"Place in This World" was released in 1991, as the second single from his sixth studio album Go West Young Man.[5] This record was his first attempt at mainstream success, which successfully crossed over the single. The message of the song has proved to be meaningful to a lot of people. Smith was asked if there are any stories that have stuck with him. He responded, "Well, the one story I remember vividly, I could still go back to reading the letter, was some young girl, I think she was 18 or 19 years old, and had a horrific childhood in terms of abuse and that sort of thing. And she was suicidal. She gave me this whole story in a two page letter. She was driving down the freeway and listening to a pop radio station and heard 'Place in This World' and pulled over and began to weep. And had this encounter with God on the side of the interstate. And her life forever changed. And that's the one that I'll never forget. There's been plenty of people talk about 'A Place in This World' but that's the one letter that I'll never forget."[6]

Though many of these values have come under intense pressure in recent years, even pushed to the brink in the last few weeks, the American people are going to emerge from this moment stronger, more determined, and better equipped to unite the world in fighting to defend democracy, because we have fought for it ourselves.

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For the diplomacy of Ben Franklin helped assure the success of our revolution. The vision of the Marshall Plan helped prevent the world from foundering on the wreckage of war. And the passions of Eleanor Roosevelt declared the audacious idea of universal rights that belong to all.

The leadership of diplomats of every stripe, doing the daily work of engagement, created the very idea of a free and interconnected world. We are a country that does big things. American diplomacy makes it happen. And our administration is ready to take up the mantle and lead once again.

In October 2004, ecologist Steve Running visited the Flaming Mountain, a ridge of dark red sandstone on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert and the Tian Shan range. The surface of the mountain is said to reach temperatures of 50 to 80C (122 to 175F) in the summer, and a nearby tourist center marks the spot with a huge golden thermometer. It is the hottest place in China, if not the world, or so says the local lore.

Air temperatures must be measured out of direct sunlight because the materials in and around the thermometer can absorb radiation and affect the sensing of heat. You feel this with your own body: if you stand in direct sunlight, you feel warmer because your skin is being heated by both the air and by the radiant energy from the Sun.

World Monuments Fund and World Monuments Watch are registered service marks. is a trademark of World Monuments Fund. Ellsworth Kelly Foundation generously supported the development of this site. Site proudly built by Amazee Labs.  2022 World Monuments Fund.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which ranked second on the list of the worst places to be a woman, an ongoing war has featured a brutal and strategic campaign of sexual violence targeted at women, from toddlers to the elderly.

The third-place game in the World Cup pits the two nations that lost in their semifinal matchups against one another for the bronze medallion in the tournament. The team that loses goes home empty-handed.

In 2022, Croatia defeated Morocco 2-1 in the game to earn third place in Qatar after finishing second in 2018. Morocco, which was the first African nation to reach the semifinals, leaves Qatar in fourth.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, Yuma (Arizona) is the sunniest place on earth. It has a total of 11 hours of sunlight in winter and up to 13 in summer. This means Yuma experiences an average of 4,015 hours of sunshine per year.

Its natural beauty is also its worst feature, since it is because of this geographical location that Rjukan does not receive a single drop of sunlight for 6 months of the year. From September to March the mountains make it impossible for the rays of sun.

But this situation changed a couple of years ago. After a century spending six months of the year in semi-darkness, in 2013, 3 heliostat mirrors were installed, which move and rotate on a specific axis, to capture the sunlight. Its tracking system enables them to track the sun depending on the height thereof and reflect sunlight downwards to the main square, where the inhabitants of Rjukan can feel a little bit of sun on their faces while they chat to their neighbours.

The capital of the Faroe Islands, Trshavn, is not suitable for those that feel the cold. Here, in the middle of the North Atlantic, between the Scottish coast and Iceland, is an archipelago battered by strong winds and where fog and cloudy skies are commonplace.

The Eastern Antarctic Plateau claims the title of coldest place on Earth. Satellite data collected between 2004 and 2016 across Dome Argus and Dome Fuji, an area around the size of Australia, suggests that air temperatures could be around -94C. If these remote measurements are correct, this would be the coldest air temperature on Earth, and researchers think that land temperatures could get as low as -98C.

Located in the Southern Pole of Cold, an area in the southern hemisphere with some of the lowest-recorded surface temperatures, the Vostok research station was created by the Soviet Union in 1957. Thermometers here reached a low of -89.2C in July 1983, the lowest air temperature ever directly recorded. It is also one of the driest places on Earth, receiving around 20 millimetres of precipitation a year, all of which is snow.

Located on the South Pole, the Amundsen-Scott Station was built in 1956 and gets six months of sunlight in the summer and six months of total darkness in the winter months. The highest temperature recorded on this part of the East Antarctic Plateau was on Christmas Day in 2011, where thermometers rose to a positively balmy -12.3C. The coldest on record was -82.8C in June 1982.

Denali, formerly known as Mount McKinley, is the highest mountain peak in North America, more than 6000 metres above sea level. With an average temperature of around -10C, only half the people who attempt to climb this mountain actually make it to the peak. Between 1950 and 1969, a weather station there picked up a temperature of around -73C, but wind chills can be as low as -83.4C.

In 1947, the small village of Snag in the Yukon of northwest Canada was home to around 10 First Nation people. The village was used as an emergency landing strip during second world war and later as a weather station, where temperatures as low as -62.8C were recorded, prompting researchers to get their equipment retested to make sure it was working correctly.

Massive glaciers, staggering mountains, plains dotted with wild animals: Our planet sure is incredible. In fact, when looking at the most beautiful places in the world, it can feel impossible to decide where to visit next. The islands of Southeast Asia? The deserts of the Middle East? How about the countless travel-worthy sites right here in the United States?

Roughly 900 miles off the coast of Lisbon, this Portuguese archipelago can inspire wanderlust with a single photo. The verdant valleys, steep oceanside cliffs, rows of blue hydrangeas, and scattering of waterfalls make the Azores a paradise worth exploring. Just make sure you visit before everyone you know beats you to it.

If the moon had a shoreline, it would probably look something like Reynisfjara. Just a 20-minute drive from Vik in southern Iceland, jet-black sand and spectacularly shaped basalt columns make this beach one of the most impressive sites in an already impressive country.

When international surveys ask citizens around the world how happy they are with their daily lives and personal circumstances, Denmark always comes in among the top three happiest countries in the world. But what makes the Danes so happy? Is it the tuition-free access to high-quality education, or the no-fee public health care? Is it the relative lack of crime and corruption, or just plain Danish hygge?

But most Danes will tell you that they are happy to pay taxes because they can see what they get in return. Most healthcare in Denmark is provided with no fee to the patient. University students pay no tuition and receive a grant to help cover expenses while studying. Childcare is subsidised. And the elderly receive pensions and are provided with care helpers who visit them at home. 

Most Danes believe that it is everyone's responsibility to work if they can, and pay taxes to support the common good. If everyone pays their fair share, a social safety net can remain in place to support the very young, the very old, and the sick. The social safety net also supports people who lose their jobs for up to two years while they look for new jobs, although a system is in place to make sure they are actively looking for work.

Trust is an essential value in Danish culture and society, and a significant factor in Danish happiness. In Denmark, the default is to trust one another when it comes to business, government, or personal relationships. Honesty is expected, and corruption in business or among public servants is very rare. 

The relatively high level of safety in Denmark compared to many other countries means that Danish children enjoy much more freedom and independence than their counterparts elsewhere in the world. It is common to see children travelling alone on public transport as young as age 8 or 9 - the other passengers keep an eye on them. It is also common practice for parents to leave their babies outside in their baby carriages to nap, even during the chilly Danish winter.

The Danish concept of hygge is hard to translate, but in general it means taking time away from the daily rush to enjoy the good things in life. Hygge often takes place with family and friends, but you can also hygge (verb) alone, too, maybe with a good book or your favourite TV series. 

During the long Danish winters, hygge mostly takes place indoors - playing board games or chatting with friends over a hot beverage. But it can also be hyggeligt (adjective) to take a winter walk in nature and observe how plants and animals are coping with the cold weather. 2351a5e196

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