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Paul, suddenly this is about what COUNTRY deserves the "prize"? C'mon. And about rebuking Bush? Geez..Um..he has been out of power since the Dem takeover in 2006, what little power was left to the Office of President nearly completely neutered after 11/4/08, and then completely out of any power at all for the last nearly 9 months. 

I won't repeat what the other threads said out of not wanting to bore anyone, but I simply could not let go by without comment this attempt to redefine the meaning of this "prize" ( sorry, can't write it without the quotation marks).

No, it was all about hoping Obama would get straightjacketed into expanding Carter's foreign and domestic policies, ( the last US Pres to get this, not shockingly), both of which we continued to pay for over the next 30 years in terrorism, culminating in 9/11/09, and in the economic wildfire lit by Carter's Community Reinvestment Act ( which Obama worked for through ACORN as an Attorney).

Well, ok...so if these are the results that our country must bear in order to earn such an important "prize" to tell us how highly important we are now to the Nobel Committee, please, I will beg them, don't wish any more importance on us!

Teddy Roosevelt got the NPP for negotiating the Russian/ Japanese peace

Woodrow Wilson got it for ending the First World War.

It it chose Carter, an American ex president, who uses moral equivalence as a tool for making peace.

A better award for Obama at this point in his

"I've only been President Not George Bush for 9 months"? 

Presidential message is an Oscar for his performance with a teleprompter. 

A cautionary tale in Mikhail Gorbachev who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. 

A year later, he was out of power and the Soviet Union had dissolved.

In 2010 the balance of power in House may change and the socialist experiment of Pelosi etc will be dissolved.

When I heard that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize my first reaction was "Oh boy, now I can rush home and maybe watch Glen Beck's head explode on national TV".

Didn't happen, but I get to log onto Palo Alto Online and laugh at "Obama Derangement Syndrome". 

After just days earlier having to be subjected to the pathetic and despicable spectacle of conservatives clapping because the USA lost the Olympic Bid...oh wait because losing means "Obama Fails", then the world awards our President with the Nobel Prize. And the spasms continue! 

For another perspective on this...

Web Link

Lots of people got the Nobel Peace Prize even though their inspirational efforts had so far borne no fruition, or even never materialized. 

Bishop Desmond Tutu got it even before the apartheid system of South Africa was dismantled and replaced by the ANC taking power.

Former President Carter received it even though Begin later double crossed him and the peace efforts floundered.

In 1935 a German journalist was given the award because he symbolized opposition to the rising Nazi power...

Dissidents in Myamar and Iran have been awarded the Nobel Prize for their stance and efforts, even though "no real" achievement may be in evidence. 

Woodrow Wilson was awarded the prize for his work in Versailles Treaty ending World War I, and in forming the League of Nations. But look how that turned out----Versailles only laid the foundation for World War II and the League floundered. But the Prize went for his efforts and goals. 

History is full of "problematic" Nobel Peace awards. One was given to Henry Kissinger, a man better suited to sit in the dock of a War Crimes Trial.

Teddy Roosevelt was given a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in negotiating an end to hostilities between Japan and Russia. But any even cursory review of Teddy Roosevelt's many speeches exhorting war as a noble and invigorating endeavor should give wonder as to why he would ever get a "Peace" prize. (Though domestically Teddy Roosevelt did many great things, broke through many barriers...and when his own son Quentin died in WWI he was quite inconsolable for years after). 

Throughout it's history the Nobel Prize has been awarded for people who try, whose efforts and words inspire, way in advance of the actual goals being accomplished. One may disagree with this all they want. But Obama receiving this award and honor does not break away from past award practice. People should stop pretending that it does.

To quote Obama..."..it's also been used to give momentum to a set of causes"

You may disagree with "the cause" whereby Bush/Cheney was replaced by Obama. You may not even have a hint of understanding of what Bush/Cheney did to our international standing and reputation, how out of control and downright crazy we seemed to the majority of the world (just look at video's of John Bolton ranting at the UN for instance). You may want Obama to fail and will go to any length in that quest, be it clapping when his efforts fail to win our country the Olympics, booing when our President is awarded the Nobel Prize as part of a tsunami of international support and appreciation, may embrace outright racism in the desperate quest to somehow vanquish Obama, may even entertain dreams of a military coup. But meanwhile the rest of us move on in support of President Obama's basic goals and the world now views our country in a favorable light again. 

And President Obama accepted the award as "a call to action". 

Meanwhile some consider international encouragement and hope for success for an American President is something to be ashamed of. 

The American President just won the Nobel Peace Prize. 

By any measure all Americans should be proud.

Yep..uh huh..yes, right.

The classical liberals ( the dreaded label "neo-con") clearly were and are as scary as Hitler in their beliefs and techniques. C'mon...you gotta be kidding...You truly believe that people who stand on the side of individual freedoms and individual rights would pull a Hitler? Geez. Europe's education is pretty scary if this is what they are producing. Did you and your friends study all the speeches of Stalin? Mao? Castro? Note any similarities? Did you know that Mao massacred more people than Hitler and Mussolini combined? Somehow Mao is never held up as a symbol of horror..think about why you think "Hitler" not "Mao" whenever you want such a symbol, and ask yourself why this is true? Examine your own brainwashing.

Not saying that Hitler was a good guy, don't get me wrong!! But the reflexive comparisons of all quote "right wing" to Hitler is absurd. 

First, if you listen to Hitler's GOALS and the methods he wanted to use to get there, not just the "pretty speeches"..who/what party does he remind you of?

You have to learn that EVERY dictator wanna-be uses high sounding rhetoric in speeches, period. EVERY candidate and party sounds the same in its goals. Most humans want peace and prosperity, so of course speeches sound "the same". Read what Mao, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin all "said" in their speeches, and you will be shocked at how much you agree with. for their goals "Peace" "Prosperity" "Health Care for all" "No more poverty" "Our moral duty to..." Blah blah blah

Where the real fear comes into play is when there is a brainwashed public and "journalism" which has a propoganda template, combined with a government determined to convince you to "believe what I tell you, not what you see" mentality, mixed in with always standing on the same side as loss of individual liberty, ...be it in deciding which other governments to support, or which domestic policies to push.

This pattern has clearly been the tactic of the Democrat party in this country for over 30 years, and has now come back into full ascendency. You have not seen AS MUCH, please note, I said AS MUCH, coming from our right, or even the European right. Some, because ANY growth in government equals a loss of someone's individual amount of freedom. 

If you don't like to read, tre to see the movie "Straight Talk", or the other one "Remains of the Day" to get a sense of true historical perspective. Compare to who says and does what today. Check out the list of Nobel Peace "Prize" nominees and recipients, and you will see why Obama was not overly thrilled with getting this "award". he knows what company he is in, for the most part. Don't be shocked if somebody nominates, let alone gives the award to, Chavez next year for his "Peace Work" in South America with Zelaya ( I say this with full disgust). Ask anyone, and I mean anyone, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, in Cuba, or anywhere south of our border, who the Dems remind them of right now, and see what they say.

Then ask yourself, would your life be better going back to the dreaded "neo-cons" who ruled in the 80s, and latter 90s and 2000s,( look up what a neo-con is, by the way..I doubt you know), or continuing along the path we are on right now, a la 70s, or currently Chavez and Zelaya? ( I have no doubt that Chavez is going to get a Nobel Peace Prize next year..you wait and see..if he succeeds in shoving Zelaya back into power over the will of the entire constitutionally elected representatives of Honduras). 


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