I run total commander 8.51a with administrative rights and go to c:\ProgramData\.I can't find folder Microsoft, then I go to Explorer and I see it there! I type c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ in Total Commander manualy and it works! I try the same with c:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\ and issue repeats. Is it Total Commander bug or is it something wrong with my settings?

i search for a file manager like total commander. currently i use emelfm2. but i miss the most importent feature: to select items by pressing space and moving down to the next file. i tested tuxcmd, but there i miss the feature to specify default directories for the panels. other important things are to bind filetypes and two panel design.

is there any fm out there supporting this features?

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La mida del programa s'ha mantingut per sota dels 2 MB. Est disponible en versions 16 bits i 32 bits per a totes les versions de Windows i s totalment funcional en Linux sota WINE. Els usuaris de Linux tamb poden considerar emprar Krusader, un producte similar de codi obert per a sistemes Linux/Unix que corren KDE.[5]

Total Commander es un gestor de archivos para Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, y Android. Disponible en versiones 16 bits, 32 bits y 64 bits, para todas las versiones de Windows y es totalmente funcional en linux bajo WINE. Tambin existe una versin freeware de Total Commander para la plataforma Windows Mobile. e24fc04721

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