One of the greatest poker players of all time, Phil Ivey, joins me today as my Poker Life podcast returns to YouTube!! I've been doing my podcast since 2014 and Phil Ivey has been one of the most requested guests. Happy to be able to bring the fans this episode, sit back and enjoy :)

MY PODCAST HAS RETURNED!!! Sorry about taking so much time off from the podcast, have been focusing on the Daniel vs Doug event the past few months!!! Wanted to try to crush that! My podcast will be returning with a mix of poker and non-poker world people I find interesting and want to learn more about!

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My guest today is Anthony Pompliano aka THE POMP. I started following him earlier this year during the LOCKDOWN when I was researching the history of money, currency and the federal reserve! Pomp is a massive BITCOIN advocate like many people in the poker world have been for quite some time - his Twitter is filled with Bitcoin related content and he has over 500k followers on that platform. He brings a nice mix of value - knowledge, humor, hype, family, positivity. Pomp also puts out a new podcast just about every single day and has turned that into one of the most popular podcast in his world. He has a wide variety of guests on from all different parts of the finance, content, investing, and business world. I'm very excited and interested to learn more about his background and how he came to be in this position that he is in now!

(Timestamps below) Ryan Depaulo is back after we had some technical issues our last time around!!! Ryan recently won a bracelet for $160,000 playing from a parking lot of a Whole Foods (he is known for doing random type of things like this.) Ryan is a poker player here on YouTube who makes VLOGS and plays online poker. Ryan has a very hardcore fanbase who enjoy following his degenerate adventures around the USA as he plays poker and gamblers on other types of games. His girlfriend and friends are often apart of the adventure as well.

57:35 Answering chat questions, ACR problems/improvements, ghosting in poker, changes in poker popularity between MTT/cashgames 1:30:22 Marketing in poker, security issues in poker, interacting with chat, Doug Polk story

Making his debut on the Poker Life podcast today is fellow poker YouTuber Ryan Depaulo. Ryan has been making videos here on YouTube for a couple years now specializing in the VLOG format where he travels around to different casinos to degen it up in all different ways. His videos are hilarious and his fans love him. He just took down a WSOP Bracelet and $160,000 in a fucking Whole Foods parking lot in New Jersey. Excited to have him on.

Issac Haxton aka Hollywood Haxton is back on the Poker Life Podcast today. Ike is one of the top all around poker players in the entire world. He regularly plays the highest stakes cash games and tournaments around the world.

High stakes poker player, casino owner, and Partypoker partner Rob Yong joins me again on the Poker Life podcast today to talk about the state of the online poker world, where to look for opportunity in the poker world, his adventures at the very highest stakes cash games in the world, his adventures at the high stakes tournaments on PartyPoker, the upcoming World Poker Tour Championships on PartyPoker and more. It will be a fun show

0:01 Joey shout-outs his plans for his next future poker content 1:05 Joey introduces Rob Young and they start talking about what's been going on with Rob's life and history how he got into the poker business 5:24 Joey and Rob talk about MTT suggestions that Rob shared on his twitter how to better the MTT experience for the regs and recs 16:20 Joey and Rob talk about the WSOP and how to make it more authentic experience 23:20 Joey and Rob talk about the competition between the poker clients like PartyPoker, Pokerstars, GGPoker 34:12 Joey and Rob talk about possible plans for PartyPoker in America and their competitors plans and business strats 43:55 Joey and Rob talk about the possible future for poker with bitcoin and innovations and how poker should grow 57:25 Joey and Rob talk about PokerBros and how the app functions, poker regulations and Rob's accomplishments n the poker industry 1:14:15 Joey and Rob talk about Jungleman and Bill Perkins cheating incident and why it is bad for the poker community 1:24:25 Joey and Rob talk about GGPoker uncapped rake games and why rake should be reasonable and beatable 1:32:15 Joey and Rob talk about PartyPoker and GVC regulations, rules and other poker problems around regulations 1:44:55 Joey and Rob answer twitter/chat questions and they talk about the BBJ $350k incident, the poker industry risks/rewards/models/series/practices 2:17:35 Joey and Rob talk about stables and how they function, game assistance, ACR intentions, rating poker companies from best to worst for the poker players 2:31:33 Joey and Rob talk about why poker companies should do right about poker players and not exploiting them 2:38:00 Joey and Rob do shout-outs, answer more questions and pick giveaway winner for the $1k 5mil GTD WPT

How have your lessons in poker influenced your decision making in your personal lives and professional dealings? What poker principles have benefitted you as an individual? Things like bluffing, pot control, working out odds, going all-in at strategic times, reading tells etc. Are you a smarter person away from the table, because of what you've learned while playing the game?

Dear members of the CasinoLife Poker community,

We regret to inform you that, as a result of Facebook's policy, access to our beloved Poker community has been severely limited. As a result, we can no longer keep the game up and running. We understand the disappointment and frustration this may cause, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

To address this situation, we kindly request that you pursue refunds through the appropriate channels, such as the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Facebook Payments, Steam Store, or Paypal, depending on the platform you made your purchases through. Please follow the refund procedures provided by these respective stores to initiate the process.We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and the countless hours of enjoyment you have brought to our poker tables. It has been an incredible journey filled with memorable games and camaraderie. We are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to have shared this experience with all of you.

Once again, we extend our sincerest thanks for your loyalty, passion, and participation. Your presence has made CasinoLife Poker an extraordinary community, and we will cherish the memories created together.

Thank you for being a part of our poker journey.

Warm regards,

The CasinoLife Poker Team

I want to start this off by sharing my background with poker and life (short story) in general. A quick rundown is that I have played mostly 6max online a majority of my poker career. I played a lot pre black friday and grinded from 5nl to 100nl right before it all went down. I have ALWAYS loved heads up and would have always preferred it. I am a strict and disciplined player so I never fully switched to HU because of how many buyins was always preferred and to start at minimum 100nl because of rake. 3 years ago I took time away from my job to play poker full time again. I grinded from 10nl-200nl (a lot tougher than it was when I first started playing online haha) within 4 months playing 70+ hours a week. At that point I made a decision to go to AC Sun-Thurs since it was way easier to make a living off of the live tables compared to 200nl on ACR. I realized after a few months of being away from my wife that it was a lot of stress on the relationship and that it would be almost impossible to continue this for when we wanted to start a family. LONG story short, I did the "right" thing and went back to my job which I had for 7 years. 1.5 years later they let me go 2 months after my baby was born.

Literally the most stressful time in my life, felt like a failure. No clue what to do. Was taking any side jobs I could get. My wife runs her own salon so I was ending up watching the baby now most of the time since she had to go back to work. I started playing poker again and decided I'm going to play heads up no matter what. I always wanted to be the best (cliche). I am incredibly hard on myself.

It was at this time that I started watching RIO HU videos and came across someone named Nuno Alvarez. The way he taught in his videos was perfect for the way I learn. I decided to message him and find out his coaching rate because I knew I needed to learn from him if I was going to get anywhere in the HU world. Learning an incredible amount of knowledge every single session and further speaking with him, he decided to stake me. I could not tell you how much this meant to me. Putting in at least 1 hour of study everyday and meeting with him once a week has been an eye opening experience to how much more there is to poker. He is a great guy and an amazing teacher.

Frank Wallace was an interesting dude. He wrote Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life in 1968. He self-published it, along with a few other poker books, and made a lot of money. He then got into philosophy/spiritualism, and published books about Neo-Tech, which people say was a modern take on Objectivism. It seems to share some similarities with Scientology in that Wallace claimed that he had access to secrets that would make the believers more successful and happy (though I doubt there was any mention of aliens).

These poker-powered skills will help you outside the workplace, too. The ability to read your opponents and recognize their tells will improve your perception and people skills. Managing your chips in poker will prepare you to allocate your money and help you decide when to spend and when to save. Poker also teaches you patience to wait for the best hand or strategic opportunity, which will help you be a patient person and investor. The benefits of transferable skills from poker to life are endless. e24fc04721

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