I'd also like to add a note regarding Disney's superb customer service. As I mentioned above, RZ-9 had an issue after well over an hour of playing with it across 3 days. One of the drive wheels stopped working, which I figured was an issue with the connection between the leg and body. If the issue didn't pop up when we were right across from Droid Depot, I probably would have told Zach that we would fix it at home when I had a screwdriver to tighten the connection between the leg and body. Luckily, our proximity to the Droid Depot potentially saved RZ-9, and the CM quickly took the droid to the back, and came back out after @5 minutes with the pricey toy repaired. The CM told me that the issue was with the electronics inside the body, and not actually the connection at the leg joint, so it's unlikely something I would have been able to fix at home.

It's good to know that Disney is standing behind these expensive souvenirs with excellent customer service, though it's concerning that I've experienced issues with both a droid and lightsaber after relatively limited use (both problems likely due to electronics - I took the malfunctioning hilt all the way apart after receiving the replacement and can't figure out what's causing the problem). If you're worried about breaking these expensive souvenirs, it's good to know that Disney is there to help fix them (to be fair Universal provides free repairs for broken wands if they're unable to activate the interactive elements in the WWoHP).

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What i understand from the question is that you must exchange battery levels between droids. For example: droid1 has 70% battery, droid2 has 20% battery. Magic method appears and then droid1 has 20% battery and droid2 has 70% battery.

PS the only activity from my side I could think of is that I uninstalled some stock apps (bloat) on my phone (using Android tools). It was like thememanager, wallpaper apps etc. Is there any specific app that it uses to show those icons? But then I think the other apps like playst0re are working fine. Please help.

Now in my head it seems a but broken if he can just turn them on do a quick computers check and then own that droid, any suggestions on having a process to gaining the droid as an assest or am I just being unfair

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The earliest origins of droids were lost to history, and, by the time of the New Republic, it was unknown exactly when the first droid was created,[3] though some historians, only taking into account the more advanced worlds, placed the origin of the first droids to approximately 30,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.[4] Nevertheless, for millennia, droids served in galactic society alongside organic beings.[5] According to the B1-series battle droid R0-GR, the bond between organic and mechanical lifeforms were tenuous with the former fearing that droids would rise up against their masters. Though several droid revolts took place, Roger claimed that an "unspoken understanding" between human and droid cultures kept everyone working on the same team throughout the ages.[3]

Droids existed as far back as the earliest days of the Jedi Order,[6] which was founded over 25,000 years before the Clone Wars.[7] One such ancient droid, Professor Huyang, served the Jedi for several millennia.[6] As a result of this ancient coexistence with living beings, the galaxy often had an uneven relationship between organics and mechanicals. Records of uprisings and clashes between droids and their organic overlords became increasingly common as droids slowly became more important in galactic society.[5] During the High Republic Era, the Nihil welcomed droids into their ranks.[8] They also designed blaredroids and scav droids as weapons.[9]

During the pan-galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems used a variety of battle droids in its fight against the Galactic Republic. This mass use of droids in combat cemented the idea of the "droid as an existential threat to biological life" narrative in the minds of the Republic.[5] Droids were not utilized by the Chiss Ascendancy by the time of the Clone Wars.[10]

Ultimately, the Republic won the war and was replaced by an authoritarian Galactic Empire. Under the new regime, many people in the galaxy were afraid or otherwise distrustful of droids, due to their bad memories of the conflict.[11] The Galactic Empire fostered anti-droid sentiment, treating droids as property. Many sentients continued the Clone Wars policies of wiping droids' memories, fitting them with restraining bolts, and curtailing their movements. Several establishments also excluded droids.[3] After the Clone Wars, the Imperial Senate passed a law prohibiting programming that would allow for the harming of organics in the droids used by the Empire. However, this law was bypassed by Arakyd Industries in conjunction with the Imperial Military by marketing their KX-series droids as "security droids".[12]

The illegal sport of droid-fighting was practiced on Nal Hutta[13] and in the Lodge, where Clone Wars-survivor Ralakili ran the fighting pits due to his hate of droids.[14] The Rebel Alliance, which opposed the Empire, treated droids not as property but as sentient beings.[15] Several droids were encouraged by the Rebellion and carried out acts of resistance such as bypassing repressive programming, deactivating restraining bolts, and demanding freedom. The Rebellion's acceptance of droids as equals was continued by the New Republic and Resistance.[3]

Droids were mechanical constructs designed to assist organic lifeforms in various tasks. Depending on the nature of the work they performed, they possessed various degrees of artificial intelligence.[17] Most droids had hard-coded restrictions against harming organics. Notable exceptions included security droids[18] and assassin droids.[11]

Droids came in all sizes and shapes, and many of them resembled humanoid organics, possessing an upright posture, two arms, two legs, hands, feet, one thorax, a neck, and a head.[19] The B1 battle droids were designed to resemble their insectoid Geonosian creators.[20] Likewise, the Colicoids designed the three-legged droidekas in their image.[21] Some droids, like the LOM-series unit, were made to resemble the organics they served.[17]

Contrary to organics, who were born and healed slowly,[22] droids were easily built en masse, were less fragile, and could be repaired easily.[23] They also did not have to learn skills (such as calculation abilities), as they were directly programmed with them. Most droids possessed a form of self-awareness, with advanced models even having emotions such as fear for their existence.[22] Droids did not need to breathe,[24] eat[25] or drink.[26] They were capable of surviving in a vacuum and underwater, and were immune to cosmic radiation,[27] all poisons, toxins[28] and diseases.[27] They did not need to sleep, although they could be deactivated as a form of sleep and had occasional maintenance cycles.[29] They also could not die, though they could be destroyed and repaired.[30]

Because they were not technically alive, droids could not access the Force,[23] an energy field that connected all living things in the galaxy.[31] The reprogrammed protocol unit Triple-Zero, however, theorized that the Force might flow through a droid equipped with a special engine driven by human blood.[23] Additionally, not being alive, droids could not be sensed in the Force, though a skilled Jedi might sense their presence through the empty spots they left in the Force.[32]

Unlike mere machines or primitive computers, droids were capable of developing unique personalities by gathering experiences. They could form friendships, and experience emotions such as happiness, pain, and sadness.[34] To avoid that, most droid owners performed regular memory wipes on their properties.[19] However, memory wipes were not always perfect, occasionally leaving droids with vague recollections.[35][36]

The neural core was considered the soul of a droid.[39] Droids were considered not to be very tasty by the nightwatcher worms, a non-sentient predatory species native to the planet Jakku. As a result, the BB-series astromech droid BB-8 was not eaten by a nightwatcher worm following his escape from the First Order's attack on Tuanul.[40]

Droids could be entrusted with a multitude of tasks, ranging from running elementary diagnostics to performing complicated medical procedures, or sending communications to flying starships.[17] Depending on their technology, skills, and purpose, droids were grouped into five "classes,"[41][42] also called "degrees."[5]

The first class was made up of droids skilled in mathematical, physical, and medical sciences. Examples included the JN-66 analysis droid, the 2-1B-series medical droid,[42] the midwife droid,[42] the DD-13 tripedal medical droid, and the GH-7 series medical assistance droid.[41]

Third class droids were skilled in social sciences and service functions. Examples included the CZ secretary droid, the LEP-series service droid, the FA-5 valet droid, and the BD-3000 luxury droid.[41]

Fifth class droids were programmed for manual labor and intensive jobs that did not require a high level of intelligence. Examples included the GNK-series power droid,[42] the MSE-6 series repair droid,[42] the IW-37 pincer loader droid, the R-H029 sifter droid, the PK-series worker droid, and the UX-53 Autopolisher MK.II Droid.[41]

The word droid is derived from android, which means "man-like."[source?] The word droid was stylized as 'droid in the novelization of Star Wars: A New Hope and other early Star Wars Legends material. e24fc04721

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