The right thing to do is to contact Powerthesaurus and tell them that they're sending an expired certificate. You could also try bundling the above CA cert with requests until Powerthesaurus fix their servers.

Power Thesaurus also provides "synonyms" that are barely synonyms, if you're willing to scroll far enough. On other thesaurus's (thesauri?) you only get "correct" synonyms, whereas here, you get everything that anyone could think of. This is great for when you actually know your word isn't right, but it's the closest you could come up with.

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The domain name for the thesaurus was registered on September 18, 2012. In 2015, the android and iOS app versions of the thesaurus were developed while its Chrome and Opera browser extensions were released in 2016.[5][6]

Some common synonyms of power are authority, command, control, dominion, jurisdiction, and sway. While all these words mean "the right to govern or rule or determine," power implies possession of ability to wield force, authority, or influence.

We have a very positive response from writing community. We see a stable growth of regular users as well as very positive reviews of Power Thesaurus by writers in their emails, blogs and social networks. Some of them are listed here: _testimonials and in Twitter search =powerthesaurus

At the moment we are completely rewriting the website and applications (iOS and Android) to a new version of Power Thesaurus that will have a large number of updates in all areas. Few of them are: richer content like phrases, more functionality like term popularity and definitions, upgraded look & feel, including personal customizations, International versions. Some people say that Power Thesaurus is already almost a perfect online thesaurus, however our team still see the potential for a great number of further improvement that will keep us very busy at least in the following years.

When given a callback, returns nothing and calls callback with either anerror or a list of entries.When not given a callback, returns a Promise, that is either resolved with alist of entries or rejected with an error.Up to 50 entries are found by powerthesaurus-api

At the core of every ClickUp feature is productivity. And with the new AI writing assistant tools now in ClickUp Docs, you can use the power of AI writing tools (like Writesonic) directly within our platform!

Power Thesaurus is a website that helps people find different words to use in their writing. This writing tool is great for those looking for a more convenient, digital thesaurus. With its search function, you can find synonyms that help you say what you want to say in a new and interesting way.

Whether you're a professional writer or composing an essay for school, a thesaurus is an essential tool. Most people tend to use the same words out of habit, but a thesaurus can help you find a suitable synonym to broaden your writings.

If you use Google Docs for creating your documents, you have a few great options for a thesaurus. From the basic built-in dictionary to add-ons with extra features, here's how to use a thesaurus in Google Docs.

For our comparison, this thesaurus gives us 443 synonyms for the word "brochure." You'll see the most common ones first but can click the link to view the entire list. This takes you to the Power Thesaurus website with the list right there and ready.

Meantime, the purchasing power of the dollar which the railway company receives for a specified service is gradually growing smaller, owing to the general increases year by year in wages and in the cost of material.

Salted fish forms, along with boiled rice, one of the chief articles of food among the Burmese; and as the price of salted fish is gradually rising along with the prosperity and purchasing power of the population, this industry is on a very sound basis.

It would appear that the purchasing power of the inhabitants of India has increased of late years, and there is a growing demand for refined sugar, fostered by the circumstance that modern processes of manufacture can make a quality of sugar, broadly speaking, equal to sugar refined by animal charcoal, without using charcoal, and so the religious objections to the refined sugars of old days have been overcome.

Comparing the area of his empire with the corresponding area now under the British, it has been calculated that Akbar, three hundred years ago, obtained 152 millions where they obtain only 131 millions - an amount representing not more than one-half the purchasing power of Akbar's 151 millions. 17dc91bb1f

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