Pivot is a French borrowing that slowly evolved grammatically in the English language. It began as a noun in the 14th century designating a shaft or pin on which something turns ("The chair turns on a pivot"). Later it was applied to any central person or thing around which action revolves. The noun then came to denote the action of turning about, oscillating, or balancing on or as if on a point ("the pivot of the golfer's body"; "a pivot in advertising strategy"). Adjectival use followed, always functioning as a synonym of the derivative pivotal describing things that are the pivot, that are vitally important or critical ("a pivot decision"). The word evolved yet again in the 19th century to become a verb indicating the act of turning, literally and figuratively, about a point ("The player pivoted and passed the ball"; "The plot pivots on revenge"). In wider extended use, it can imply a change of direction ("The company pivoted towards marketing remote learning tools and resources").

I'm in the process of creating a "Request Tracker" sheet with associated reports & pivots to serve up to a dashboard. I want to create a pie chart that breaks down "Request Type" but only for open requests (meaning, the Status is not one of "Completed" or "Cancelled").

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So my question is, is there a way for me to create a pivot table with the COUNT of each "Request Type", but also apply a filter by "Status"? The only way I have been able to figure out is to add a Parent/Child row on the pivot table for "Request Type" (parent) and "Status" (child), and then add a filter to the the pivot table sheet (see below). But I'm worried whether or not the filter will stick and serve up the correct metrics to my dashboard.

I also considered creating a pivot against a report instead, but I had read somewhere that pivots against a reports don't allow the "Update Immediately" option under Execution Frequency (in Pivot App). So I am less inclined to go with this option, but open to it if it's more reliable.


is there an update on this topic? I really like the idea of the pivot board but non of my use cases work with it because formula is not supported or the way the sum function rounds up hours from time tracking.

I was able to get the pivot completed in DOMO, but the additional column Collection Total, I cannot figure out how to create a beast mode for this, I'm trying case statements but I am not going very far.

It's going to be a little tricky, because doing it as a pivot table, your beast mode is basically going to be based off of the dataset and affecting that, and not the pivot table directly. If you're fine with the renaming the Grand Total Column to be your Collection Total column, and you're ok with the '8000' column showing as negative, then you could do the beast mode above and use the beast mode as your values instead of Sum of Net. I've attached your file that I modified with what this would look like on the 'New' tab, with Collection Total being the equivalent of the beast mode.

But if you want it as a separate column, then I think what you'd have to do is do a pivot in MagicETL so you're dataset is in the pivot format to begin with, and then you could do a beast mode that adds each column but subtracts the 8000 column.

We use excel pivot tables all the time for management reporting which are stored in dropbox so all the team can access them. The problem comes when the pivot tables need refreshing. If this is done from a computer that was not used orginally to set up the pivot table we get an error message - could not find part of the path.

The info in the reports is huge so I have built some pivot tables to summarise the management info we need ie a booking report pivot. To update the pivot the data needs to be refreshed but if anyone else tries to refresh the data they get the error above saying the link to the booking report can't be found even though they have access to the booking report.

I am trying to create a pivot table within Coda. Can it display one row of SUM totals for grouped fields that I have made my columns and another column of SUMs for my grouped rows? Within the pivot table can it display just the calculated value (e.g. SUM) and not the individual raw values and then the calculated value beside them?

thanks, that worked well for me - several different formats now applied to the source data depending on detail required in each column - appears to replicate in the pivot table each time I refresh - so far, so good!

A pivot table is a table of values which are aggregations of groups of individual values from a more extensive table (such as from a database, spreadsheet, or business intelligence program) within one or more discrete categories. The aggregations or summaries of the groups of the individual terms might include sums, averages, counts, or other statistics. A pivot table is the outcome of the statistical processing of tabularized raw data and can be used for decision-making.

In their book Pivot Table Data Crunching,[2] Bill Jelen and Mike Alexander refer to Pito Salas as the "father of pivot tables". While working on a concept for a new program that would eventually become Lotus Improv, Salas noted that spreadsheets have patterns of data. A tool that could help the user recognize these patterns would help to build advanced data models quickly. With Improv, users could define and store sets of categories, then change views by dragging category names with the mouse. This core functionality would provide the model for pivot tables.

While tables such as these can contain many data items, it can be difficult to get summarized information from them. A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired information. The usage of a pivot table is extremely broad and depends on the situation. The first question to ask is, "What am I seeking?" In the example here, let us ask, "How many Units did we sell in each Region for every Ship Date?":

A pivot table usually consists of row, column and data (or fact) fields. In this case, the column is ship date, the row is region and the data we would like to see is (sum of) units. These fields allow several kinds of aggregations, including: sum, average, standard deviation, count, etc. In this case, the total number of units shipped is displayed here using a sum aggregation.

Pivot tables are not created automatically. For example, in Microsoft Excel one must first select the entire data in the original table and then go to the Insert tab and select "Pivot Table" (or "Pivot Chart"). The user then has the option of either inserting the pivot table into an existing sheet or creating a new sheet to house the pivot table. A pivot table field list is provided to the user which lists all the column headers present in the data. For instance, if a table represents sales data of a company, it might include Date of sale, Salesperson, Item sold, Color of the item, Units sold, Per unit price, and total price. This makes the data more readily accessible.

Some uses of pivot tables are related to the analysis of questionnaires with optional responses but some implementations of pivot tables do not allow these use cases. For example the implementation in LibreOffice Calc since 2012 is not able to process empty cells.[6][7]

Pivot tables or pivot functionality are an integral part of many spreadsheet applications and some database software, as well as being found in other data visualization tools and business intelligence packages.

Excel pivot tables include the feature to directly query an online analytical processing (OLAP) server for retrieving data instead of getting the data from an Excel spreadsheet. On this configuration, a pivot table is a simple client of an OLAP server. Excel's PivotTable not only allows for connecting to Microsoft's Analysis Service, but to any XML for Analysis (XMLA) OLAP standard-compliant server.

Hi there. I've asked a few times about pivot tables (and written my own js from scratch). However I think a really good interim, possibly permanent solution would be to integrate react-pivottable as a custom component.

Hi Victoria. This is great news. When will the Pivot table function be available? I was able to implement domjammoo's well laid out use of pivottable.js which is great for display but I need the capability of allowing users to edit certain data points in the table. Hoping this feature is right around the corner.

Yes, you can implement your own with a lot of dev work, but all of your competitors have a pivot table available and it makes it very tempting to jump ship. My org is considering it, as without a pivot table real data exploration is being limited in our org.

@Victoria I was able to get a pivot table to display but used Oracle to do it. The next thing after a Pivot Table is available is the ability to then programmatically change editability by column. Of course with the pivot table I now have a set of columns that dynamically change based on the data set. I want to be able to allow the user to edit that data but only based on a prefix of the column. It looks like there is JS to do this but it doesn't work

Personally i think there are two things here - editing data in a pivot table can be problematic as often the value in each intersect is an aggregated figure (e.g. SUM) - if the user pivots the table to show subtotals, then it does not make sense to edit them as it cannot be translated to the underlying data.

My use case is simply trying to plan out hours by person by project by month. Displaying the data as you would store it in a database is NOT visually user friendly. This is where that crosstab functionality would do the trick. I was dynamically pivoting the table in Oracle and displaying it in a Retool table which visually works but you can't edit it because the columns are dynamic. You can't programmatically set the column as editable in Retool so it's display only. I dunno, every way I spin this I run into some roadblock and the majority of them are in Retool... #frustrating. ff782bc1db

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