I don't really get how malloc works (i just ctrl+c ctrl+v how they allocated space for 'image' to do 'copy') and how to do the average of the surrounding pixels, i tried something with the average function i thought it would work but it tells me 'floating point exception (core dumped)' and i think the problem is in the for loop but idk how to fix it honestly.

First, i and j started at < 0 so it was impossible to go through the for loop, keeping x and y at 0 and causing a floating point exception by dividing by 0.So i just defined i and j better and made a condition to them like this :

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I could change this value to (0,0) and it worked with the image slightly shifted to top left. But it did not work for any other value i.e. it gives Unhandled Exception (Unhandled exception at 0x75d8d36f in testCV.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x0020ee6c..) for any other value of the coordinates of the anchor point. So, I'm a bit unclear about what does it exactly mean?

The anchor point indicates how the kernel is aligned with the source image. cv::point(-1-1) indicates that the anchor is at the kernel center, i.e., it is equivalent to kernelWidth/2 and kernelHeight/2. In my case, with a 3x3 kernel it works (does not crash) with anchor points from (0,0) to (2,2). In particular, with this way of calling:

For example, if I'm taking a picture of a pen, the points furthest away from me and/or nearest to the lens, will be blurry while only the "focus point" (whatever is within the green, blue, or white = boxes) is in good focus. I've tried watching videos, tried reading forum posts (though none seem to have my exact issue) but nothing is helping me understand what the issue is or what settings I need in order to fix it. I tried the Aperture-Priority AE Mode (Av) manual instructions but the changes did absolutely nothing. Distant/near elements are still coming out blurred.

I'd like to be able to have entire pictures sharp. No blurriness, not even in the background or foreground. Most of the pictures I take are close-up product shots, so I need absolute clarity on every point no matter how far or close it is to the camera.

That is the correct answer. However multiply lenses is not. Multiple images is. The lens you have will work. You need to take several shots at various focus points and stack them together in a post editor like Photoshop. These several shots require no special settings but smaller aperture is probably best say f8. SS is also not important but a solid rest for the camera is necessary. ISO in a nice middle range 200 to 400. These are very simple run of the mill settings it is the multiple shots that will make or break a job like this. All camera gear has its limitations, you have found one but there is a solution.

Each blur tool provides intuitive on-image controls to apply and control the blur effect. With the blur adjustments complete, use the Bokeh controls to style the overall blur effect. Photoshop provides a full-size, live preview when you work with the Blur Gallery effects.

For Lens blurs (Field blur, Iris blur, and Tilt/Shift blur), press the M key to view the blur mask applied to the image. The black areas are not blurred, while lighter areas indicate the amount of blurring applied to the image.

Work interactively on the canvas with brushes using the Live Gaussian Blur filter. Use the dialog box and brush tools to brush the filter on canvas and add or remove blurred regions. At the same time, interact with the layers panel visibility, blend modes, and opacity while fine-tuning the blur.

If the layer transparency is locked, Live Gaussian Blur will only blur the image and not the transparency. If the layer transparency is locked (the Lock transparent pixels button next to Locks in the layers panel), the filter will not blur the transparency.

Sometimes, after applying a Blur Gallery effect, you may notice that the blurred area of the image looks synthetic or unnatural. You can restore noise/grain to such a blurred image area to give it a more realistic appearance.

The blur effects in the Blur Gallery now support Smart Objects and can be applied non-destructively as Smart Filters. This feature also supports Smart Object video layers. To apply a Blur Gallery effect as a Smart Filter:

Use the Iris blur to simulate a shallow depth-of-field effect to your picture, irrespective of the camera or lens used. You can also define multiple focus points, an effect almost impossible to achieve using traditional camera techniques.

Use the Tilt-Shift effect to simulate an image taken with a tilt-shift lens. This special effect blur defines area of sharpness, and then fades to a blur at the edges. The Tilt-Shift effect can be used to simulate photos of miniature objects.

Using the Path Blur effects, you can create motion blurs along paths. You can also control the shape and amount of blurring. Photoshop automatically composites the effects of multiple path blurs applied to an image.

No strobe effect is displayed if you set Strobe Strength to 0%; only continuous blur is shown. On the other hand, when you set Strobe Strength to 100%, the strobe flashes are produced in full strength but no continuous blur is displayed between flash exposures. Intermediate Strobe Strength values produce a mixture of individual strobe flashes along with continuous blur.

Using the controls, you first define a path for the blur (blue). You can then define a curve for the path, thereby creating new curve points in the path. Once the path has been defined, you can define blur shape guides (red).

Using the Spin Blur effect, you can rotate and blur the image around one or more points. The spin blur is a radial blur measured in degrees. Photoshop lets you work with center points, blur size and shape, and other settings, all while viewing a live preview of the changes.

Lets you specify, in degrees, the length of a strobe flash exposure. Strobe Flash Duration controls the length of the blur for each flash exposure in terms of angular distance along the circumference.

Yes, the name of this post has some of the hottest topics in CG.

I am getting sooo close to cracking this wide open. I know there is someone out there that can figure out this final step. The general situation is that I have a great mesh with changing point counts in Houdini and I need to render it in Maya. Currently we render out an ArnoldSS sequence which includes all the stuff we might need, but it is sort of fussy and any changes to amount of motion blur and stuff require re-exporting from Houdini.

*Arnold in Maya will use an RGB attribute called velocityPV to calculate motion blur if this RGB attribute exists.

This attribute, if it exists, will override any calculated motion blur based on point number.

If you render with motion blur enabled you will have some crazy blur due to the calculation based on point number. When working properly it will be much less blur.

If anyone has the time to look into this it would save the world of 3D as we know it!

Thanks everyone for your time.

I have been trying to add gaussian blur to several of my images but they all have the same problem where if I go beyond 9px everything turns to white. I have added screenshots of both state along with my performance settings.

Hi, I get the a similar effect with a white square appearing at higher values using guassian blur from the filter menu. However adding gaussian blur either as a live filter layer or from layer effects works fine even at 100% radius. This was using the latest beta with hardware acceleration enabled. I did not get the same effect on the poroduction release Guassian blur worked fine using all three methods. I flagged up a similar problem some time ago using Frequency Separation with high guassian blur values. This still exists in the latest beta.

The other thing you need to know is that when you press the shutter, there is a brief delay before the photo is actually taken. If you hold the camera still, press the shutter, then immediately move the camera, it will take the image as you're moving the camera and you'll end up with blur. So get in the habit of holding the camera steady for a second after pressing the shutter.

Ok lets examine your problem. Your pictures are too blury. if your camera is capturing your picture 1second, and if during that 1 second yor subcet moves, that move is going to captured by camera, and your subject is going yo be blured. Logicly, if you don't want this effect, you need to increase your shutter speed. So lets set our shutter speed to 1/50 which is 50-th of the second. If your subject now moves, it has to be very quickly because your camera is picturing only 50-th part of second. So if you increase your shutter speed to 1/1000 that would be 1000th part of second, so your camera will be very fast and it would freeze your subject.

But what for example you want freeze your subject, you wide open your gate/aperture, and your pictures are still getting dark (if your picture is dark, then it is called under exposed). You can't decrease your shutter speed, because it will blur your subject. You can't open your gate/aperture more because it is wide opened. What to do? Here your ISO settings comes in game. Increasing your ISO, your camera is going to be more sensitive to light, and this is exactly what we wan't. 

 NOTE: Don't increase your ISO too high, it will cause grainy effect on your picture, but I suggest you to try it. Grainy effect is lots of white spots on your picture, and it sometimes can be very frustrating.


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