I'm hoping someone that can read Pingplotter can make more sense of this than I can. My jitter and latency are crazy high and for the last year I've been having off and on issue doing things like streaming. Im hoping maybe someone a bit more knowledgable about PP can tell me if this is JUST on cox or if it's my modem/router

These are my Ping plotter graphs. Very little difference on mine...? Dunno what that weird drop was about right in the middle of top graph ? Clicking the red triangle below it states BBC changed IP address ...?

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Generally just typing in the model of your modem with 'Puma 6' after it will tell you if your modem has a Puma 6 chipset, since there's always people talking about it. I looked into the Fritzbox 7580 and I don't think it has a Puma 6. You'd be able to tell due to the amount of complaints in their technical support forums

Both tests were done with 1GB internet speeds from Comcast. Hardwired speedtest yields roughly 600 mb/s download and 41 upload HARDWIRED and 380-400 mb/s download and 41 upload on 5GHZ WiFi. Devices used: Netgear CM 1000 modem and Nighthawk XR500 router. Only 1 device was connected running this ping plotter test and no other devices or applications were using the internet connection during these tests.

I use Pingplotter to diagnose network issues, you can see every hop to the server to see where issues are. I don't trust the built in Bio one because it's not accurate. I always use Netstat to get the right ip because the ip changes every time you relog into the game.

So I start running Pingplotter and notice that the EA/Bio servers now seem to have this "heart beat" type lag spikes. Always 19-20ms jumps, nearly 3 seconds apart like a heart beat. Sure, sometimes it's a little irregular, but looking at my graph over 15 min period, it's like looking at a cardio graph.

Once again I'm running ping plotter in the background to see what is really happening. Most of those in-game lag readings are so wrong. Sometimes it says it's 80ms higher, other times stable. None of these correspond correctly to ping plotter and the amount can be out by 50%.

If people want to check if it's their system or network, download ping plotter. It's easy to use and there is a free version. I use the professional, which costs a bit, but I need it in my work for the more advanced features. You guys won't need those to diagnose the issue. But there is a free trial of it for 30 days.

Last time it took multiple threads of 50+ pages before they acknowledged there was an issue on their end. I think if we can all provide some data via a program like ping plotter, that they may get onto it faster this time.

I was wondering what is the best server to ping to find an issue between my computer and Arenanet's server?I have been pinging www.guildwars2.com & www.arena.net as you can't ping IP address's in the target line.

If we weren't able to identify connection issues with your pathping or traceroute results, we may ask you to run a Pingplotter test. Because this test requires the use of a free 3rd-party program, we will only ask for it during special cases. Follow the steps below to perform this test.

If packets are actually being "dropped", I would expect the reports for every node after the Orbi to also report packet loss. Perhaps my understanding of how "ping plotters" function is incorrect. PingPlotter provides a really slick description of the product here:

Something is going wrong with ICMP to hop 1, but not to any other hop. If the Orbi is "dropping packets", then it should drop packets that are going everywhere, not just drop packets intended for the Orbi router.

PS: The new router has come with 2.3.30 or something firmware and my devices keep hopping and was not stable at all. I was frusturated and updated to the latest firmware. BTW unlike my first unit, it was not detecting the new firmware and I had to update it manually.


I'm looking for a package that can monitor and log my Internet connection by using ICMP-ping and maybe traceroute. It can log to my external syslog-server. Or even SNMP-ping. Would be great if it included RRD graphs over time. Any tips?

Thanks for your reply. I wan't to be able to see if my internet connection is dodgy, so all lost pings should be reported.

Didn't know about collectd-mod-ping. I installed it now.

I have installed all packages that are needed, but it does not show up under Services menu in web GUI for some reason. Do I need to manually add it to the web GUI?

Is it just looking for packet tcp/ip packet ack/nack messages, and analysing the IP stability at a lower level of protocol analysis? Typing out my question I might be answering my own question, but I really don't understand any detail so it's nice to validate or be corrected.

Does anyone know if something like this is available for OS X? I use it to ping my router and my DNS name server so that I always have a graphical indicator on my connection quality, and if there are problems I know if the source is inside or outside my router.

For about 2 years now playing any online games has been a pain because of lousy round trip times, high ping jitter and inconsistency. I've reached out to Rogers multiple times, have had many technicians over and yet they don't solve the issue. Traceroute shows its the ISP's fault and not my hardware. (yes i run ethernet, yes ive tried restarting my modem. ive even tried 3rd party routers in bridgemode to see if it was due to bufferbloat) Can someone please help me before I make the switch to Bell.

I can understand how frustrating it is dealing with latency issues. Regrettably, we would not be able to use examples from ping plotter. Please follow the specific steps outlined here and provide us with a Ping Test and Traceroute.

never used pingplotter previously but as I said previously I'm getting packet loss and Hop 3 bt server fluctuates when the end sever also changes - seems to me this is the issue is hop3 anyways I could be wrong as I said never used ping plotter before (Looking for advice on how to get his fixed)

From what I can see the issue is not so much packet loss but packet latency spiking during routing causing jittering and while the game servers you are playing receive the packets they are considered "lost" as they took more time than expected to arrive based on your "normal" ping.

Aussie broadband wants to put a ping plotter on our internet except the router Im using (DLINK 3900) doesnt have ICMP, which is what AussieBB is asking for. I cannot find it and it isnt anywhere in the manual.

need help because AussieBB wont accept anything else to help me plot my ping

thank you for this, ill install ping plotter for myself however they need to install it on our net themselves, they need to apply one themselves and ive been told no software is viable for them to accept other than what they apply. i was wondering if there might have been a way to enable icmp on DSL 3900 or not

We want to focus on the bottom graph rather than the top half of the program. The results you get here will be your base ping. That is the ping you have before you do anything on the internet. In Fig2 below, the base ping is around 16-17ms. If when doing this test it is not as stable as Fig2 then this could indicate an issue with your ISP & we would recommend contacting them with the proof you've gathered from these tests. Equally, if thick red vertical lines are appearing this represents packet loss on your line. So again, contact your Internet Provider with this data if this is happening.

If you have performed this test and you are still experiencing ping spikes during congestion (but pre-congestion everything is fine), then your settings may be incorrect. PLease contact our support team at forum.netduma.com for assistance.

I started to use it working for mainframe manufacturer when maintaining global intranet, started to use ping plotter to monitor the accessibility of the intranet nodes and their response time.

Now, I use it to monitor my ISP performance.

Hi, I just built a new PC and I have 0 clue why i'm randomly lagging, my down speed should be at 8MB/s and my MS should be a consistent 10ms when pinging google.com and now I average about 300kb/s down, about 3 to 10% packet loss and around 10 to 120 MS when pinging google.com.

The awk output is sent to a second invocation of awk which defaults to a space as a separator and is instructed to print the first field, { print $1 } , which will be either 0 for ping failed or 1,2, or 3 for ping succeeded.

Note 5: The $ in front of the parentheses around the ping, grep, and awk commands converts the value produced by the ping-grep-awk-awk commands into a value that can be stored in the variable response.

So, we recommend using PingPlotter to find out if you are having connectivity issues. PingPlotter can help you to pinpoint where the problems are in an intuitive graphical way, and then continue monitoring your connection long-term to further identify issues. Besides, PingPlotter is a tool for network troubleshooting and diagnosis. It uses a combination of traceroute, ping, and WHOIS to collect data rapidly, and it allows you to continue collecting data over time.

This article will show you how to how to run a ping test and traceroute using PingPlotter 5 Free, a third-party application available on Windows, macOS and iOS. If you have an Android OS device, you'll need to run this test using a desktop computer with Windows or macOS.

 Note: These simple tests do not require Standard or Professional subscriptions; using the Free version will suffice. e24fc04721

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