The Genesis Planet was an uninhabited planet located in the Genesis sector, a region of space in the Mutara sector. When the Genesis Device exploded, which resulted in the destruction of the USS Reliant, the planet was formed from the coalescence and cooling of the gas and dust of the Mutara Nebula. The explosion occurred at the conclusion of a fierce battle between Khan Noonien Singh and Admiral James T. Kirk in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Following the initial creation of the planet, Captain Spock's photon torpedo casing was launched towards it, following his funeral service. Because gravitational fields were in flux, his casing soft-landed on the planet's surface. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

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The Genesis Planet immediately became a galactic controversy, and Starfleet declared it off limits until the Federation Council could decide what to do. In the meantime, the USS Grissom was dispatched with a scientific team that included the planet's co-creator, Dr. David Marcus, to carry out a thorough investigation. While exploring the planet with Saavik, Marcus admitted that he'd used protomatter to complete the Genesis matrix. The unstable and dangerous properties of the protomatter were a contributing factor in the planet's rapid aging and instability.

A battle occurred in orbit during the final degradation of the planet in which both the USS Grissom and the USS Enterprise were destroyed and a Klingon Bird-of-Prey HMS Bounty was commandeered by Admiral Kirk and his remaining crew. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Three months later, in an angry tirade directed at the Federation Council and the Federation President, the Klingon Ambassador alleged that this planet would have housed a secret base from which Kirk would have launched a genocidal campaign using the Genesis Device against the Klingons. His allegations were debunked by Sarek, who pointed out that Genesis was named for creation of life and that the Klingons shed the first blood in trying to possess its secrets. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Initial scans of the new planet, from the Grissom, indicated several fascinating revelations, including "all the varieties of Earth's land and weather, within a few hours' walk," according to Dr. Marcus.

The same effect that hyper-evolved the plantlife on the planet seemed to have had the same effect on microbes on the surface of the burial photon torpedo that soft landed on the planet shortly after it was created. The microbes evolved into multicellular organisms in a very short period of time.

Unstable protomatter, used in the matrix's construction by David Marcus in his haste to complete the Genesis Project, caused the ecosystems it had created to become dangerously erratic. This instability manifested itself first in an accelerated rate of growth, then in micro-climatic upheavals. Instead of flourishing, the planet began to experience heavy geologic activity that resulted in the entire surface becoming molten. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of Spock's last known position in the Mutara sector (DIS: "Light and Shadows") as seen in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Discovery episode "An Obol for Charon".

In the Genesis Wave series, Captain Jean-Luc Picard reads a report on the Genesis project which speculates that the Genesis Planet collapsed because it was formed from a nebula rather than the protomatter being the automatic cause of the failure, suggesting that Genesis would have worked if it had been fired at a planet as it was originally intended.

The origin of this pulsar planet is still uncertain, but it probably did not form where it is found today. Because of the decreased gravitational force when the core of star collapses to a neutron star and ejects most of its mass in a supernova explosion, it is unlikely that a planet could remain in orbit after such an event. It is more likely that the planet formed in orbit around the star that has now evolved into the white dwarf, and that the star and planet were only later captured into orbit around the neutron star.[5][6]

Stellar encounters are not very common in the disk of the Milky Way, where the Sun is, but in the dense core of globular clusters they occur frequently. At some point during the 10 billion years, the neutron star is thought to have encountered and captured the host star of the planet into a tight orbit, probably losing a previous companion star in the process.About half a billion years ago, the newly captured star began to expand into a red giant (see stellar evolution).

The study of the planetary orbit allowed the mass of the white dwarf star to be estimated as well, and theories of the formation of the planet suggested that the white dwarf should be young and hot. On July 10, 2003, the detection of the white dwarf and confirmation of its predicted properties were announced by a team led by Steinn Sigurdsson, using observations from the Hubble Space Telescope. It was at a NASA press briefing that the name Methuselah was introduced, capturing press attention around the world.[5][7]

Though not officially recognized, the name "Methuselah" is commonly used for the planet in popular articles.[10] This name is usually used as the informal name to show the similarities to the planets of the Solar System, while the "latter name" is used astronomically. Methuselah is the only planet to have received a biblical name or nickname, although three other extrasolar planets have been unofficial mythological nicknames (just like in the Solar System), those planets being Dimidium, originally dubbed "Bellerophon"; Gliese 581 g, sometimes called "Zarmina," or even more rarely "Zarmina's World" or "Zarmina's Planet"; and HD 209458 b, occasionally referred to as "Osiris."

The Genesis Planet was the result of Project Genesis in 2285. The Class Q planet was created from gaseous matter inside the Mutara Nebula following the detonation of the Genesis Device inside the nebula by Khan Noonien Singh. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptations: The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock)

Shortly after the planet formed, the photon torpedo containing the body of Captain Spock was fired into space over the planet. Although Admiral Kirk intended the burial launch to cause the torpedo to burn up in the atmosphere, Saavik programmed the course to allow for a soft landing, out of sentimentality. When the tube was discovered, the conversation on the investigating science vessel Grissom theorized the soft landing could have been due to the planet's gravitational fields being in a state of flux. Soon afterwards, the Genesis wave regenerated Spock's cells. At the time, the planet was a lush, vibrant world with all manner of weather conditions within a few hours walk of each other.

Because of the controversy created by Project Genesis, the planet was declared off limits to all but a science team sent by Starfleet. The USS Grissom was sent to investigate the planet. Scans revealed the unique nature of the planet's weather, Spock's tube, and the presence of an animal life form, which should not have been there.

Walking for several hours, they came across a region of the planet which was covered in snow, and found a young regenerated Spock who was perhaps 8 to 10 human years old. However none of Spock's personality or memories were present. Saavik reported her findings to the Grissom, and requested permission to beam the Vulcan on board. Moments later a Klingon Bird of Prey uncloaked, and destroyed the Grissom.

It soon became obvious that not only was Spock aging rapidly, but so was the planet itself. Saavik realized the planet was not what the Genesis Team expected or hoped for, and confronted David about the planet. David Marcus admitted that he had used protomatter in the construction of the Genesis Device - a substance so unstable that most ethical scientists eschewed its use. He said that as the planet aged, Spock would get older, and that it would only be a matter of time until Spock and the planet died.

On the surface of Genesis, Commander Hikaru Sulu discovered that the planet's core was unstable. As they rushed to rescue Saavik and Spock, the planet's condition deteriorated rapidly. Kruge beamed down to confront Kirk, and beamed everyone else except Spock back to his ship. As the planet fell apart, Kirk and Kruge fought on the surface of the planet. Kruge died when he fell from a cliff into a sea of lava. At that moment, Kirk discovered that Spock had reached the same age he had just before his death. Kirk had himself and Spock transported from the Genesis Planet surface. Kirk and his crew escaped on the Klingon ship as the Genesis Planet exploded. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Search for Spock)

After they were safely away, Kirk ordered his crew to take them to Vulcan. Saavik expressed her belief that the remains of the Genesis planet would someday form another planet. Upon arriving on Vulcan, Spock's katra was successfully reunited with his regenerated body. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Search for Spock)

By 2366, its history and controversy was popular to Starfleet Academy cadets. Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher kept a holodeck program, based on all the declassified info he could obtain, of the planet. With the exception of the evolved microbes, it was complete with the Mark VI photon torpedo landing site, surface tremors and Spock's shouts in the distance. A modified version of the Genesis Planet environment holodeck program was used for the wedding ceremonies of the Tizarin Sehra and Kerin. (TNG novel: Q-in-Law)

Starfleet later conducted an analysis that concluded that the planet was unstable and died because of the nature in which the device was used. The device was meant to explode on the surface of a dead planet - and the resulting Genesis Wave would have been able to concentrate on rebuilding the planet. Starfleet concluded that if the Genesis device had been used in its intended manner that even though protomatter was used the planet would have been quite stable. e24fc04721

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