Don't invite them to a shared folder. By doing that, they need a Dropbox account and enough space within their own account to hold the shared folder. Instead, send them a shared link to the folder, which will allow downloads without needing a Dropbox account.

This is no longer true. You must have a Dropbox account in order to download from a shared link. You can use the "send a copy" feature to send data to someone, but this is limited to 2GB. This is really stupid limitation that Dropbox has implemented to make people become subscribers.

Download Pdf That Cannot Be Downloaded

Download File 🔥 🔥

In Dropbox's case, a shared link that provides view-only access can be downloaded as the linked video above shows. The exception to this is if the file's owner has a Professional or Business account has disabled downloads for a particular link (a feature of those account types).

I've uploaded a bunch of JPG images onto dropbox. I can open them there no problem but when I want to download them onto my desktop it zips them into a pdf file that then cannot be opened by Photoshop. This is not a matter of size. If I downlaod just a single image, it works just fine, doesn't zip and I can open on my desktopn in the original jpg format. Anything 2 images plus, zips up and cannot be opened. Error message in photoshop says that it cannot be opened because it is not the right kind of file?!?

From what I understand you are multi-selecting these photos and downloading them from the website. The expected behavior here is exactly what you described - this process batches the files together under the same zip file when downloaded. The only thing you need to do is find a 3rd party app (you can find one easily by doing a simple google search) that is able to un-zip them and you'd be ready to go.

Glad to hear this helped clear things up and note that I'm always here for you - should you have any more questions, feel free to post them to our Forum and I, or a colleague of mine, will make sure to address every concern you might have in the best possible way.

After that I thought, is something wrong in layer1 (related table). So I exported the feature layer as FGDB and reuploaded it to AGOL and created a TEST Map. Now this worked perfectly fine when I tried to download the offline area.

A few other tests have confirmed this. It is the field length that causes the issue. 

There is no limit (max 31 characters) in AGOL when you create a new field but when you try and download an offline area/replica then possibly that limit kicks in and the process fails.

I just thought it was unexpected behaviour that ArcGIS Online allowed you to do this. 

We have bypassed the issue by reducing length of the field names. 

Just thought, I'd leave this here just in case anyone else finds this useful.

Ill also add here that this problem will occur when your hosted feature service schema contains attribute field names that are reserved Sqlite words. For example, a hosted feature service can have a field named "group". If you try and download this feature service in an offline area you will get the above error as "group" is a reserved sqlite word. See _keywords.html for all words that you should never use in AGOL as field names.

When we click on any file/picture, the file is opened (in the same window) rather than being downloaded as usual. This is happening across all of our users so it is not a browser cache/cookies issue. Playing with the download/save as location within the browser (Chrome in this case) does not make any difference for Asana files (it does for the rest of the web applications).

Anybody else having this issue?

Lastly if still the same downloading attachment problem with Windows 11, check for any Windows updates and do any if available. You should also be running at least build 21H2 with all the patches up to date. Failing that you might have some sort of Windows registry problem and may need a new user profile setup or a complete reinstall of Windows 11 from scratch. Good luck .

I am using Puppeteer along a proxy service, and after getting unexplainable high bandwidth usage I used a local proxy server to monitor the requests that were generating this bandwidth. I discovered that almost 90% of the traffic was used to request some crx files/updates.

My project requires me to open a a few thousand browsers every hour, in order to keep each task with it's own cookies and proxy. Every Chromium browser I open will eventually download ~10-15MB of files, using the proxy that is passed as arg to puppeteer.launch.

I started a local proxy server and gave it to puppeteer via launch args to use, in order to monitor the requests made through it by Chrome. This is how I found out about this downloads. I blocked the first domain that Chromium was using to download these crx files, but Chromium started to download them from another domain, and so on. Some of this domains and URLs are:

After a lot of time trying to find what is this extension that chrome always has to download, I found out about Chromium Components, that can be inspected using chrome://components. Looks like these are also shipped as crx files.

In my particular case Chrome was downloading "pnacl". The only way I was able to find this is by recognising the version number from the first link that I posted in my question ( Using chrome://components in a browser instance launched by puppeteer with the headless option to false, I found that pnacl had the exact same version.

I was able to prevent Chrome from downloading this component using the flag --disable-component-update. This flag is used by default by some webdrivers but not by the one that puppeteer (v5.5.0 or v8.0.0) downloads.

Hi. Our team is having the same problem on Mac (MM version 5.3.1). Every single time Mattermost is closed and restarted, he needs to go again into preference and set again the download folder to prevent this error to happen.

It looks like Mattermost application get the permission to write in this folder when selected through the UI, but that this permission is not retained between sessions.

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug topic. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

Hi there, for some reason, I cannot download my (deployed) project form in xls format (not the data, I want the questionnaire ). When I click download xls nothing happens. No error message, no download, no reaction, nothing. I tried 3 different browsers, no change.

Thanks for advice,


Welcome to the community, @Darya! Maybe you could clone your project and then download the XLSForm. If that too does not work, you could clone the previous version of the project and then download your XLSForm. That should solve your issue.

As I recall, Eufy App is very basic feature.

You cannot download the continuous since I owned it day one.

Eufy 2k is basically a 1080p camera.The Sd card are all 1080p video.

you only get 2k from clips where video uploaded to Eufy and reprocessed to by their software to get 2k file like the DVD players. Raw data is still 1080p.

I've tried installing ros into a virtual machine on several ubuntu packages for several ros permutations that ought to be compatible. I have also downloaded the ros virtual machines from nootrix ( ) - I have tried ros Indigo, Jade and Hydro from this site.

I'm sure there is something really basic that I am doing wrong but don't seem to be able to figure out what it is. Thus any debugging advice for the resolution of this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry, yeah I should have mentioned that I made sure all of the Ubuntu updates (for precise pangolin) are up to date. I've tried with the nootrix VM and a second VM that I have set up myself from scratch.

Today I downloaded a new version of R (4.0.0) because I thought it would help the packages that I am using run better. However, with me being a super noob apparently, I did not make sure that all my packages would be transferred to this new version of R. Now, when I am trying to download packages (like tidyverse), I get all sorts of errors and the package is not downloaded. Does anyone know what to do? I get a whole list of these errors you can see below:

image1099877 159 KB

Yes that is probably better. I just wanted to make sure that I could install the package that I need (Platypus). But I am also having some trouble with that now. I just need to figure out if I can install the newer version of R without losing all those packages that I already installed now.

Yes, I got the new version now (4.3.1). However, I still cannot install the package that I need. I now that it should work for this version, because my colleague is also using it. I am getting this error:

Yes ofcourse, I am not exactly sure what solved it in the end though. My guess is that the packages were only saved in the system library, and if there comes a lock on it somewhere you can not alter that then. I found somewhere that you can prevent the locks by adding this: BiocManager::install("jsonlite", force = TRUE, INSTALL_opts = '--no-lock'). But I already had the lock on there so that did not really help for me. So what I did is make sure that the packages were downloaded in the user library instead of the system library, by first making a directory and then doing this: .libPaths(c("C:/Users/asoph/OneDrive/Documenten/R/win-library/4.3.1")). And after that it seemed to work much better. And then for installing Platypus I downloaded the tar.gz file from the github and then using this command: install.packages("Platypus", lib = "C:/Users/asoph/OneDrive/Documenten/R/win-library/4.3.1", dependencies = TRUE), but honestly I am not sure if the lib parameter works because it seemed to also put it in the user library without that parameter. I hope this helps if anyone has the same struggle. I think that in most cases if you download the newer R version is makes this user library itself, because my colleague did not seem to have this problem. e24fc04721

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