In many cases, you will need to change the permissions that a certain group or individual user has to a file or folder. For example, you can designate a special folder on the W: drive within your department's area called "Incoming" as a place where students can turn in their work. To do this, you would first need to create a new folder on the W: drive. By default, the new folder will have the same permissions as the parent folder, which would not allow students to submit their work, and may not allow students to even access the folder. You would then need to allow students access to the new folder, and set permissions for the folder. When you set permissions, you are specifying what level of access students have to the folder and its files and what students can do within that folder such as save, delete, or read files.

NOTE: The majority of these instructions refer to Computer in the Start Menu.

For folders you can also set your own unique permissions or create a variation on any of the standard permission levels. Within each of the permission levels are many possible variations. For information on some of these advanced options, refer to Advanced Folder Level Permissions below.

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Once you have granted a group or individual user access to a folder, you will need to set permissions for the new user(s). When you set permissions, you are specifying what level of access a user(s) has to the folder and the files within it. Be careful about checking Deny for any permissions, as the Deny permission overrides any other related to Allow permissions.

Folder permissions can be changed only by the owner of the folder (i.e., the creator) or by someone who has been granted permission by the owner. If you are not the owner of the folder or have not been granted permission by the owner, all checkboxes will be gray. Therefore, you will not be able to make any changes until the owner grants you permission.

When you set permissions, you specify what users are allowed to do within that folder, such as save and delete files or create a new folder. You are not limited to choosing one of the standard permissions settings (Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, or Write). Instead of choosing one of these settings, you may set your own unique permissions based on what you would like users to be able to do. For an understanding of how options can be combined, refer to Permission Types: An Overview.

Remember, folder permissions can only be changed by the owner of the folder (i.e., the creator) or by someone who has been granted permission by the owner. If you are not the owner of the folder or have not been granted permission by the owner, the checkboxes will be grayed out. Therefore, you will not be able to make any changes until the owner grants you permission.

Computers that are running a supported version of Windows can control the use of system and network resources through the interrelated mechanisms of authentication and authorization. After a user is authenticated, the Windows operating system uses built-in authorization and access control technologies to implement the second phase of protecting resources: determining if an authenticated user has the correct permissions to access a resource.

Shared resources are available to users and groups other than the resource's owner, and they need to be protected from unauthorized use. In the access control model, users and groups (also referred to as security principals) are represented by unique security identifiers (SIDs). They're assigned rights and permissions that inform the operating system what each user and group can do. Each resource has an owner who grants permissions to security principals. During the access control check, these permissions are examined to determine which security principals can access the resource and how they can access it.

Security principals perform actions (which include Read, Write, Modify, or Full control) on objects. Objects include files, folders, printers, registry keys, and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) objects. Shared resources use access control lists (ACLs) to assign permissions. This enables resource managers to enforce access control in the following ways:

Object owners generally grant permissions to security groups rather than to individual users. Users and computers that are added to existing groups assume the permissions of that group. If an object (such as a folder) can hold other objects (such as subfolders and files), it's called a container. In a hierarchy of objects, the relationship between a container and its content is expressed by referring to the container as the parent. An object in the container is referred to as the child, and the child inherits the access control settings of the parent. Object owners often define permissions for container objects, rather than individual child objects, to ease access control management.

Permissions define the type of access that is granted to a user or group for an object or object property. For example, the Finance group can be granted Read and Write permissions for a file named Payroll.dat.

By using the access control user interface, you can set NTFS permissions for objects such as files, Active Directory objects, registry objects, or system objects such as processes. Permissions can be granted to any user, group, or computer. It's a good practice to assign permissions to groups because it improves system performance when verifying access to an object.

The permissions attached to an object depend on the type of object. For example, the permissions that can be attached to a file are different from those that can be attached to a registry key. Some permissions, however, are common to most types of objects. These common permissions are:

When you set permissions, you specify the level of access for groups and users. For example, you can let one user read the contents of a file, let another user make changes to the file, and prevent all other users from accessing the file. You can set similar permissions on printers so that certain users can configure the printer and other users can only print.

When you need to change the permissions on a file, you can run Windows Explorer, right-click the file name, and select Properties. On the Security tab, you can change permissions on the file. For more information, see Managing Permissions.

Another kind of permissions, called share permissions, is set on the Sharing tab of a folder's Properties page or by using the Shared Folder Wizard. For more information, see Share and NTFS Permissions on a File Server.

An owner is assigned to an object when that object is created. By default, the owner is the creator of the object. No matter what permissions are set on an object, the owner of the object can always change the permissions. For more information, see Manage Object Ownership.

Inheritance allows administrators to easily assign and manage permissions. This feature automatically causes objects within a container to inherit all the inheritable permissions of that container. For example, the files within a folder inherit the permissions of the folder. Only permissions marked to be inherited are inherited.

User rights are different from permissions because user rights apply to user accounts, and permissions are associated with objects. Although user rights can apply to individual user accounts, user rights are best administered on a group account basis. There's no support in the access control user interface to grant user rights. However, user rights assignment can be administered through Local Security Settings.

The most important thing to remember about NTFS permissions and share permissions is the manner in which they combine to regulate access.

The rules for determining a user's level of access to a particular file are as follows:

Both sets of permissions can be assigned in the properties window of a file or folder. NTFS permissions are assigned in the Security tab of the properties window, while share permissions are assigned in the Sharing tab by clicking Advanced Sharing, then clicking Permissions.

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In v3 the service runs as Local Service, which has little permissions by default (intentional), either give it permissions, change the user it runs as or change how Sonarr is running. If M:\ is a network share, see the FAQ.

If I choose right-click > Security, all lists of permissions are empty and it says the owner could not be evaluated. If I try to add a permission, e.g. of System, or try to change the owner, the settings are not stored.

I think another solution is to mess with permissions on the various folders. I suppose this could probably be automated as part of an installation routine, but I was hoping there was a more direct solution.

This sounds like it would work... for built applications. I failed to mention that in one of my cases, we are building an .exe. In another, we are using LabVIEW as source. Another issue with this is that it does not allow you to unlock the predefined destinations. So a sub-folder of the \Program Files\... might work, but probably not the main installation folder itself. I don't think that should be an issue in my case. Also, the fact that the installer can do this gives a clue about how to solve it for the source code as well. May have to do it manually, but it should be possible just to tweak the folder permissions.

Hi, I wanted to follow up on this as I'm having the same issue now. Went from running LV8.6 on XP, to LV2018 on W10. I've tried messing with the permissions for the C drive but nothing seems to work. I can't create or write to a file that is located at the root C:. What did you end up using as a solution David? 006ab0faaa

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