

Originally I assumed that the error was an indication that the cmdlet named "AutoRefresh" was not in my powershell environment. So I tried a script with that command in it that I knew worked, and it did actually work in my environment. So I know my environment does support "AutoRefresh". I believe the syntax is correct so i think that just leaves improper code structure to be the issue. 006ab0faaa

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