The process to synchronize between your PdaNet enabled PDA and your Windows Mobile smart phone are simple; all you need is your PdaNet account number for syncing to work. If you have any other Bluetooth devices such as a USB memory stick, mouse, keyboard or any other items that can act as a connection device with your PdaNet device, all you need is the Bluetooth Dun driver installed on your windows smart phone. Bluetooth Dun is the latest technology designed especially for the PdaNet software and works very well in sync with your PdaNet smart phone.

To check if your PdaNet drivers are working properly, please download the latest version of PdaNet and run a diagnostics test. Just connect your PdaNet enabled smart phone to your computer using the Bluetooth or USB data cable and run the diagnostics test. You will receive a failure or an error code that identifies the issue; simply follow the instructions printed on the screen. Please note that this program is only compatible with windows versions before the operating system version 3.2, which is the current version of android and many other mobile devices including smart phones. If your smart phone runs on androids 3.2 or later, it should be automatically detected by PdaNet.

Download Pdanet For Windows 7


I'm using PdaNet on my cell phone for internet at the cabin. I connect the phone to a windows laptop and share that connection with the ethernet port which is connected to a router. Works great for everthing I use except Channels dvr. From what I have read it creates a LAN proxy which some apps don't like. My question is can that be fixed with any settings or am I out of luck? Thanks for any help.

I personally use pdanet for internet for rural internet because well the only things that reach out here are Satalight or fix broadband and LTE services for a phone. and if you don't know what pdanet is it a tethering software. Also, I see those videos that say do some sort of proxy thing in your browser it's fake can't get easytethter to work I don't see anything alts.

I was using a moto E6 with easytether pro connected to my gl.inet mango router (also with easytether installed) but it wasn't the most stable connection. I find pdanet a lot more stable than easytether but there isn't a way I know of directly linking the phone to the gl.inet router with pdanet. Was trying to bypass the laptop.

I still haven't Figured out the problem,but it seems that my upload is fine at most of the tests and the problems seems to be focused at RTMP that twitch, youtube and other streaming services/tests uses... is there any setting/registry change or something i can try to make those to not be throttled by windows 10?

I am not sure what is happening i tried and and my results are the right ones 100+ down and 35up both about the same with firefox. my problem is with twitch server tests, with all the servers of -test and also tried that is test youtube upload/download.... same bad results that cap aroun 4-5mbps.... so my windows 10 is specifically cap my connection on streaming services... while with the same connection i have perfect streaming upload with different my mobile....

I have 2 PC with Windows 10 that on all speed tests Getting 30-40 up speed. 

at twitch (and others) speed tests Im getting an average of 4-5 upload. 

I tested the TCPOptimizer play with some options. 

when I was trying to mess a bit with congestion provider to none (i tried also ctcp,dctp,newReno)with tcpoptimizer When I restarted my streaming tests was fixed up to 20-30 which is normal for the servers i was testing it.worked well till I restarted the pc... I was checking the TPC optimizer and the congestion provider was reverted back to CUBIC ( I guess that is the default now,but also the none=default..?)I tried to changed it again to none and after restart it worked again and I was able to test the uploading to 20-30 and stream without issues at my desired upload speed that is 6-10 .... 

A few days ago windows had an update and now anything I'm doing doesn't make my upload good for I have a limiter inside windows that limit my upload for streaming services to 4-5.with the same router I connected to my pc via wifi same issue.I was thinking that my ISP maybe had something to do with it then i tried to connect with the same router and wifi connection (same ISP) with my mobile phone and at the same tests i got constant 30+ uploading speeds. I connected my PC with my mobile plan that is more than 50up and while phone could go up to that number pc insisted to cap at 4 to 5 upload. 

that lead me to believe that is something wrong with windows 10 and congestion provider. The problem was there before the update but it was not constant. and trying 2-3 tricks it saddently worked. now with that update... its game over. Anything else we can try? is there any other congestion provider i can change to it...that might help? the TCPOptimizer has ctcp,default,none,dctcp,NewReno and Cubic... are there more? or we are doomed with that windows "bug" ? 

Im streamer and that hurt me very badly.. also frustrated cause i pay so much more for that isp plan to be able to have upload 200+download and up to 50+upload just for streaming and now windows think that my service is congested and cap it unreasonably at 1/10 of my upload speed. 

at dslReports site im getting A and A+ at everything. speedtest same. at longer uploading testings im getting constant uploading speed and also i dont have bloat and lost packets. Please Please Help Im so desperate........................ ff782bc1db

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