The Postman response viewer helps you visualize and check the correctness of API responses. An API response consists of the response body, headers, cookies, and the HTTP status code. You can view details about the response, including test results, network information, response size, response time, and security warnings. You can also save responses as examples or files.

The Pretty view formats JSON or XML responses so they're easier to view. Links inside the Pretty view are highlighted, and selecting them can load a GET request in Postman with the link URL.

Download Pdf From Postman Response

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

Force JSON formatting. For Postman to automatically format the body, the response must have the appropriate Content-Type header. If you receive a response with a different Content-Type header, you can force formatting through JSON. Select the settings icon in the header and select Settings. Under Request, select JSON next to Language detection.

The Preview view renders the response in an iframe sandbox. Some web frameworks by default return HTML errors, and Preview can be helpful for debugging in those cases.

Due to iframe sandbox restrictions, JavaScript and images are turned off in the iframe. For binary response types, you can select the down arrow next to Send and select Send and Download to save the response locally. You can then view it using the appropriate viewer. This gives you the flexibility to test audio files, PDFs, zip files, or any other file types the API returns.

The Visualize view renders the data in the API response according to visualization code that you add to the Scripts > Post-response tab. For details on how to add, use, and debug visualization code, see Visualizing responses.

Headers are displayed as key-value pairs under the Headers tab. Hover over the information icon next to the header name to get a description of the header according to the HTTP specification.

Some API responses also contain custom messages that can help you understand response codes. For example, if you receive a 401 Unauthorized response, the message might tell you to check the token you used in the request. If custom messages are returned, they're displayed in the Body of the response.

Postman automatically calculates the time in milliseconds it took for the response to arrive from the server. This information can be useful for some preliminary performance testing. Hover over the response time for a graph with information on how long each event in the process took.

Postman applies security rules configured for your API requests when you send requests to any API using either the Postman web app or the Postman desktop app. A security warning indicates that there are potential security risks the API might be vulnerable to, but they don't mean the API is broken.

The only thing I can think of to achieve this, without using newman, is to save the request and response as environment variables, to which then you can export that environment and get the values out from there. Aside from that you can also send the response to a special / custom web server for recording purposes, using pm.sendRequest and putting the response in the request payload.

@allenheltondev thanks for the tip and @jannieo9

Sorry new to this, but once all the variables are stored in the variable, how can i export that? and any way to save that as a csv? (without newman).

Thank you Allen! I actually found another response you had posted where you modified for Pranavdavar and I was able to put that in without errors. Still figuring a lot of things out but slowly getting there thanks to the community support. Much appreciated!

Postman lets you write scripts that run before/after you receive a response from the server. You can do practically anything in these scripts. The pre-request and test scripts run inside a sandbox and Postman enable the Postman object to interact with the main Postman context.

This opens up a number of new possibilities. One of them is extracting values from the response and saving it inside an environment or a global variable. Environment and global variables let you keep track of everything that affects the APIs state. Some examples of common variables you would use with an API are session tokens and user IDs.

This works, but is a lot of work if you have more than a few variables. Test scripts dramatically simplify this flow. All you have to do is call postman.setEnvironmentVariable(key, value) or postman.setGlobalVariable(key, value) to set a variable with values you have extracted from the response. You can even add something dynamically generated through Javascript.

You can download the sample collection and import it inside Postman. Check out the docs for more Postman features. There are more tutorials planned in this series. Keep a tab on this blog as well as the Twitter account for more tips and tricks.

SoapUI has had this feature since the beginning with the Property Transfer object. Which is actually more direct than this, which requires shuttling values off to env/global variables for temporary storage, which can result in a big spaghetti of temporary variables in your environment.

Hi Orubel,

HOw to get Global variable from CSV and use in Json(TestEditor) using collection runner. Need help

My expected result is in CSV and I want to match with Actual result(variable of response body)


Is it possible to access a session cookie from the response in a collection runner? Login in and firing the request manually works fine. But running several requests in a collection will not recognize the returned session cookie.

That should be possible. The responseBody is available as a string and you might be able to convert it to hex using something like the function here: -need-functions-to-convert-a-string-containing-binary-to-hex-then-co

Is it possible to use the environment variable as the resource id in the URL itself? For example, is it possible to use the id (say uid=1234) of the resource that was created and returned from one request, and use it in the next request url, like this : localhost/api/v1/users/ (uid=1234)?

I am also getting the same issue. Hard coded token is working for me.

But if i define token , am getting error as below.

there was an error in evaluating the test script : token is not defined

I have an API URL which has the id which is dynamically obtained from the previous API URL executed and pass that response/result id to other API dynamically. So how could I achieve this by adding extracting the id from one API and pass the same as URL for another API

I want to get more than one data from response (no.1) in postman response body and use them to compare with data in another response (no.2). Is it possible to save them somewhere and compare them in second response.


I am trying to extract a column values from excel to an array in postman.

But I am unable to find the length of the column.

Is there a way I can do this without using Iteration?

Thank you,

I am facing a strange issue with postman chaining of requests I will explain my scenario below

1. I am chaining POST and PUT request in a folder

2. The response coming from POST request has a field which I am storing in environment variable and passing it as input parameter to 2nd PUT Request

3. While running this folder (POST+PUT) through runner I am passing test data to 2nd request through a csv file where as for the first request we have hard coded request body.


Getting incorrect response i.e., response populated for the 2nd request is same as response of 1st request.

Steps tried to resolve:

1. Verified the request body of 2nd Request- it is going correctly and my test data is getting picked from csv file

2. Checked and unchecked the cookies option in runner

3. Used Set Next request line in tests tab

4. Manually tested the scenario without using chaining and csv files and it is working fine

Anyone out there have done some updates to Postman environments. I'm looking into creating org with Postman, then pull the {id} from the response to update the {organizationId} in the environement and the run create network and pull {networkId} to update network settings.

Here is an example to iterate the organization list from getOrganizations request and set target org id to an environment variable. (of course, you need an environment and associate it with your requests)

I believe you are calling wrong SF API. First try to understand SF data model and APIs, try to call them directly from Postman or from SF Integration Center. Understand how they work and only then implement it in CPI. You need to get data from JobInfo but you will need to go through parent OData API most probably. Looks like you are getting Approvers List API and you getting what is requested through SF adapter but it's not in line with requirements. Check with SF consultant your exact requirements.

please clarify your setup. I am kind of puzzled. 

What d you mean by "The required data is actually coming as a payload in CPI. I want that response to appear in postman."

Are your sending from Postman and receiving in CPI?

A great way to learn an Application Programming Interface (API) is to issue requests and inspect the responses. You can use Okta Postman collections to learn how to incorporate Okta APIs into your workflow. To use these collections, complete the following steps:

You need a free Okta developer-edition org to get started. Don't have one? Create an org for free (opens new window). The developer-edition org is assigned a base URL such as This is your unique subdomain in Okta.

In the upper-right corner, click the box that lists the environments, and then select {yourOktaDomain} from the list. The initial value is No Environment if you just installed Postman. 152ee80cbc

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